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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 321 : 20.03.2012

Chess games 7121
Chess tournaments 49

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Tolyatti RUS, PriFO Ch 2012

Rk          Name                        Rtg     Pts    TB1     TB2     TB3
1           Mokshanov, Alexey           2385    7      50.5    37      38.5
2           Ulanov, Alexandr            2337    6.5    48.5    32      33.5
3           Frolyanov, Dmitry           2555    6.5    47.5    36      32.5
4           Isajevsky, Anton            2426    6.5    46      32.5    31.25
5           Predke, Alexandr            2467    6.5    43      31.5    28.5
6           Kalegin, Evgenij            2462    6      48.5    31      30.25
7           Petukhov, Dmitry            2332    6      46      32      29.25
8           Vlasenko, Miroslav          2393    6      44.5    32      28
9           Terentjev, Vladislav        2301    6      44.5    29      27.75
10          Pasiev, Rakhim              2312    6      41.5    28.5    26.75
11          Shinkevich, Vitaly          2498    5.5    48.5    29      28.75
12          Geller, Jakov               2565    5.5    47.5    32.5    26.5
13          Dimukhametov, Artur         2327    5.5    47      32      26.5
14          Bukavshin, Ivan             2517    5.5    44.5    25      25.75
15          Yandemirov, Valeri          2379    5.5    43.5    28.5    25.75
16          Severiukhina, Zoja          2279    5.5    39.5    24.5    21
17          Tunik, Gennady              2406    5      50.5    30      27
18          Glidzhain, Gor              2381    5      47.5    30      24.25
19          Voitsekhovsky, Stanislav    2549    5      47.5    26.5    26
20          Bronnikov, Konstantin       2256    5      46      25      22.5
21          Sharafiev, Azat             2443    5      45      26.5    22.5
22          Alavkin, Arseny             2383    5      44.5    25.5    22.75
23          Sanzhaev, Darsen            2282    5      44      24.5    22.5
24          Ayupov, Damir               2360    5      41.5    24.5    23.5
25          Pushin, Vladimir            2375    5      41.5    24.5    21.75
26          Karpeshov, Oleg             2384    5      40      24.5    20.5
27          Shurakov, Denis             2222    5      40      23.5    18
28          Gorozhanin, Mikhail         2252    5      40      21      20.75
29          Talov, Nikita               2080    5      38      21.5    20
30          Faizrakhmanov, Ramil        2190    5      37      23      17.25
31          Yatzenko, Anton             2377    4.5    45      26.5    20.25
32          Dudukin, Ilya               2390    4.5    41.5    25      20.5
33          Uraev, Ivan                 2218    4.5    37.5    18      16
34          Tokarev, Ilya               2288    4.5    36.5    22      16
35          Ospennikov, Dmitry V        2200    4.5    36      17      14
36          Kozionov, Kirill            2209    4.5    35      20.5    15
37          Glukhov, Alexander          2078    4.5    32      17.5    14.25
38          Frolov, Artiom              2442    4      46      24      18.5
39          Korovin, Mikhail            2094    4      44      25.5    18.25
40          Skomorokhin, Roman          2376    4      41.5    20      17.75
65 players


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