For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 733 : 01.09.2023

Chess games 14732
Chess tournaments 107

View all included tournaments

Satu Mare ROM, Vasile Mem IM 2023

Rank SNo.    Name                        Rtg FED 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 Pts Res. Vict BH. BH.  SB   
   1    3 FM Voiteanu Gabriel           2197 ROU *  ½  1  ½  ½  1  1  1  1  ½   7   0    5   38  36½ 29,50 
   2    5 IM Petrisor Adrian-Marian     2391 ROU ½  *  1  ½  ½  ½  1  ½  ½  1   6   0    3   39  37½ 24,75 
   3   10 FM Stepanencu Nicodim-Cosmin  2305 ROU 0  0  *  1  1  1  0  1  0  1   5   1    5   40  38½ 19,00 
   4    4 IM Soltanici Ruslan           2357 MDA ½  ½  0  *  ½  ½  1  0  1  1   5   0    3   40  38½ 20,25 
   5    6 FM Voege Tobias               2257 GER ½  ½  0  ½  *  1  ½  ½  0  1  4½   0    2   40½ 39  18,50 
   6    7 CM Sachilaru Alexandru        2219 ROU 0  ½  0  ½  0  *  ½  ½  1  1   4   2    2   41  39½ 15,00 
   7    8 CM Hulka Valentyn             2247 UKR 0  0  1  0  ½  ½  *  ½  ½  1   4   1½   2   41  39½ 14,75 
   8    2 CM Lacan Rus David            2125 FRA 0  ½  0  1  ½  ½  ½  *  ½  ½   4   1½   1   41  39½ 17,00 
   9    1 IM Florescu Codrut-Constantin 2242 ROU 0  ½  1  0  1  0  ½  ½  *  ½   4   1    2   41  39½ 17,25 
  10    9 CM Butolo Alexandru-Mircea    2071 ROU ½  0  0  0  0  0  0  ½  ½  *  1½   0    0   43½ 39½ 7,50 


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