For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 759 : 20.05.2024

Chess games 4676
Chess tournaments 39

View all included tournaments

Skopje MKD, Open Ch (w) 2024

Otvoreno prvenstvo na Makedonija za zeni 2024

Organizer(s) : Sahovska Federacija na Makedonija
Tournament Director : Marjan Mitkov (15000354
Chief Arbiter : Zoran Ilic (15001350)
Deputy Chief Arbiter : Aleksandra Gakidova (15010759)
Arbiter : Voislav Merdjanoski (15005119)
Rating-Ø : 1700
Date : 2024/05/11 To 2024/05/18

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                Rtg FED 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 Pts Res.  SB   WIN BL 
   1    6 WIM Koskoska Gabriela  1993 MKD *  1  ½  ½  1  1  1  1  1  1   8   0   30,50  7  5  
   2    2     Eftovska Lea       1797 MKD 0  *  1  ½  1  1  1  1  1  1  7½   0   26,50  7  4  
   3   10     Zhezhovska Monika  1868 MKD ½  0  *  1  1  1  1  ½  1  1   7   0   25,50  6  5  
   4    1     Nikolovska Dragana 1905 MKD ½  ½  0  *  0  1  1  1  1  1   6   0   18,75  5  4  
   5    3     Ajradinoska Indzi  1809 MKD 0  0  0  1  *  1  ½  1  1  1  5½   0   15,75  5  4  
   6    7     Burns Elisaveta    1503 MKD 0  0  0  0  0  *  1  1  1  1   4   0   7,00   4  5  
   7    4     Jakimova Bonita    1523 MKD 0  0  0  0  ½  0  *  ½  1  ½  2½   0   5,75   1  4  
   8    9     Alarova Lile       1757 MKD 0  0  ½  0  0  0  ½  *  ½  ½   2   0   6,00   0  5  
   9    5     Burns Kayla        1446 MKD 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  ½  *  1  1½   0   2,00   1  4  
  10    8     Smilevska Nade        0 MKD 0  0  0  0  0  0  ½  ½  0  *   1   0   2,25   0  5  


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