For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 371 : 10.08.2013

Chess games 7125
Chess tournaments 33

View all included tournaments

Struga FRM, 22nd Team Ch

Rank Team                      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8  MP Pts. 
   1 Alkaloid, Skopje          *   5  5½  5½  5½   5   6  5½  14  38  
   2 Gambit Aseko-See, Skopje  1   *   4  5½   3  4½  4½  5½  11  28  
   3 BM Kisela Voda, Skopje    ½   2   *   4  4½   3  4½   4  9  22½  
   4 Stevo Patako, Bitola      ½   ½   2   *   4  3½  3½  3½  8  17½  
   5 GSK Kochani               ½   3  1½   2   *   4   5   4  7   20  
   6 GSK Kumanovo              1  1½   3  2½   2   *   3  4½  4  17½  
   7 Prilep                    0  1½  1½  2½   1   3   *   4  3  13½  
   8 Karpos, Skopje            ½   ½   2  2½   2  1½   2   *  0   11  


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