For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 479 : 10.08.2016

Chess games 12546
Chess tournaments 77

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Port of Spain TRI, Masters Open 2016

Rank SNo.     Name                            Rtg FED age Type Pts Res. BH.   SB   Vict 
   1    2 GM  Zaragatski Ilja                2491 GER  31       7   1   37½  38,00  6   
   2    1 GM  Moradiabadi Elshan             2597 FID  31       7   0   36½  34,75  6   
   3    3 IM  Salinas Herrera Pablo          2433 CHI  22       6   1    38  29,75  5   
   4    4 IM  Gascon Del Nogal Jose Rafael   2428 VEN  21       6   0   37½  30,25  4   
   5    5 GM  Sriram Jha                     2422 IND  40      5½   0   38½  28,00  3   
   6   13 FM  Harper Ryan                    2175 TTO  39       5   0   37½  24,00  4   
   7    9 IM  Marichal Gonzalez Ariel        2268 VEN  44       5   0    36  21,00  4   
   8   10 WGM Foisor Sabina-Francesca      F 2260 USA  27       5   0   34½  22,75  3   
   9    6 IM  Rohl Montes Juan Armando       2376 VEN  43       5   0   33½  21,25  3   
  10    8 IM  Vilela De Acuna Jose Luis      2337 CUB  63 S50   5   0   32½  18,75  3   
  11   17 FM  Munro Allan                    2105 TTO  30      4½   0    31  18,25  3   
  12   12 FM  Cupid Kevin                    2197 TTO  25      4½   0    30  15,25  2   
  13   16 FM  Johnson Joshua                 2144 TTO  17 U18  4½   0   29½  15,00  3   
  14   21 FM  Matoewi Roger                  2031 SUR  41      4½   0    25  14,25  3   
  15   15 FM  Merritt Mario                  2145 TTO  39       4   2   30½  12,50  4   
  16   22 NM  Gordon Anderson                2021 TTO  42       4   1   28½  13,00  2   
  17   14 FM  Joseph Marcus                  2161 TTO  29       4   -1   25  12,25  3   
  18   11 FM  Winter Atwell Adrian           2200 TTO  31      3½   0   25½  10,00  2   
  19    7 IM  Van Assendelft Floris          2350 NED  31       3   0    29  8,50   2   
  20   20 CM  Singh Ravishen                 2038 TTO  39      2½   0    28  7,75   1   
  21   18 WIM Chevannes Sabrina L          F 2069 ENG  30       2   0    25  5,75   1   
  22   19 FM  Pouchet Michael                2041 TTO          1½   0    25  5,75   0   


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