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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 733 : 01.09.2023

Chess games 14732
Chess tournaments 107

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Rhodes GRE, Summer Open 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                                Rtg FED Type Pts Res. BH. BH. BL Vict 
   1    2 GM  Antal Gergely                      2558 HUN      7½   0   49½ 54  5   6   
   2    1 GM  Prohaszka Peter                    2581 HUN       7   0   49½ 54  4   5   
   3    6 WGM Zawadzka Jolanta                 F 2347 POL      6½   0   46½ 49½ 4   5   
   4    5 GM  Czebe Attila                       2360 HUN      6½   0   46  50  4   5   
   5   10 FM  Roobol Martin                      2269 NED      6½   0   45  49  5   6   
   6    3 IM  Fang Yan                           2440 CHN       6   0   50½ 54½ 4   5   
   7    4 GM  Yankelevich Lev                    2410 GER       6   0   50  54  4   3   
   8   11 FM  Goroshkov Maksym                   2257 SLO       6   0   49  51  4   4   
   9   12 IM  Damia Angelo                       2242 ITA       6   0   48½ 53½ 5   5   
  10    8 FM  Loiacono Leonardo                  2281 ITA       6   0   47  51  4   4   
  11    7 FM  Konyves Almos                      2288 HUN U16   6   0   44½ 48½ 4   5   
  12   15 AIM Szalay-Ocsak Bank                  2182 HUN       6   0   44½ 48  5   3   
  13   14 FM  Silva Pedro Gil Ferreira Da        2212 POR       6   0   41½ 45  5   3   
  14   16 CM  Garsky Vladyslav                   2099 UKR U16  5½   0   44½ 48½ 5   5   
  15   13 WIM Imnadze Nato                     F 2222 GEO      5½   0   43½ 46½ 4   5   
  16   17     Kovalskyi Roman                    2064 UKR U16  5½   0   43½ 44  4   5   
  17   25     Kazakis Mattheos Konstantinos      1532 GRE U12  5½   0   41½ 44  4   5   
  18   21     Silva Jose Lucas Ferreira          1819 POR U16  5½   0   40½ 44  4   5   
  19    9 FM  Van Wissen Michiel                 2272 NED       5   0   44  48  4   3   
  20   27     Alexeev Nikita                     1448 UKR       5   0   42½ 44½ 4   5   
  21   20     Gurner Jem                         1847 JCI       5   0   41  44  4   5   
  22   23     Perrakis Polychronis               1592 GRE       5   0   41  44  4   4   
  23   18     Kordzadze Nino                   F 1966 AUT       5   0   40½ 42  5   5   
  24   26     Emmanouil Dimitrios                1501 GRE       5   0   39½ 43½ 4   5   
  25   22 WCM Milner Romi                      F 1678 USA U12   5   0   39½ 42  5   5   
  26   67     Sioulis Stergios                      0 GRE       5   0   36½ 37  4   5   
  27   32     Diaskyzy Daliya                  F 1377 KAZ U12   5   0   35½ 39  5   4   
  28   29     Badrakova Kseniya                F 1433 FID       5   0   35  38  4   3   
  29   28     Gorskovs Andrejs                   1445 ENG U16  4½   0   40  43½ 5   4   
  30   48     Gawle Piotr                           0 POL      4½   0   39½ 42½ 5   4   
  31   36     Yarur Rescaglio Maria Jose         1255 CHI      4½   0   37½ 40½ 4   4   
  32   31     Makris Athanasios Rh               1399 GRE      4½   0   37  39  4   4   
  33   35     Taladianos Ioannis                 1272 GRE U16  4½   0   34  35½ 5   4   
  34   43     Tsimplis Panagiotis                1032 GRE U16  4½   0   32  35  5   4   
  35   24     Michelakis Evaggelos               1556 GRE       4   0   39½ 43  5   3   
  36   37     Rousos Georgios Iasonas            1206 GRE U16   4   0   39½ 42½ 5   4   
  37   38     Vitzileou Fedra                    1176 GRE       4   0   38  41½ 5   3   
  38   41     Pylarinos Iraklis                  1102 GRE       4   0   37½ 41  5   4   
  39   50     Imam-Sadeque Ali                      0 ENG       4   0   36½ 39½ 4   4   
  40   44 ACM Stavrianos Alexandros                 0 GRE       4   0   36½ 38½ 4   4   
  41   66     Revelioti Eleni Nefeli                0 GRE U12   4   0   35½ 37½ 4   2   
  42   42     Chiras Christos                    1072 GRE       4   0   34  36½ 4   3   
  43   64     Papadopoulos Stavros M                0 GRE U12   4   0   33  35  5   4   
  44   53     Kampouropoulos Savvas                 0 GRE       4   0   32½ 35½ 5   3   
  45   46     Charalampous Alexandros               0 GRE       4   0   32  34  3   4   
  46   60     Malamousi Georgia                     0 GRE U12   4   0   27½ 28  4   4   
  47   62     Novytska Ksenia                  F    0 POL       4   0   26½ 27  4   3   
  48   19 AFM Stathatos Alexandros               1912 GRE U16  3½   0   44  48  2   3   
  49   69     Vasilakis Haridimos                   0 GRE      3½   0   38½ 42  5   2   
  50   49     Gkougkoustamos Sotirios               0 GRE U12  3½   0   37½ 40½ 5   3   
  51   30     Yarur Elsaca Daniel                1425 CHI      3½   0   37  40  5   3   
  52   58     Lamprianou Marianna                   0 GRE U12  3½   0   31  33  4   3   
  53   68     Tsoumanis Angelos                     0 GRE U12  3½   0   30  30½ 5   3   
  54   33     Choullis Agisilaos Georgios        1351 GRE U16   3   0   38½ 42  2   3   
  55   63     Papadopoulos Antonios P               0 GRE U12   3   0   34  37  5   1   
  56   40     Doukas Nikolaos                    1161 GRE U12   3   0   33½ 36  4   2   
  57   55     Kiourtzis Alkiviadis Tsampikos        0 GRE U12   3   0   33½ 35½ 4   3   
  58   57     Lamprianou Despoina                   0 GRE U12   3   0   32½ 35  5   3   
  59   54     Kastrouni Eirini                      0 GRE U16   3   0   29  30½ 4   2   
  60   65     Patellis Panormitis                   0 GRE U12   3   0   28  30  5   2   
  61   47     Douka Elena                      F    0 GRE U12   3   0   28  29½ 5   3   
  62   59     Malamousi Evanthia                    0 GRE U12   3   0   27  27½ 4   2   
  63   39     Silva Antonio Jose M. Abreu F      1169 POR      2½   1   35  37½ 2   2   
  64   56     Lamprianos Michail Angelos            0 GRE U12  2½   0   28½ 29  5   2   
  65   45     Chantziaras Angelos Chrysostomos      0 GRE U12   2   0   33½ 35  4   2   
  66   61     Melissas Christos                     0 GRE U12   2   0   30  31½ 4   2   
  67   52     Kampourakis Vasileios Paisios         0 GRE U12   2   0   23½ 24  4   1   
  68   51     Kampouraki Valasia Tsampika           0 GRE U12   1   0   28  29½ 4   0   
  69   34     Tsiboukelis Panagiotis             1317 GRE       ½   0   28  29½ 1   0 


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