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10 Days 761 : 10.06.2024

Chess games 8622
Chess tournaments 46

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Sant Adria de Besos ESP, 18th Open

XVIII Obert Ciutat de Sant Adria 2024

Organizer(s) : Club d'Escacs Sant Adria
Tournament Director : Luis Rodenas Balaña
Chief Arbiter : Ricard Llerins Bonet
Arbiter : Daniel Gomez Cortes
Town : Complex Esportiu Ricart, c/ Ricart, 6. Sant Adria de Besos.
Rating-Ø : 1836
Date : 2024/04/07 To 2024/06/09

Final ranking

Rank SNo.    Name                                   Rtg FED Type Gr Pts BH/M1 BH/C2 BH/C1 
   1    4 CM Vazquez Gamero Miguel                 2159 Cat         7½   41½   43½   48½  
   2    9 CM Namay Caceres Santos                  2114 Cat + 65 A   7   43    45½   50½  
   3   12    Garre Montes Marc                     2106 Cat S-20 A   7   38½   42    46   
   4    1 CM Gutierrez Clares Joaquim              2289 Cat         6½   41½   44½   49   
   5   15    De Lomas Busquets Alba                2081 Cat      A  6½   37½   40    44½  
   6   14    Abreu Flores Daniel                   2082 Cat      A   6   40½   43    48   
   7   19    Ferre Campos Josep                    2019 Cat + 65 A   6   37½   41    44½  
   8    5 CM Serrano Aspa Xavier                   2153 Cat          6   36½   38½   43   
   9   13    Garriga Cabrera Joan                  2098 Cat S-16 A   6   35½   39    43   
  10   18    Daguro Dasalla Armando                2043 Cat + 65 A   6   34    36½   40½  
  11   10    Canellas Magide Lluis                 2112 Cat      A   6   34    35½   39½  
  12   20    Lopez Manzano Antoni                  2012 Cat + 65 A   6   32½   37    40   
  13    6    Ledo Garcia Joan Benet                2147 Cat      A  5½   40    42    47   
  14    3 CM Fernandez-Diaz Mascort Miquel         2197 Cat + 65    5½   37½   39½   43½  
  15    7    Lorca Cortada David                   2143 Cat      A  5½   35    38    42½  
  16   42    Subirats Martinez Miquel A.           1854 Cat      B  5½   34    37    40   
  17   16    Mas Recorda Pere                      2076 Cat + 65 A  5½   34    36    40   
  18   51    Angulo Centurion Juan Jesus           1797 Cat      C  5½   28½   33    35½  
  19   24    Escribano Rodriguez Pedro             1968 Cat      B  5½   28½   31½   34½  
  20   49    Ibanez Camara Oscar                   1813 Cat      C  5½   27½   32    35   
  21   28    Rivas Peix Raul                       1947 Cat      B   5   38    40½   44½  
  22   38    Hernandez Leon Juan Cesar             1893 Cat      B   5   36    39    43   
  23   25    Colome Rovira Oscar                   1964 Cat      B   5   34    38    41   
  24    8    Ruiz Molina Gabriel                   2122 Cat      A   5   34    36    40   
  25   36    Seijas Castro Pedro                   1898 Cat      B   5   33½   37    40½  
  26   17    Rodriguez Regull German               2074 Cat + 65 A   5   32½   34½   38½  
  27   47    Navarro Garcia Alberto                1817 Cat      C   5   32    35½   38½  
  28   29    Molina Hernandez Albert               1937 Cat + 65 B   5   31    35    38½  
  29   54    Smirnov Aleksandr                     1784 Cat      C  4½   36½   39½   43½  
  30    2 CM Sanchez Criado Lluis                  2200 Cat         4½   36½   37½   42½  
  31   27    Ramirez Garcia Lluis                  1953 Cat      B  4½   36    39    42½  
  32   52    Campillo Lopez Ricardo Bienaventurado 1791 Cat      C  4½   36    38½   42½  
  33   31    Poyato Duran David                    1935 Cat      B  4½   35½   38    41½  
  34   22    Daimiel Bescos Eleuterio              1986 Cat      B  4½   33½   37    40½  
  35   26    Infiesta Aguila Agusti                1962 Cat      B  4½   33    36½   40   
  36   33    Larios Jimenez Rafael                 1912 Cat      B  4½   32½   36½   39½  
  37   35    Maynat Diaz Jose Antonio              1907 Cat      B  4½   32½   36    39½  
  38   60    Talo Moya Jordi                       1750 Cat      C  4½   31    34    37   
  39   43    Garcia Gomez Luis                     1839 Cat      C  4½   29½   32½   35½  
  40   44    Ortega Molina Rafael                  1833 Cat + 65 C  4½   27½   31    33½  
  41   34    Shukorov Artem                        1909 Cat      B  4½   24½   27    30   
