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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 764 : 10.07.2024

Chess games 5548
Chess tournaments 42

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Philadelphia USA, 17th International

17th Philadelphia Int Philadelphia USA Thu 27th Jun 2024 - Mon 1st Jul 2024
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Woodward, Andy AustinIMUSA2503W76 (w)W47 (b)W10 (w)D5 (w)W6 (b)W2 (b)D7 (w)D3 (w)W15 (b)7.5$6,200.00
2Jimenez, Fidel CorralesGMUSA2545W75 (b)W38 (w)W14 (b)W26 (w)D7 (b)L1 (w)W33 (w)W5 (b)D3 (b)7$3,000.00
2Rahul, Srivatshav PeddiGMIND2453D44 (w)W78 (b)W51 (w)D28 (b)W37 (w)W4 (b)W11 (w)D1 (b)D2 (w)7$3,000.00
4Durarbayli, VasifGMAZE2618H---W104 (w)W50 (b)D25 (w)W35 (b)L3 (w)W18 (b)W36 (w)H---6.5$685.72
4Antipov, MikhailGMFID2614W57 (w)W19 (b)W24 (w)D1 (b)W8 (w)D7 (b)W12 (w)L2 (w)D13 (b)6.5$700
4Zhou, JianchaoGMCHN2574W42 (w)W29 (b)W46 (w)D8 (b)L1 (w)L16 (b)W51 (w)W26 (b)W25 (w)6.5$700
4Bellahcene, BilelGMALG2544W59 (w)W71 (b)W18 (w)W37 (b)D2 (w)D5 (w)D1 (b)W16 (b)L8 (w)6.5$700
4Cruz, CristhianGMPER2478W93 (b)W49 (w)W27 (b)D6 (w)L5 (b)W28 (w)D15 (b)D13 (w)W7 (b)6.5$700
4Flom, Gabriel BattagliniGMFRA2454W62 (b)D20 (w)W40 (b)D36 (w)D26 (b)D27 (w)D21 (b)W28 (w)W31 (b)6.5$700
4Lee, AliceIMUSA2368W86 (b)W58 (w)L1 (b)D108 (w)D31 (b)W53 (w)D27 (b)W23 (w)W34 (b)6.5$685.72
11Burke, John MichaelGMUSA2591L58 (b)W80 (w)W92 (b)W31 (w)D25 (b)W26 (w)L3 (b)W27 (w)D18 (b)6
11Cordova, EmilioGMPER2529D43 (b)W32 (w)W20 (b)D35 (w)W17 (b)W36 (w)L5 (b)L15 (w)W39 (b)6$700
11Urazayev, ArystanbekIMKAZ2483W60 (w)W84 (b)L37 (w)W71 (b)D46 (w)D25 (b)W29 (w)D8 (b)D5 (w)6$300
11Liang, JasonIMUSA2412W77 (w)W52 (b)L2 (w)D51 (b)W29 (w)L18 (b)W56 (w)W38 (b)D17 (w)6
11Atanasov, AnthonyIMCAN2407D32 (b)W85 (w)D108 (b)W41 (w)D27 (b)W20 (w)D8 (w)W12 (b)L1 (w)6$300
11Ostrovskiy, AleksandrIMUSA2400D85 (b)W65 (w)L31 (b)W75 (w)W108 (b)W6 (w)W23 (b)L7 (w)D19 (b)6
11Lu, MaximillianIMUSA2380D65 (b)W120 (w)W69 (b)H---L12 (w)W55 (b)H---W45 (w)D14 (b)6
11Chen, RyoIMUSA2374W79 (b)W53 (w)L7 (b)W30 (w)D23 (b)W14 (w)L4 (w)W48 (b)D11 (w)6
