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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 770 : 10.09.2024

Chess games 7674
Chess tournaments 50

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Vladivostok RUS, Economic Forum 2024

Eastern Economic Forum 2024_Open Rapid

Organizer(s) : DV-Intellect
Tournament Director : Tuturin, Sergey 4135890
Chief Arbiter : IA Akhmetov, Artem 4129890
Deputy Chief Arbiter : IA Khristenko, Elena 34143391
Town : Vladivostok
Rating-Ø : 2324
Date : 2024/09/03 To 2024/09/04

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                     Rtg FED Type Pts BH  BH/C1 Res. WIN BL 
   1   17 GM  Zemlyanskii Ivan        2380 RUS U14   9  69   66½   0    7  5  
   2    1 GM  Artemiev Vladislav      2740 RUS       8  73   67    0    6  5  
   3    2 GM  Ma Qun                  2605 CHN       7  73½  68½   0    4  5  
   4    5 GM  Puranik Abhimanyu       2543 IND       7  71½  66    0    4  6  
   5    3 GM  Ponkratov Pavel         2581 RUS       7  68½  64½   0    4  5  
   6    8 GM  Drygalov Sergey         2492 RUS      6½  71   67    0    4  6  
   7    6 GM  Kokarev Dmitry          2527 RUS      6½  70½  66½   0    4  5  
   8   21 GM  Matinian Nikita         2314 FID      6½  69   64½   0    5  6  
   9   26 CM  Dau Khuong Duy          2199 VIE U14  6½  66   64    0    4  5  
  10   14 GM  Tsydypov Zhamsaran      2456 RUS      6½  63   59    0    4  5  
  11    9 GM  Moskalenko Alexander    2488 RUS       6  72½  66½   0    3  6  
  12    7 GM  Harutjunyan Gevorg      2501 ARM       6  66   61½   0    2  6  
  13   11 FM  Yanchenko Roman         2472 RUS       6  65   61½   0    5  6  
  14   13 IM  Khubukshanov Erdem      2460 RUS U18   6  65   61    0    4  6  
  15   10 IM  Tsaruk Maksim           2482 FID U20   6  65   61    0    3  6  
  16   12 GM  Zvjaginsev Vadim        2462 RUS       6  64   62    0    2  5  
  17   15 GM  Gholami Aryan           2403 IRI       6  63   59½   0    4  6  
  18   18 IM  Agmanov Zhandos         2380 KAZ       6  61½  59½   0    5  5  
  19   16 GM  Gunina Valentina      F 2397 FID      5½  58½  56½   0    4  5  
  20   25 FM  Emeliantsev Anatoliy    2216 RUS      5½  58   56    0    5  6  
  21    4 GM  Vescovi Giovanni        2549 BRA      5½  56½  53    0    5  5  
  22   22 IM  Tologon Tegin Semetei   2280 KGZ      5½  54   52    0    5  5  
  23   19 FM  Sutormin Danila         2376 RUS       5  58½  54½   0    4  5  
  24   30     Zhirkov Vladislav       2003 RUS U18   5  53½  51½   0    4  6  
  25   20 FM  Petukhov Dmitry         2321 RUS       5  47   45    0    5  5  
  26   24 FM  Spitsin Alexey          2232 RUS      4½  52½  50½   0    3  6  
  27   31     Batozhargalov Erdem     1977 RUS U14  4½  50   48    0    4  5  
  28   28     Postnikov Albert        2083 RUS U16  4½  47½  45½   0    3  6  
  29   23 GM  Khatanbaatar Bazar      2279 MGL S50   4  63½  60    0    4  6  
  30   27 IM  Kravtsov Sergey         2135 RUS       4  46½  44½   0    3  5  
  31   32     Nedelko Nikita          1946 RUS U20  3½  46   44    0    3  5  
  32   34     Ghaith Saeed Alnuaimi   1744 UAE U18  2½  49½  47½   0    2  5  
  33   33     Efremov Dmitry          1941 RUS       2  49½  47½   0    2  6  
  34   29 WFM Zatonskikh Mariya     F 2060 RUS       2  48   46    0    2  6 


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