For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 762 : 20.06.2024

Chess games 6269
Chess tournaments 44

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Ostersund SWE, Storsjodraget Open 2024

Storsjodraget 2024

Organizer(s) : ÖSS
Chief Arbiter : IA Henrik Johansson (1718347)
Town : c:nen, Prastgatan, Ostersund
Rating-Ø : 1902
Date : 2024/06/14 To 2024/06/16

Final ranking

Rank SNo.    Name                                Rtg FED Type Gr Pts BH/C1 Res. WIN BPG 
   1    3 FM Grahn Vidar                        2264 SWE U20     5½   29½   0    4   4  
   2    4    Oksendal Martin                    2264 NOR U20     5½   27    0    4   3  
   3    5 FM Roulet-Dubonnet Emerik Vapenstad   2172 NOR U20      5   29    ½    3   4  
   4    1 FM Soderstrom Adrian                  2351 SWE U20      5   29    ½    3   3  
   5   12    Pettersson Tobias                  2047 SWE      1   5   25    0    4   3  
   6    2 GM Ernst Thomas                       2266 SWE S50     4½   26    0    4   3  
        6    Sundin Emanuel                     2165 SWE         4½   26    0    4   3  
   8    8    Nygren David                       2132 SWE S50     4½   24½   0    4   3  
   9   15    Svensson Leif                      1974 SWE S65  1  4½   23½   0    3   4  
  10    9    Nilsson Oliver                     2099 SWE U20  1   4   27½   0    4   4  
  11    7    Marklund Niklas                    2140 SWE          4   24½   0    3   4  
  12   10    Bohman Karlholm Adrian             2076 SWE      1   4   24    0    2   3  
  13   14    Jonsson Axel                       1996 SWE      1   4   21½   0    3   3  
  14   17    Wickstrom Carina                 F 1949 SWE      2   4   19½   0    4   3  
  15   11    Ytrestoyl Sindre Lyngsaunet        2058 NOR U20  1  3½   26    0    2   4  
  16   19 CM Helin Mikael                       1885 SWE S50  2  3½   25    0    3   4  
  17   13    Madebrink Lars                     2041 SWE S65  1  3½   23    0    3   4  
  18   21    Adolfsson Daniel                   1824 SWE      2  3½   22    0    3   4  
  19   16    Rezai Julius                       1953 SWE U20  1  3½   20    0    3   3  
  20   25    Ekberg Axel                        1707 SWE      3  3½   16½   0    3   3  
  21   20    Reinertsen Edvard                  1858 NOR U15  2   3   21½   0    3   3  
  22   23    Oberg Bengt                        1737 SWE S50  2   3   19½   0    2   4  
  23   24    Kuburovic Vladimir                 1709 SWE S50  2   3   18½   0    3   3  
  24   26    Blomkvist Kenneth                  1694 SWE      3   3   18    0    3   3  
  25   22    Sundell Hugo                       1760 SWE U20  2   3   17½   0    2   3  
  26   18    Salholm Soren                      1928 SWE S65  2  2½   23½   0    2   4  
  27   27    Wieselblad Noah                    1673 SWE U20  3  2½   22½   0    2   4  
  28   31    Dahlkvist Hartwig Sture               0 SWE U13  3   2   20    0    2   3  
  29   29    Johansson Anders                      0 SWE      3   2   19½   0    2   3  
  30   30    Johansson Rexner Melker               0 SWE U15  3  1½   20    0    1   3  
  31   28    Ersson Arve                        1557 SWE U15  3  1½   17    0    1   3  
  32   32    Gumaa El Sadiq                        0 SWE      3   0   15½   0    0   1 


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