For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 769 : 01.09.2024

Chess games 13763
Chess tournaments 85

View all included tournaments

Rosenheim GER, 95th Bavarian Ch (m)

Bay. Einzelmeisterschaft 2024 - Allgemeine Gruppe


Organizer(s) : Bayerischer Schachbund
Tournament Director : Peter Eberl
Chief Arbiter : IA Pernpeintner, Simon 24673331
Town : Rosenheim
Rating-Ø : 2098
Date : 2024/08/25 To 2024/08/31

Final ranking

Rank SNo.    Name                  Rtg FED Type Pts BH  BHs  WIN 
   1    2 FM Miller Eduard        2319 GER      6½  48  392   5  
   2    1 FM Goldbeck Lars        2321 GER      6½  47½ 395½  5  
   3    6    Ammon Tobias         2199 GER       6  43  385   3  
   4    7    Uphoff Lennart       2197 GER       6  42½ 382   4  
   5   18    Türel Tugrul         2033 TUR U14  5½  48½ 390   4  
   6    4 FM Schlichtmann Robin   2264 GER      5½  46  399½  3  
   7    3 FM Schulz Lukas         2298 GER      5½  45  395   4  
   8   10    Friedrich Ricardo    2167 GER      5½  45  387   3  
   9    9 FM Schmid Roland        2185 GER      5½  44  392½  4  
  10   15 FM Vogel Robert         2100 GER S65   5  42  378   3  
  11   17    Bunk Wolfgang        2042 GER S50   5  42  367   3  
  12   12    Kottmair Toni        2110 GER S50   5  37  367½  3  
  13    8    Vollnhals Michael    2187 GER      4½  42  382   3  
  14   23    Steinhauer Artur     1994 GER U20  4½  41½ 361   1  
  15   16    Weichlein Paul       2045 GER      4½  39½ 361   1  
  16    5    Lang Zalan Andreas   2220 GER      4½  34½ 316½  4  
  17   26    Sesselmann Moritz    1873 GER      4½  31½ 308   4  
  18   24    Gold Florian         1970 GER       4  43½ 379½  3  
  19   13    Biedenkopf Philipp   2103 GER       4  42½ 367½  2  
  20   20    Kaiser Richard       2019 GER S50   4  40½ 363½  3  
  21   21    Eichenauer Pascal    2018 GER       4  39½ 364   3  
  22   19    Brunner Tobias       2024 GER       4  36½ 320½  3  
  23   22    Sesselmann Christoph 2003 GER       4  35½ 321½  2  
  24   14    Förch Benedikt       2102 GER      3½  41½ 360½  2  
  25   25    Gebhardt Christian   1905 GER      2½  34½ 300   2  
  26   11    Knoblauch Leonhard   2158 GER       2  38  243   2  
  27   27    Ammann Samuel        1786 GER U16   2  36½ 301   1 

Bay. Einzelmeisterschaft 2024 - Frauen


Organizer(s) : Bayerischer Schachbund
Tournament Director : Peter Eberl
Chief Arbiter : IA Pernpeintner, Simon 24673331
Town : Rosenheim
Rating-Ø : 1702
Date : 2024/08/25 To 2024/08/31

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                    Rtg FED Type Pts BH  BHs  WIN 
   1    2 WFM Birkholz Olga        F 1955 GER S50   7  44  370   6  
   2    1     Bräuer Vanessa       F 1966 GER       6  45  369   5  
   3    4     Schäfer Ann-Kathrin  F 1779 GER       6  40  374   5  
   4    5     Neumeier Valentina   F 1763 GER U14   6  39  377   5  
   5    3     Averkova Olena       F 1851 GER S50   5  43½ 370½  4  
   6    9     Averkova Mariia      F 1672 GER U14   5  43½ 367½  3  
   7    8     Türel Tugce          F 1697 TUR U14   5  37  376   5  
   8    6     Köberl Christiane    F 1745 GER       4  42  365½  4  
   9   10     Nesmjanowitsch Julia F 1615 GER U18   4  39  370½  3  
  10    7     Hofmann Karina       F 1740 GER S50   3  41  369   3  
  11   11     Albayrak Melissa     F 1604 GER U18   2  36  325   2  
  12   12     Holzmann Alisa       F 1032 GER       1  37  320½  1 


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