For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 770 : 10.09.2024

Chess games 7674
Chess tournaments 50

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Toronto CAN, Open Crown Aug 2024

2024 Toronto Open - Crown

Chief Arbiter : Dhungel, Uttam
Town : Toronto
Rating-Ø : 2272
Date : 2024/08/31 To 2024/09/02

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                       Rtg FED Type Pts 
   1    2 IM  Atanasov Anthony          2520 CAN U16   5  
        5     Bora Safal                2486 USA       5  
   3    3 IM  Vettese Nicholas          2489 CAN U20   4  
        8     Jaferian Koosha           2358 CAN       4  
   5    4 IM  Plotkin Mark              2488 CAN      3½  
       10     Huang Youhe               2247 CAN U18  3½  
   7    1 GM  Sambuev Bator             2549 CAN       3  
        6 IM  Cummings David H.         2384 CAN S50   3  
        7     Plotkin Victor            2380 CAN       3  
       11     Ahmed Syed Ibrahim        2217 CAN U20   3  
       13     Singh Dhaliwal Jaipreet   2201 CAN       3  
       15     Moses Neil                2185 CAN       3  
       16 CM  Zhong Ryan Yunhui         2167 CAN U14   3  
       19     Li Adam                   2124 CAN U18   3  
       20 WCM Deepak Laksshana        F 2106 CAN U14   3  
  16   22     Lu Eddie                  2023 CAN      2½  
  17   14     Malakar Saarthak          2185 CAN U16   2  
       17     Yang Larry                2160 CAN U16   2  
       18     Lu Tony                   2136 CAN U16   2  
       21     Liu Sean                  2106 CAN U14   2  
  21    9 IM  Barron Michael            2249 CAN S50   1  
       12     Joseph Jonath             2213 CAN       1 


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