For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 735 : 20.09.2023

Chess games 9316
Chess tournaments 75

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Struga MKD, Lake Queen Youth Open 2023

Rank SNo. Name                        Rtg FED Type Pts Res. BH. BH. Vict Fide 
   1    2 Lusheski Konstantin        1799 MKD U18   5   0   19  20½  4    18  
   2    3 Dafa Sirio                 1710 ALB U18  4½   ½   19½ 21½  3   15½  
   3    1 Jusufi Ahmet               1849 KOS U18  4½   ½   17½ 20   4    14  
   4    6 Nikolovski Branko Nikola   1550 MKD U18   4   0   18½ 20   4    15  
   5    4 Shtavica Alaudin           1666 KOS U16  3½   0   20½ 23   3    14  
   6    9 Raftopoulos Emmanouil      1388 GRE U20  3½   0   17½ 19   3   11½  
   7    7 Velkoski Ivan              1504 MKD U18  3½   0   16½ 18   3    13  
   8    5 Uruci Valentin             1607 KOS U16   3   0   13½ 15   3    10  
   9   12 Raftopoulou Konstantina  F 1309 GRE U18   3   0   13½ 15   2    7½  
  10   15 Lisha Dion                 1266 ALB U14  2½   0   17  18½  2    9   
  11   14 Stojcheski Aleksandar      1288 MKD U16  2½   0   14  15½  1    8½  
  12    8 Ismaili Admirim            1503 MKD U20   2   0   17  18½  1    9½  
  13   11 Nikolovski Mihail          1332 MKD U16   2   0   15  16½  1    7½  
  14   13 Roko Laert                 1305 ALB U16  1½   0   15½ 17   1    6½  
  15   10 Djorovic Jovan             1333 MKD U18  1½   0   14½ 16   0    4½  
  16   16 Lakinski Simeon               0 MKD U16  1½   0   12½ 14   1    4 


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