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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 729 : 20.07.2023

Chess games 9400
Chess tournaments 62

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Yamoussoukro CIV, 9th Francophonie Ch

Rank SNo.     Name                                        Rtg FED Type Pts Res. BH. BH. RtgØ 
   1    1 IM  Rodrigue-Lemieux Shawn                     2495 CAN U20  7½   1   44½ 52½ 2130 
   2    3 GM  Sambuev Bator                              2457 CAN      7½   0   45  54  2136 
   3    4 IM  Chiku-Ratte Olivier-Kenta                  2318 CAN      6½   0   46  56  2154 
   4    6 CM  Filali Razzouki Marouane                   2214 MAR      6½   0   42½ 52  2065 
   5    5 IM  Damia Angelo                               2240 ITA      6½   0   42  51½ 2022 
   6    8 FM  Traore Bakary                              2169 MLI      6½   0   40  46½ 1888 
   7   11     Maltezeanu Stefan                          2099 LUX      6½   0   38½ 45  1771 
   8    2 IM  Travadon Loic                              2463 FRA       6   0   46½ 55  2131 
   9    7 WGM Ouellet Maili-Jade                         2201 CAN       6   0   43½ 53  2024 
  10   15 CM  Manan Yoboue Hermann                       2006 CIV       6   0   41½ 48  1837 
  11   13 FM  De Gondo Simplice Armel                    2035 CIV       6   0   39½ 46½ 1867 
  12   12     Cogan Nicolas                              2059 CIV       6   0   38½ 45  1837 
  13   26     Fomevor Cephas Clinton                     1773 GHA       6   0   38  45  1687 
  14    9 IM  Levacic Damir                              2140 MNC S50   6   0   37½ 43½ 1767 
  15   10 FM  Mohamed Abderrahim Taleb Mohamed           2126 MTN U16  5½   0   41½ 49  1898 
  16   18     Nean Franck Anderson                       1890 CIV      5½   0   41½ 49  1886 
  17   35     Nomenjanahary Fanilo                       1590 MAD U18  5½   0   38½ 46  1853 
  18   19     Ameku Philip Elikem                        1868 GHA      5½   0   38  44  1518 
  19   14     Nait Elasri Brahim                         2030 MAR U16  5½   0   36½ 42  1754 
  20   21 CM  Mambe Lobognon Anderson Olivier            1855 CIV S50  5½   0   36  41½ 1455 
  21   30     Amako Marc Arnold                          1720 CIV      5½   0   33½ 41½ 1613 
  22   37     Tanoe Yao Aubin Maximilien                 1563 CIV       5   0   41  49½ 1869 
  23   27     Kouya Tyeoulou Bernadin Franklin           1770 CIV S50   5   0   37  43  1592 
  24   36     Kouassi Raoul Golly                        1575 CIV S50   5   0   35½ 39½ 1516 
  25   24     Ble Kouko Hubert                           1819 CIV S50   5   0   35  41  1450 
  26   38     Ayemou Mazan Emmanuela Esther              1528 CIV U16   5   0   34  39  1392 
  27   56     Mohammed Amine Essaheb                        0 MAR       5   0   31½ 38  1652 
  28   52     Ilunga Belebele Gento                         0 COD S50   5   0   29  34  1321 
  29   16     Abdellahi Khaled Abdellahi                 1937 MTN U16  4½   0   41  49  1849 
  30   17     Slami Zoheir                               1920 MAR S50  4½   0   38  45½ 1555 
  31   51     Hapali Axel Moaye Ponou Angoula               0 CIV      4½   0   38  45  1707 
  32   22     Koch Alain                                 1847 FRA S50  4½   0   38  44½ 1645 
  33   20     Guipi Bopala Prince Eric Jr                1861 CAN U16  4½   0   37½ 44  1711 
  34   23     Lameti Mohamed                             1835 MAR S65  4½   0   33½ 39  1309 
  35   46     Adje Tanoh Arsene                             0 CIV      4½   0   33  40  1722 
  36   63     Sam Ezan Sam Palm Olivier                     0 CIV      4½   0   25  29½ 1384 
  37   31     Kouman Didier                              1650 CIV S50   4   0   37  43½ 1463 
  38   29     Tchuenbou Michael                          1736 CMR S50   4   0   36½ 43½ 1505 
  39   47     Alfene Ambdullah                              0 COM U18   4   0   31½ 38  1619 
  40   61     Ouaga Adje Yohan Sagui Philippe               0 CIV U12   4   0   31  35½ 1474 
  41   33     Koita Idrissa                              1611 BUR S50   4   0   30  35½ 1186 
  42   62     Ouaga Madou Marc Heli Fortunat                0 CIV U18   4   0   30  34½ 1259 
  43   53     Kolie Odilon                                  0 CIV       4   0   29½ 35  1337 
  44   65     Yao Hamed Stephane                            0 CIV U14   4   0   29½ 33  1168 
  45   50     Fouda Tocko Paul Aristide                     0 CMR       4   0   27  31  1312 
  46   60     Okkeli Salima                                 0 MAR       4   0   26½ 31½ 1470 
  47   58     Ngoran Yao Fabrice                            0 CIV       4   0   24  28½ 1360 
  48   32     Aikins Dwamena Akenten                     1635 GHA      3½   0   35½ 41  1366 
  49   34     Le Corre Stephane                          1602 FRA S50  3½   0   35½ 40½ 1322 
  50   66     Younoussa Ibrahim                             0 COM      3½   0   32½ 39½ 1360 
  51   57     Nganza Jean Jacques                           0 CIV S65  3½   0   27½ 31½ 1467 
  52   43     Randriatsiferana Dimbiharentsoa Christiana 1229 MAD U16   3   0   33½ 40½ 1388 
  53   25     Onuoha Wilson                              1777 GHA       3   0   33½ 40½ 1364 
  54   48     Amon Jean Joel                                0 CIV       3   0   31½ 38½ 1344 
  55   28     Konan Kouassi Augustin                     1757 CIV S50   3   0   31  35½ 1167 
  56   44     Ayemou Akissi Victoire Sinchie             1213 CIV U10   3   0   29½ 33  1312 
  57   45     Kouassi Edichy Berenice                    1154 CIV U16   3   0   28  32  1149 
  58   41     Mohamed Hemam                              1277 MTN U10   3   0   28  31  1202 
  59   40     Klein Djimmy                               1335 FRA       3   0   27½ 32  1262 
  60   59     Obrou Zue Marie Maximilien Emmanuel           0 CIV       3   0   25  28½ 1334 
  61   64     Yacouba Souley Moussa                         0 NIG       3   0   24½ 29  1276 
  62   39     Ahmed Cherif Khaled Abdellahi              1469 MTN U14  2½   0   28½ 34  1242 
  63   42     L`herbon De Lussats Jean                   1247 MNC S65  2½   0   27  30½ 1148 
  64   55     Kouassi Yao Samuel                            0 CIV U12   2   0   29½ 35  1488 
  65   49     Doue Guinahi Aurore Divine                    0 CIV U16   2   0   27  29½ 1287 
  66   54     Kone Clarice                                  0 MLI U20  1½   0   28  32½ 1217 


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