For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 735 : 20.09.2023

Chess games 9316
Chess tournaments 75

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Piacenza ITA, Open Sept 2023

Rank SNo.    Name                        Rtg FED Club Type Pts BH. BH. RtgØ 
   1    7 CM Ballotti Luca              2154 ITA MO        4½  22½ 20  2190 
   2    5    Marzaduri Riccardo         2192 ITA CT        4½  21½ 18½ 2097 
   3    3    Tirelli Mauro              2253 ITA PC        4½  20  17½ 2064 
   4    4    Hercegovac Neven           2207 ITA BG   U18  4½  16½ 16½ 2103 
   5   11 IM Mrdja Milan                2132 CRO      S65   4  23  20  2159 
   6    2 GM Solomon Kenny              2307 RSA            4  21  18  2072 
   7    8 IM Vezzosi Paolo              2150 ITA PR   S50   4  19  17½ 2046 
   8    1 FM Kalosha Zhiulien Oleksii   2321 UKR      U18   4  17½ 15½ 2071 
   9   14    Franza Marco               2091 ITA LC   S50   4  15½ 14  1941 
  10    6    Gonella Daniele            2182 ITA CO        3½  20½ 18½ 2098 
  11   22    Marzatico Luca             1996 ITA LO        3½  18½ 17  2066 
  12   24    Toniolo Samuel             1981 ITA VE        3½  18½ 16½ 2162 
  13   13    Tripodi Enzo               2117 ITA TO         3  20½ 19½ 2130 
  14   21    Paulmichl Martin           2003 ITA BZ   S50   3  19½ 17½ 2134 
  15   19    Gola Giorgio               2036 ITA TO   U18   3  19  18  2101 
  16   10    Budyi Danylo               2133 ITA VE   U18   3  16  16  2060 
  17   25    Tramalloni Luca            1955 ITA MI   S50   3  15  14  2012 
  18   15    Bonade' Massimo            2074 ITA PC         3  14½ 13½ 2024 
  19   16    Ventura Franco             2070 ITA CR   S65   3  13½ 12½ 2032 
  20   18    Tencati Giuseppe           2055 ITA PC        2½  19  18  2105 
  21   31    Garbezza Davide            1863 ITA TO        2½  18½ 16  2049 
  22   30    Bodini Ludovico            1888 ITA BS   U18  2½  16½ 16½ 2080 
  23   17    Dionigi Riccardo           2056 ITA MO        2½  16  16  2067 
  24   12    Giretti Kanev Jasen Pavlov 2127 ITA PV   S50  2½  14½ 13½ 1981 
  25   32    Marcenaro Alessandro       1840 ITA AN   U18   2  16½ 16½ 2080 
  26    9    Rotondaro Alberto          2147 ITA TO   U18   2  16  14  2015 
  27   20    Mosca Leonildo             2006 ITA VE   S65   2  15½ 14½ 2081 
  28   26    Laneve Giulio              1953 ITA BO   U18   2  15  15  2078 
  29   29    Niederstaetter Harald      1913 ITA BZ   S50  1½  17½ 15½ 2080 
  30   23    Mammi Ottavio              1981 ITA MO   U18  1½  14½ 14½ 2006 
  31   28    Castrogiovanni Carlo       1919 ITA LO   S65   1  15  14  2045 
  32   27    Ghita Vlad-Bogdan          1939 ROU            ½  13½ 12  2049


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