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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 738 : 20.10.2023

Chess games 6725
Chess tournaments 49

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Rio de Janeiro BRA, Estadual Ch Oct 23

Rank SNo.    Name                                Rtg FED Club           Type Pts Res. BH. BH.  SB   Vict 
   1    3 FM Santos Rafael Ventura Dos          2140 BRA 3388 - Cxmeier      4½   0   19½ 21½ 15,75  4   
   2   12    Manzi Luiz Antonio Bardaro         1949 BRA 1630 - Cmun         4½   0   18  20½ 14,25  4   
   3    1 FM Rangel Daniel                      2185 BRA 2626 - Ttc          4½   0   18  19½ 14,00  3   
   4    5    De Albuquerque Ian Telek C.        2075 BRA 4210 - Alex    U18  4½   0   18  19½ 13,25  4   
   5    4 FM Guimaraes Wagner Peixoto           2138 BRA 1371 - Cmun         4½   0   17½ 19½ 14,50  3   
   6   14    Fucs Paulo Moses                   1922 BRA 1238 - Cxg           4   0   19½ 19½ 11,00  3   
   7   11    Yunes David Teles                  1953 BRA 3191 - Cxmeier       4   0   16½ 18½ 11,00  3   
   8   32    Marques Lucas Andrade                 0 BRA 5030 - Cfcsn         4   0   12½ 14  7,50   3   
   9    8    Campos Alexandre Ferreira          2038 BRA 1482 - Aflux        3½   0   20  22½ 11,75  2   
  10    7    Souza Iago Henrique Da Silva       2068 BRA 3668 - Aflux        3½   0   19  21  11,00  2   
  11   28    Laba Otavio De Souza               1793 BRA 4588 - Aflux   U18  3½   0   18½ 20½ 9,50   3   
  12    9 NM Santos Filho Tadeu Sousa           1984 BRA 2447 - Cxg          3½   0   18  19½ 10,25  2   
  13   23    Pessoa Vitor Henrique Leopoldino   1596 BRA 4737 - Cxc     U18  3½   0   17½ 19½ 10,25  3   
  14    6    Zacarias Rodrigo Medeiros          2074 BRA 3280 - Cxmeier      3½   0   17  19  9,75   3   
  15   16    Bastos Gabriel Andrade             1772 BRA 4457 - Cxmeier U18   3   0   17½ 19½ 9,00   2   
  16   13 NM Dias Matheus Braga                 1932 BRA 4028 - Cxmeier       3   0   17  19  7,50   3   
  17   29    Silva Guilherme de Moura           1768 BRA 4625 - Aflux   U18   3   0   16½ 18½ 8,00   3   
  18   26    Calcada Bruno Ramalho              1353 BRA 4875 - Cxmeier       3   0   14½ 14½ 3,50   3   
  19   22    De Oliveira Sergio Patricio        1622 BRA 2649 - Ttc           3   0   12½ 14  5,50   3   
  20   15 NM Chaves Jorge Antonio Torres        1867 BRA 0777 - Ttc     S60  2½   0   18  20½ 6,75   2   
  21   17    Pereira Arthur Macedo              1761 BRA 4577 - Cxmeier U18  2½   0   16½ 18½ 6,75   1   
  22   31    Leal Kaue Dos Santos                  0 BRA 4704 - Aflux   U18  2½   0   14  16  6,75   2   
  23   24    Motta Vinicius Araujo Dias B.      1569 BRA 3249 - Nxn          2½   0   12  12  2,75   2   
  24    2 CM Costa Carlos Evanir                2184 BRA 1273 - Alex          2   0   19  21  6,00   2   
  25   18    Pereira Pedro Nunes                1734 BRA 4533 - Alex          2   0   16½ 18½ 4,50   2   
  26   27    Teixeira Matheus Cesar Mattea De A 1800 BRA 4860 - Cfcsn         2   0   14½ 14½ 2,50   2   
  27   21    Machado Wallace Fernandes          1648 BRA 0743 - Ttc     S60  1½   ½   15½ 15½ 0,75   1   
  28   25    Lopes Jonathas Primo Barbosa       1480 BRA 4586 - Aflux        1½   ½   13½ 13½ 0,75   1   
  29   10 NM Bezerra Natacio Goncalves          1958 BRA 3442 - Cmun          1   0   14½ 16  1,50   1   
  30   20    Boghi Victor Almeida               1653 BRA 3956 - Macae         ½   0   14½ 16  2,25   0   
  31   19    Goncalves Luiz Osvaldo Cifuentes   1733 BRA 2230 - Axc     S60   0   0   14  15  0,00   0   
  32   30    Braz Julio Stephano Rosa              0 BRA 4390 - Cmun          0   0   13  14½ 0,00   0   


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