  42   32    Hurtado Insa Francesc                 1928 Cat      B   4   32    34½   38   
  43   63    Guerra Blanco Antonio                 1729 Cat      C   4   32    34    37½  
  44   40    Clanchet Olle Josep                   1874 Cat      B   4   31½   35½   38   
  45   59    Villa Cardenas Jorge                  1760 Cat + 65 C   4   31½   34½   37½  
  46   84    Montano Aldama Alvaro                 1499 Cat S-16 C   4   31    33    36½  
  47   23    Calderon Gutierrez Felipe             1974 Cat      B   4   30½   33½   36½  
  48   57    Martinez Hernandez Emili              1769 Cat      C   4   29½   31    34½  
  49   55    Abascal Vicente Ignacio               1783 Cat + 65 C   4   28    31½   34   
  50   50    Garcia Ahumada Lluis                  1806 Cat      C   4   27½   29    32½  
  51   39    Perez Molina Pedro                    1892 Cat      B   4   24½   26½   29½  
  52   53    Rojo Serradilla Alejandro             1784 Cat S-18 C   4   23    25½   28   
  53   78    Biada Carbonell Miquel                1538 Cat S-14 C  3½   34½   36½   40½  
  54   56    Calomarde Clave David                 1781 Cat      C  3½   33    35    39   
       82    Biada Carbonell Xavier                1504 Cat S-12 C  3½   33    35    39   
  56   81    Febrero Perez Lluis                   1508 Cat + 65 C  3½   33    34½   38½  
  57   68    Sanchez Fibla Xavier                  1660 Cat      C  3½   32½   35    38½  
  58   45    Flores Munoz Daniel                   1821 Cat + 65 C  3½   32    33½   37½  
  59   67    Andreu Carretero Javier               1668 Cat      C  3½   31    34½   37   
  60   66    Font Trenchs Joan                     1689 Cat      C  3½   30½   32½   36   
  61   61    Garcia Gonzalez Juan                  1745 Cat + 65 C  3½   30    34    37   
  62   71    Poyan Cobelli Alex                    1651 Cat S-14 C  3½   29½   31½   35   
  63   62    Majoral Marco Javier                  1735 Cat      C  3½   21    24½   26   
  64   30    Alegret Griño Amadeu                  1936 Cat      B   3   32    35½   39   
  65   79    Folgueiras Bosque Ignacio             1521 Cat      C   3   32    33½   37½  
  66   65    Pantovic Blasco Marko                 1700 Cat S-20 C   3   30½   33½   36½  
  67   72    Del Rio Crespo Jose Antonio           1643 Cat      C   3   29½   31    34½  
  68   58    Quintana Serra Jordi                  1763 Cat      C   3   29    33½   36   
  69   48    Maqueda Berdugo Francisco             1814 Cat + 65 C   3   29    31    34½  
  70   80    Orte Guerrero Axel                    1513 Cat S-12 C   3   27    29    32   
  71   69    Zambrano Estevez Jordi                1659 Cat + 65 C   3   25½   29    31   
  72   70    Tarrago Tomas Ferran                  1654 Cat + 65 C   3   24    27    29½  
  73   76    Marquina Sierra David                 1611 Cat S-16 C  2½   31    33    36½  
  74   75    Olleta Tanya Jordi                    1612 Cat + 65 C  2½   29½   32    35   
  75   83    Lapeña Benomar Gerard                 1500 Cat S-14 C  2½   29    31    34½  
  76   64    Orte del Molino Jorge                 1700 Cat      C  2½   28    31½   34   
  77   86    Lopez Soler Pablo                     1430 Cat + 65 C  2½   27½   30½   33   
  78   73    Aceijas Casales Victor                1632 Cat S-16 C   2   30    32    35½  
  79   87    Herrezuelo Puertas Victor             1428 Cat S-16 C   2   26    28    31   
  80   85    Repullo Camacho Isaac                 1445 Cat S-18 C   2   25    28    30½  
  81   21    Repiso Alvarez Jordi                  2011 Cat      A  1½   27    29½   32½  
  82   74    Popovic Milena                        1614 Cat + 65 C  1½   24    26½   29   
  83   11    Molinero Martin Joan                  2109 Cat + 65 A   1   25    29    31½  
  84   77    Nef Perez Pol                         1565 Cat S-18 C   1   22    24½   26½  
  85   88    Pascual Martin Laia                   1401 Cat S-12 C   1   21½   24½   26½  
  86   37    Costa Trave Jaume                     1895 Cat + 65 B   0   21    24½   26   
       46    Marques Soriano Valentin              1820 Cat + 65 C   0   21    24½   26   
  88   41    Garcia Punzano Josep Lluis            1859 Cat      B   0   20½   23½   25 


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