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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 737 : 10.10.2023

Chess games 5728
Chess tournaments 32

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Ramat Gan ISR, Dov Porat Mem Rapid 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                   Rtg FED Club                                 Type Pts BH. BH. Res. 
   1    3 IM  Rozen Eytan           2499 ISR Kfar Saba                            U18  7½  49  53   0   
   2    2 IM  Parkhov Yair          2522 ISR Rehovot                                    7  49  53½  0   
   3   14 FM  Shohat Yotam          2370 ISR Ramat Gan                                 6½  46½ 51   0   
   4   12 IM  Aizenberg Benny       2414 ISR Petach Tikva                         U18  6½  46½ 50   0   
   5   17 FM  Vagman Roy            2329 ISR Rishon LeZion                        U18  6½  46  49   0   
   6    1 GM  Gorshtein Ido         2552 ISR Kfar Saba                                  6  43½ 46   0   
   7    6 GM  Zoler Dan             2474 ISR Hertzliya                                  6  39½ 43   0   
   8    9 IM  Kochavi Ori           2435 ISR Ramat Gan                                 5½  45½ 49   0   
   9    8 GM  Soffer Ram            2445 ISR Hertzliya                                 5½  44  47½  0   
  10   15 FM  Sherman Reem          2360 ISR Petach Tikva                         U18  5½  44  46½  0   
  11    5 GM  Golod Vitali          2488 ISR Ashdod                                    5½  42½ 44   0   
  12   16     Slobodiansky Steven   2342 ISR Ashdod                                    5½  41  43½  0   
  13   18     Newman Ori            2314 ISR Kfar Saba                                 5½  40  42½  0   
  14    4 GM  Dvoirys Semen I.      2491 FID Beer Sheva                           S65  5½  39½ 43   0   
  15   13 IM  Milikow Yoav          2370 ISR Kfar Saba                                 5½  38  40½  0   
  16   11 IM  Milikow Elie          2429 ISR Kfar Saba                            U18   5  41  44   0   
  17   20 IM  Zak Uriel             2270 ISR Tel Aviv                             S60   5  39  41½  0   
  18   37 WFM Orian Noga          F 2098 ISR Haifa                                U18   5  39  40½  0   
  19    7 IM  Globus Or             2459 ISR Ramat Gan                                  5  38½ 42½  0   
  20   22     Gov Guy               2233 ISR Haifa                                      5  32  34½  0   
  21   10 IM  Levin Guy             2431 ISR Ramat Gan                            U18  4½  41½ 44   0   
  22   45     Meirovich Ilay        2054 ISR Kiryat Ono                           U18  4½  38  39½  0   
  23   40     Levi Or               2084 ISR Tel Aviv                             U18  4½  37½ 41   0   
  24   21     Sitbon Itay           2237 ISR Kfar Saba                                 4½  37½ 40   0   
  25   33     Noy Eyal              2150 ISR Petach Tikva                              4½  34½ 36   0   
  26   25     Gavriely Or           2212 ISR Kfar Saba                            U18  4½  34  36½  0   
  27   29     Podeneshko Evgeny     2170 ISR Ramat Gan                                 4½  33½ 36   0   
  28   44     Bilenkiy Maksym       2062 ISR Beer Sheva                           U18   4  42  45½  0   
  29   39     Shilon Rahav Eliran   2085 ISR Hapoel Center of Excellence in Chess U14   4  39½ 43   0   
  30   36     Duchan Yoav           2117 ISR Ramat Gan                            U18   4  38  41½  0   
  31   23 FM  Chernomordik Pavel    2219 ISR Ramat Gan                                  4  37½ 40   0   
  32   19 FM  Poleg Matan           2295 ISR Netanya                                    4  35  37½  0   
  33   30     Magen Amnon           2157 ISR Chess4All                                  4  34  36½  0   
  34   26     Levi Netanel          2208 ISR Ramat Gan                                  4  33½ 36   0   
  35   47     Kinberg Ofer          1999 ISR Hertzliya                                  4  31½ 34   0   
  36   27     Iliaguev Daniel       2198 ISR Beer Sheva                                3½  35  37½  0   
  37   32     Frolov Aleksey        2152 FID Ramat Gan                                 3½  34  36½  0   
  38   24     Uritsky Yonathan      2215 ISR Ramat Gan                            U18  3½  33½ 36   0   
  39   31     Pelech Roee           2156 ISR Rishon LeZion                        U18  3½  32½ 34   0   
  40   35     Shimshovich Asaf      2135 ISR Kfar Saba                                 3½  29½ 31   0   
  41   34 CM  Menahem Adi           2144 ISR Hapoel Center of Excellence in Chess U18   3  36½ 40   0   
  42   41     Azoulay Yehonatan     2079 ISR Rishon LeZion                        U14   3  31  32½  0   
  43   43     Bodenshtein Yair      2075 ISR Kiryat Ono                                2½  34  37   0   
  44   38     Zakin Ilay            2098 ISR Rishon LeZion                        U14  2½  34  35½  0   
  45   48     Gurevich Neria        1996 ISR Ramat Gan                            U14  2½  31  33½  0   
  46   42     Aroeta Benny          2078 ISR Ariel                                     2½  30  32½  0   
  47   46     Leib Yoni             2025 ISR Rishon LeZion                        U18  2½  30  31½  0   
  48   28     Yaniv Ori             2188 ISR Ramat Gan                                 1½  32  34½  0 


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