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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 479 : 10.08.2016

Chess games 12546
Chess tournaments 77

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Villaguay ARG, Open 2016

Rank SNo. Name                       Rtg FED Club                 age Type Pts Res. Vict BL BH.  
   1    3 Lares Agustin Jose        2120 ARG B.P. Parana           28      6½   0    6   4  22½  
   2    2 Ayala Marcelo             2141 ARG Concordia             51 S50  5½   0    5   3  21½  
   3    4 Lopez Ortiz Juan          2090 ARG Parana                26      5½   0    4   3  22½  
   4   26 Garbarino Federico           0 ARG Crespo                27       5   0    5   4  17½  
   5    8 Petrich Pedro             1888 ARG Maria Grande          16 U16   5   0    4   4  22½  
   6    1 Landivar Matias           2142 ARG Concordia             32       5   0    4   4   21  
   7   13 Mengeon Jorge             1781 ARG Concordia             44       5   0    4   4  20½  
   8   14 Sobrero Jose Luis         1776 ARG B. Los Aromos Parana  58       5   0    4   3  20½  
   9   30 Kulmichel Arturo             0 ARG Parana                64      4½   0    4   3   20  
  10    5 Avendano Gaston           2042 ARG Limagua               32       4   0    4   4  21½  
  11   18 Coronel Miguel Angel      1610 ARG Parana                71       4   0    4   3   16  
  12   10 Werner Joaquin            1859 ARG B.P. Parana           17 U18   4   0    3   4  19½  
  13    7 Tovorosky Anibal          1955 ARG Hasenkamp             17 U18   4   0    3   3   21  
  14    9 Abdenur Luciano           1870 ARG Concordia             22       4   0    3   3  20½  
  15   12 Teubner Julio Cesar       1797 ARG Parana                36       4   0    3   3   19  
  16    6 Iregui Victor             2016 ARG C. Entrerriano        57 S50   4   0    3   3  17½  
  17   17 Castrignano Nahuel        1665 ARG Concordia             17 U18  3½   0    3   4  18½  
  18   37 Sarli Arnoldo                0 ARG San Salvador          59 S50  3½   0    3   4  18½  
  19   19 Arancibia Victor          1568 ARG Concordia             31      3½   0    3   4  16½  
  20   28 Gonzalez Rodolfo             0 ARG Villaguay             26      3½   0    3   3  17½  
  21   15 Yujnovsky German          1705 ARG Parana                42      3½   0    3   3  15½  
  22   34 Percara Franco               0 ARG Chajari               18      3½   0    3   3  15½  
  23   21 Gonzalez Alejandro        1384 ARG Concordia             37      3½   0    2   4   17  
  24   16 Cicognini Jose.           1691 ARG Concordia             70 S65  3½   0    2   3  17½  
  25   39 Tiengo Jeremias              0 ARG Lucas Gonzalez        15 U16  3½   0    2   3  17½  
  26   24 Burgoa Marcos                0 ARG Parana                59 S50   3   0    3   4   18  
  27   27 Gomez Jose                   0 ARG Parana                48       3   0    3   4   13  
  28   33 Paredes Jose                 0 ARG Crespo                         3   0    3   3  14½  
  29   25 Candarle Daniel              0 ARG Federacion            28       3   0    3   3   13  
  30   29 Haberle Marcos               0 ARG Concordia             31       3   0    2   3  11½  
  31   11 Barreira Vesco Ulises     1856 ARG Parana                36      2½   0    2   3   17  
  32   38 Siebenlist Daiana       F    0 ARG Agmer Parana          27      2½   0    2   3  15½  
  33   22 Willens Gustavo           1245 ARG Villaguay             29      2½   0    2   3   14  
  34   35 Ramirez Carlos Federico      0 ARG Concordia             43       2   0    2   3  18½  
  35   20 Manevy Jorge              1530 ARG Gualeguaychu          35       2   0    2   3  15½  
  36   31 Mino Tomas Agustin           0 ARG Chajari               17       2   0    2   3   15  
  37   32 Muller Rocio                 0 ARG Villaguay             17 U18  1½   1½   1   3  12½  
  38   36 Rodriguez Sandra        F    0 ARG Villaguay             34      1½   1    1   3  13½  
  39   40 Villo Juan Pedro             0 ARG Villaguay             53      1½   ½    0   3  14½  
  40   23 Blanc Pablo Guillermo        0 ARG Colon                 33       1   0    1   4   14  


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