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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 759 : 20.05.2024

Chess games 4676
Chess tournaments 39

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Utrecht NED, 49th OKU Open

49th OKU 2024 Utrecht NED Fri 10th May 2024 - Sun 12th May 2024
Leading Final Round 6 Standings:
1Beerdsen, ThomasGMNED249711111½5.
2De Winter, ArthurIMNED2422111½115.
3Kampman, TijmenNED22461½111½5.
4Van den Doel, ErikGMNED256211½1014.5.22.515.52413
5Gassner, YuriNED1970110½114.5.21.515.52409
6Goudriaan, EtienneIMNED232410111½4.
7Riemersma, LiIMNED24281½½11½4.
8Ten Hertog, HugoGMNED2524111½0½4.0.25.515.252381
9Ootes, LarsIMNED23831110014.0.25.514.52295
10Lombaers, PeterFMNED23621110104.
11Roebers, ElineIMNED235311½=½½4.
12Smid, JelleNED2090101½1½4.0.21.511.752287
13Labruyere, RogerNED2227110½1½4.
14Maassen van den Brink, KoenNED1992==11½½4.
15Smeets, KobeFMNED22241½101½4.
16Albers, SasaNED2295=1½1014.
17Schroer, MarcelNED211910½11½4.0.17.510.52236
18Ercan, SelmanNED217501½1½14.
19Terlouw, WouterNED208011001½3.
20Aravindhan, AchyuthNED21721101½03.
21Kokje, JorisFMNED23001011½03.
22Kurt, SaschaNED21271½½01½3.
23Van Donk, OlgerNED2032011=
24Lammens, TimFMNED2238½11=0½3.
25Boogaard, SanderNED2077½1011-
26Passenier, PeterNED21661=½10½3.
27Presa Villa, AndresESP210710==½13.
28Van Wijk, PeterNED1930011½½½3.
29Galje, HansNED20030½11013.
30Kazarjan, GachaturNED2218½½011½3.
31Kleibeuker, MikaNED199401½0113.
32Groenewoud, JoelNED214410½1½½3.
33De Man, LuukNED205500½1113.
34Wilming, AukeNED201301½0113.
35Wink, LukaNED20721100103.0.21.510.02198
36Van Heel, EvertNED20160100113.
37Van Arendonk, PolleNED19921010½½3.
38Alekseev, MikhailFID1910½0110½3.
39Aziz, DanielNED19110½11½03.
40De Jong, TomFMNED2132½1100½3.
85 players


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