For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 728 : 10.07.2023

Chess games 10401
Chess tournaments 69

View all included tournaments

Sunnyvale USA, Independence Day 2023

Independence Day-1

Rank SNo.     Name                   Rtg FED Pts Res. Vict BH. BH.  SB   
   1    8 IM  Arias Mauricio        2261 CRC 7½   0    6   40½ 37½ 29,75 
   2    7 FM  Lin Andy              2312 USA  7   0    5   38½ 35½ 28,00 
   3    6 IM  Campos Augusto        2321 CUB 6½   0    5   40  37  23,25 
   4   15 IM  Santos Flores Alberto 2164 ECU  6   0    3   38½ 35½ 21,50 
   5   16     Wang Isaac            2127 USA 5½   0    4   42½ 41½ 22,50 
   6    1 IM  Perez Gormaz Matias   2407 CHI 5½   0    4   39  36  19,00 
   7    4 FM  Sivakumar Shaaketh    2337 USA 5½   0    3   42½ 41½ 24,25 
   8    2 GM  Larino Nieto David    2377 ESP 5½   0    3   39  36  19,75 
   9   17     Tao Sihan             2073 USA 4½   0    4   42½ 41½ 17,50 
  10    5 FM  Sathish Pranav        2327 USA 4½   0    1   42½ 41½ 20,50 
  11   14     Yan Nathan            2192 USA  4   0    2   42½ 41½ 15,50 
  12    9     Liang Yu-Chen         2252 USA  4   0    2   42½ 41½ 15,00 
  13   11 WIM Rivera Ingris         2239 COL  4   0    2   37  34½ 13,00 
  14   18     Karthi Jashith        1852 USA 3½   0    2   42½ 41½ 11,50 
  15   13     Atwell Rose           2220 USA  3   0    1   42½ 41½ 11,50 
  16    3 IM  Fierro Baquero Martha 2347 ECU 2½   0    1   37½ 34½ 8,00  
  17   12     Maass Alejandro       2236 MEX  1   ½    0   38½ 35½ 2,00  
  18   10 FM  Maiti Milind          2250 USA  1   ½    0   33½ 32½ 4,00 

Indepemdence Day-2

Rank SNo.    Name                          Rtg FED Pts Res. Vict BH. BH.  SB   
   1    1 IM Stearman Josiah              2421 USA  9   0    9   30  29½ 28,50 
   2    5 IM Barros Rivadeneira Cristhian 2322 ECU  7   0    5   30  29½ 20,50 
   3    4 IM Quesada Vera Liordis         2323 CUB 6½   0    6   30  29½ 17,50 
   4    3 GM Sevillano Enrico             2360 USA 6½   0    5   30  29½ 23,00 
   5   12 IM Zuluaga Mancilla Cesar       2223 COL  6   0    3   31½ 31  17,25 
   6    6 FM Guo Andrew                   2315 USA 5½   0    4   51  48  27,75 
   7    7 IM Vidarte Arturo               2275 PER  5   0    4   30  29½ 11,00 
   8   11 FM Gracia Alvarez Gerardo       2237 MEX  5   0    3   31  30½ 12,00 
   9    9    Yu Jiangwei                  2251 CHN 4½   0    4   51  48  23,50 
  10    2 FM Bansal Advay                 2393 USA 4½   0    3   51  48  21,50 
  11   16 CM Nathan Nitish                2104 USA  4   1    2   51  48  19,00 
  12   13    Pinzon Jairo                 2220 COL  4   0    3   30  29½ 8,50  
  13   15 CM Rajaram Rohan                2138 USA 3½   1    3   51  48  15,50 
  14    8 FM Maass Gustavo                2270 MEX 3½   0    3   31½ 31  5,00  
  15   14 FM Mei Austin                   2218 USA  3   0    0   51  48  16,00 
  16   10    Sivakumar Shaashwath         2242 USA  2   0    0   51  48  10,75 
  17   18    Champsi Imran                1864 USA  1   0    1   51½ 47½ 6,50  
  18   17    Pullela Sricharan            1996 USA  ½   0    0   51  48  3,25


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