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10 Days 26 : 10.01.2004

Chess games 2548
Chess tournaments 25

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Santa Cruz de Tenerife ESP, Open 2003

19.12 - 02.01 | Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain | Open 

1. Villavicencio Mart?nez, Adalberto ESP 2335 f 7.5 2. Fern?ndez Garc?a, Jos? Luis ESP 2475 g 7.0 3. Santos Izquierdo, Javier ESP 2261 g 6.5 4. Rodr?guez Vera, Gregorio ESP ---- 6.5 5. Pinto Henr?quez, Rodrigo ESP 2151 6.5 6. Hidalgo Santana, Fernando ESP 2265 6.0 7. Fern?ndez Manrique, Agust?n ESP 2134 6.0 8. Mart?n Luis, C?sar ESP 2111 6.0 9. L?pez Reboso, H?ctor Emilio ESP ---- 6.0 10. Perera Gonz?lez, Pablo ESP 2227 6.0 ... 58 participants


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