For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 310 : 01.12.2011

Chess games 6060
Chess tournaments 53

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Puhajarve EST, 12th Handicap

Rk    Name                 Ti  FED  Rtg   Pts
1     Nyback, Tomi         GM  FIN  2631  23.0
2     Jussupow, Artur      GM  GER  2569  23.0
3     Sepp, Olav           IM  EST  2486  22.0
4     Miezis, Normunds     GM  LAT  2547  22.0
5     Kulaots, Kaido       GM  EST  2577  20.5
6     Khalifman, Alexander GM  RUS  2632  20.0
7     Seeman, Tarvo        IM  EST  2400  19.0
8     Lauk, Ular           IM  EST  2394  18.5
9     Volodin, Aleksandr   GM  EST  2495  18.0
10    Schults, Olev        FM  EST  2224  18.0
11    Vihmand, Ants            EST  0     17.5
12    Ehlvest, Jaan        GM  USA  2594  17.0
13    Korchnoi, Viktor     GM  SUI  2567  17.0
14    Puusepp, Kaimar          EST  0     17.0
15    Siemer, Tambet           EST  2046  16.5
16    Porrasmaa, Timo          FIN  2129  15.5
17    Valgmae, Toomas          EST  2208  14.5
18    Drugov, Pavel        IM  RUS  2348  14.5
19    Vorobjov, Pavel          EST  2167  14.5
20    Ozolins, Aris        FM  LAT  2236  13.0
21    Tedrema, Ardi            EST  0     11.5
22    Rotov, Igor              EST  0     10.5
23    Jarvet, Juri             EST  0     10.5
24    Soot, Margus             EST  2105  9.5
25    Rebane, Raul             EST  0     9.5
26    Baskin, Roman            EST  0     7.0
27    Kelder, Hendrek          EST  0     5.5
28    Tuulik, Ulo              EST  0     5.5
29    Viesulas, Jonas          LIT  0     3.5
30    Kapp, Viljar             EST  0     1.0


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