For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 739 : 01.11.2023

Chess games 9482
Chess tournaments 66

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Tbilisi GEO, Champions Cup Open 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                           Rtg FED Pts BH. BH. Res. BL Vict 
   1    3 GM  Kekelidze Mikheil             2332 GEO 7½  42  46   0   5   6   
   2    1 GM  Quparadze Giga                2494 GEO  7  41½ 46   0   5   6   
   3    2 GM  Sanikidze Tornike             2475 GEO  6  43  46½  0   5   4   
   4    8     Qalichava Akaki               2123 GEO  5  43  45½  0   4   3   
   5    9     Shamatava Nikolozi            2018 GEO  5  40  43½  0   5   4   
   6    7 FM  Kiladze Luka                  2163 GEO  5  39½ 42   0   5   4   
   7   15     Tatvidze Davit                1858 GEO  5  36½ 38½  0   4   5   
   8   16     Tabatadze Erekle              1794 GEO 4½  43  46½  0   4   4   
   9   14     Kviriashvili Andria           1872 GEO 4½  41  43   0   5   3   
  10    4 IM  Khukhashvili Sopiko         F 2332 GEO 4½  40½ 44   0   4   3   
  11   11     Safarov Deniel                1981 GEO 4½  39½ 43   0   4   3   
  12    6 WGM Khurtsilava Inga            F 2222 GEO 4½  36½ 38½  0   4   3   
  13   19     Gvatua Mariam               F 1607 GEO 4½  34  36   0   5   2   
  14    5 WGM Tqeshelashvili Sopio        F 2269 GEO 4½  31½ 33½  0   4   3   
  15   13     Toidze Tengiz                 1878 GEO  4  39½ 42   0   5   1   
  16   12     Gabadadze Gabriel             1910 GEO 3½  34  36   0   4   3   
  17   10     Tsanatsqenishvili Alexandre   2015 GEO 3½  33  35   0   4   3   
  18   18     Sichinava Mariam            F 1679 GEO 2½  33  35   0   5   1   
  19   17     Diasamidze Lulu             F 1689 GEO 2½  32½ 34½  0   4   1   
  20   20     Ghviniashvili Nodar           1483 GEO  2  32½ 35   0   5   0 


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