For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 308 : 10.11.2011

Chess games 6199
Chess tournaments 28

View all included tournaments

Novara ITA, 1st Open

Classifica al turno 5
Pos Pts ID T NAME Rtg PRtg Fed Buc1 BucT ARO
1 4.0 2 GM 2500 2529 15.00 17.00 2289.40
2 4.0 1 GM 2542 2555 13.00 15.00 2315.40
3 4.0 3 GM 2456 2516 13.00 14.50 2275.80
4 3.5 5 IM 2418 2389 14.50 17.50 2239.80
5 3.5 11 FM 2245 2343 12.50 14.50 2193.60
6 3.5 14 -M 2206 2438 12.50 14.00 2289.00
7 3.5 23 CM 2033 2280 12.00 13.00 2130.80
8 3.5 16 CM 2141 2370 11.50 13.00 2221.20
9 3.5 12 -M 2234 2278 9.50 10.50 2128.80
10 3.0 4 GM 2432 2229 11.50 13.50 2115.20
11 3.0 10 -M 2261 2196 11.50 12.50 2124.20
12 3.0 15 -M 2173 2333 11.00 12.50 2260.80
13 3.0 9 -M 2282 2094 11.00 12.00 2021.80
14 3.0 13 -M 2214 2143 10.00 11.00 2070.60
15 3.0 18 CM 2109 2145 9.50 11.00 2073.20
16 2.5 6 FM 2376 2191 12.50 14.50 2191.00
17 2.5 17 -- 2110 2139 11.50 13.50 2138.80
18 2.5 27 CM 2015 2126 11.50 13.50 2126.00
19 2.5 20 CM 2077 2162 11.00 12.00 2161.60
20 2.5 35 1N 1867 2044 8.00 9.00 2044.40
21 2.0 8 IM 2321 2126 13.00 14.50 2198.40
22 2.0 36 1N 1849 2020 11.50 13.50 2092.00
23 2.0 34 1N 1909 1977 11.00 12.50 2118.00
24 2.0 29 CM 1969 2025 11.00 12.00 2097.00
25 2.0 19 -- 2090 2003 10.50 12.50 2075.20
26 2.0 24 CM 2030 2038 10.50 12.00 2110.00
27 2.0 21 CM 2074 1988 10.00 11.50 2059.80
28 2.0 25 CM 2027 2017 9.50 11.00 2088.80
29 1.5 22 CM 2044 1930 11.50 13.00 2078.80
30 1.5 26 CM 2026 2005 10.50 12.50 2153.60
31 1.5 37 2N 1799 2034 10.50 11.50 2056.40
32 1.5 33 1N 1928 1883 8.00 9.00 2032.20
33 1.0 30 1N 1964 1763 11.00 12.00 2003.40
34 1.0 31 CM 1946 1827 10.50 11.50 2067.20
35 1.0 32 1N 1937 1850 9.50 10.50 2021.80
36 1.0 28 1N 1980 1253 9.00 9.00 2023.60
37 0.5 7 FM 2343 1891 10.00 11.50 2239.40


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