For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 76 : 01.06.2005

Chess games 4626
Chess tournaments 22

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Ostrava CZE, Closed IM 2005

30.04 - 08.05 | Ostrava, Czech Republic | Closed, IM cat. 2 (2293)

                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 

 1. Michenka, Jozef    m CZE 2348  * = 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 =  7.0  2507 
 2. Kotan, Ladislav    m SVK 2325  = * = = 0 1 1 1 1 1  6.5  2455 
 3. Michalik, Peter      SVK 2244  0 = * = 1 = 1 1 1 1  6.5  2464 
 4. Splosnov, Sergei   m BLR 2369  = = = * = = 1 = = 1  5.5  2364 
 5. Priborsky, Jan       CZE 2320  0 1 0 = * 0 1 = 1 1  5.0  2333 
 6. Ganaus, Hannes     m AUT 2308  0 0 = = 1 * = = = 1  4.5  2291 
 7. Czarnota, Dorota  wm POL 2244  = 0 0 0 0 = * 1 1 0  3.0  2173 
 8. Bolacky, Jiri        CZE 2252  0 0 0 = = = 0 * = 1  3.0  2172 
 9. Muzik, Martin        CZE 2317  0 0 0 = 0 = 0 = * 1  2.5  2124 
10. Karhanek, Pavel      CZE 2206  = 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 *  1.5  2030 


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