For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 732 : 20.08.2023

Chess games 9053
Chess tournaments 66

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Tainan TPE, CTCA Open 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                     Rtg FED Type  Gr  Pts Res. BH. BH. Vict 
   1    1 GM  Shoker Samy             2472 EGY            9   0   37  49½  9   
   2    2     Kao Jamison Edrich      1709 HKG            8   0   36½ 47½  8   
   3    5     Lu Jia-En               1554 TPE            6   1   37  50   6   
   4   12     Huang Huan-Ting         1242 TPE      U19   6   0   37½ 50½  6   
   5   28     Tsai Chieh-Yu              0 TPE      U17  5½   0   35½ 48   4   
   6   11     Yu Jian Sia             1320 TPE      U19  5½   0   35  47   4   
   7   18     Huang Yu-Hsi               0 TPE U19U      5½   0   33½ 45½  3   
   8   16     Chen Ching Lun             0 HKG      U17  5½   0   30  37   5   
   9   32     Wu Kuan-Chieh              0 TPE      U17   5   0   37½ 50   5   
  10   29     Wang Kuan-Jung             0 TPE            5   0   34  44   4   
  11   27     Schoebel Marcus            0 GER            5   0   31½ 40   4   
  12   33     Wu Pei-Ti                  0 TPE            5   0   30½ 39½  3   
  13   14 AFM Guo Bo Kai Owen         1185 HKG      U17  4½   0   36½ 48½  4   
  14   22     Lin James Yu               0 TPE      U19  4½   0   34  43½  4   
  15    7     Ho Nok Hang Jonathan    1409 HKG           4½   0   33  44   3   
  16   10     Li Westtland            1322 TPE      U17  4½   0   33  41½  4   
  17    9     Lin Yu-Cheng            1349 TPE           4½   0   31½ 40   4   
  18   13     Wang Hsi Hao            1237 TPE      U19  4½   0   28½ 36   3   
  19   26     Ma Chun-Yu                 0 TPE      U19  4½   0   26½ 34   3   
  20   30     Wang Yi-Kai Ethan          0 TPE      U17  4½   0   23½ 30   3   
  21   21     Lillywhite Ray Lowell      0 TPE            4   0   32½ 43½  3   
  22    6 WCM Wong Linda Jane       F 1446 TPE            4   0   32½ 40½  2   
  23   25     Lu Yun-Ru                  0 TPE      GU17  4   0   31½ 40½  3   
  24   20     Leung Hubert               0 ENG            4   0   31½ 39½  1   
  25   34     Yang Cheng-Yan             0 TPE      U17   4   0   29  38   2   
  26    3     Lam Mingo Kwok Wai      1650 HKG            4   0   29  37   0   
  27    8     Matsuoka Junichiro      1350 JPN            4   0   26½ 33½  4   
  28    4     Takase Hayato           1593 JPN           3½   0   31½ 40   2   
  29   35     Yang Yu-Hua                0 TPE      U17  3½   0   30  39   1   
  30   15     Lu Jie-Xin            F 1090 TPE      GU19 3½   0   28½ 35½  3   
  31   17     Chen Liang-Yen             0 TPE      U19  3½   0   26½ 34   2   
  32   31     Wong Lai Hei Hysan         0 HKG            3   1   24½ 31½  3   
  33   23     Lin Wei-Hong               0 TPE      U17   3   0   25  32   2   
  34   19     Lee Chien-Hua              0 TPE           2½   ½   24½ 34½  1   
  35   24     Lin Yung-Jhe               0 TPE      U17  2½   ½   24  30½  1 


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