11Luo, TerryFMUSA2316W67 (w)L5 (w)D93 (b)W57 (b)D21 (w)D79 (b)W66 (w)W33 (b)D16 (w)6
11Kaplan, Avi HarrisonUSA2226W68 (w)D9 (b)L12 (w)W78 (b)W77 (w)L15 (b)D22 (w)W60 (b)W35 (b)6$1,500.00
11Chirilov, James AndreiUSA2196H---W98 (w)L35 (b)W32 (w)D19 (b)W24 (b)D9 (w)D34 (w)W36 (b)6$1,500.00
22Mikhalevski, VictorGMISR2496W92 (b)W72 (w)L26 (b)D38 (w)D53 (b)D73 (w)D20 (b)W51 (w)D30 (b)5.5$700
22Escalante, BrianGMPER2476W61 (w)L51 (b)W56 (w)W47 (b)D18 (w)W46 (b)L16 (w)L10 (b)W48 (w)5.5$700
22Wang, JasonIMUSA2425W45 (b)W73 (w)L5 (b)W39 (w)L36 (b)L21 (w)W92 (b)D40 (w)W53 (b)5.5
22Liu, Eric ChangIMUSA2398W109 (w)D117 (b)W48 (w)D4 (b)D11 (w)D13 (w)D31 (b)W43 (w)L6 (b)5.5
22Perez, Matias GormazIMCHI2373W80 (w)W83 (b)W22 (w)L2 (b)D9 (w)L11 (b)W59 (w)L6 (w)W56 (b)5.5$300
22Zhao, ErickFMUSA2359W81 (w)W113 (b)L8 (w)W61 (b)D15 (w)D9 (b)D10 (w)L11 (b)W52 (w)5.5
22Lee, MichaelIMUSA2341D94 (w)W63 (b)W55 (w)D3 (w)D33 (b)L8 (b)W61 (w)L9 (b)W59 (w)5.5
22Bartell, ThomasIMUSA2314W115 (b)L6 (w)W45 (b)W109 (w)L14 (b)W65 (w)L13 (b)D53 (w)W61 (b)5.5
22Shah, Ansh MilinkumarIND2195W118 (w)L46 (b)W66 (w)L18 (b)D86 (w)D78 (b)W44 (w)W70 (b)D22 (w)5.5
22Ai, Evan ZihaoUSA2150D107 (w)W106 (b)W16 (w)L11 (b)D10 (w)W37 (b)D25 (w)W46 (b)L9 (w)5.5
22England, MaxCAN2082D15 (w)L12 (b)W68 (w)L21 (b)D103 (w)W89 (b)D37 (w)W49 (b)W47 (w)5.5
33Posthuma, JoshuaIMUSA2419H---W43 (w)D54 (b)W84 (b)D28 (w)W38 (w)L2 (b)L19 (w)D40 (b)5
33Huston, GusIMUSA2402D63 (w)W44 (b)D70 (w)D59 (b)W52 (w)D51 (b)D48 (w)D21 (b)L10 (w)5
33Shmelov, Denys KIMUKR2385W114 (w)D55 (b)W21 (w)D12 (b)L4 (w)D56 (b)D57 (w)W42 (b)L20 (w)5$300
33Putnam, Liam HenryFMUSA2376W66 (w)D56 (b)W117 (w)D9 (b)W24 (w)L12 (b)W39 (w)L4 (b)L21 (w)5
33Johnson, JoshuaFMTTO2359W87 (b)W99 (w)W13 (b)L7 (w)L3 (b)L31 (w)D32 (b)W83 (w)D43 (b)5
33Perez, Robert MUSA2299W95 (w)L2 (b)W42 (w)D22 (b)W59 (w)L33 (b)W79 (w)L14 (w)D45 (b)5
33Pressman, Leif AFMUSA2234L99 (b)W86 (w)W82 (b)L24 (b)W44 (w)W69 (w)L36 (b)W57 (b)L12 (w)5
33Puckett, MatthewUSA2203D103 (w)W100 (b)L9 (w)D83 (b)D66 (w)W77 (b)D70 (w)D24 (b)D33 (w)5
120 players


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