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10 Days 686 : 10.05.2022

Chess games 6254
Chess tournaments 67

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Nashik IND, Blitz Ch 2022

Rank SNo.     Name                              Rtg FED Type Pts BH. BH.  SB   
   1    2 GM  Aravindh Chithambaram Vr.        2561 IND      9½  75½ 81½ 69,00 
   2   17 GM  Karthik Venkataraman             2362 IND       9  73  78½ 63,50 
   3    8 GM  Mitrabha Guha                    2468 IND      8½  80  86½ 63,75 
   4    4 GM  Ghosh Diptayan                   2534 IND      8½  78  83  61,00 
   5    9 IM  Ravi Teja S.                     2412 IND      8½  74  79½ 58,75 
   6    5 GM  Vishnu Prasanna. V               2510 IND      8½  73  77½ 58,50 
   7   13 GM  Sankalp Gupta                    2395 IND U20  8½  71½ 76  55,00 
   8   43 IM  Anuj Shrivatri                   2038 IND U18  8½  69  71½ 53,50 
   9   11 IM  Ratnakaran K.                    2407 IND      8½  66  71  52,75 
  10   15 IM  Sharma Dinesh K.                 2372 IND       8  77  82  56,00 
  11   21 GM  Arjun Kalyan                     2321 IND U20   8  76  82  56,50 
  12   24 FM  Navalgund Niranjan               2290 IND       8  69½ 74½ 50,00 
  13   26 IM  Sammed Jaykumar Shete            2253 IND       8  69  74  50,00 
  14   23 WGM Divya Deshmukh                 F 2291 IND U18   8  67  71  47,25 
  15   16 GM  Karthikeyan P.                   2366 IND      7½  73  77  49,25 
  16   19 IM  Krishna C R G                    2332 IND      7½  71½ 76½ 47,75 
  17   34 FM  Aradhya Garg                     2169 IND      7½  70½ 76  50,50 
  18   52     Vaibhav Jayant Raut              1909 IND U20  7½  69  72½ 43,25 
  19    3 GM  Gopal G.N.                       2559 IND      7½  68  73½ 50,00 
  20   88     Nagare Kaivalya Sandip           1460 IND U16  7½  66½ 71½ 47,25 
  21    6 GM  Deepan Chakkravarthy J.          2490 IND      7½  66  70½ 43,75 
  22   66 CM  Kadam Om Manish                  1729 IND U14  7½  64½ 69  44,25 
  23   46     Harsh Suresh                     2020 IND U16  7½  63  67  43,00 
  24   10 IM  Nitin S.                         2409 IND       7  72  77  45,00 
  25   12 GM  Neelotpal Das                    2405 IND       7  71½ 76½ 45,00 
  26   33 IM  Sidhant Mohapatra                2177 IND       7  71  75½ 43,00 
  27   40 FM  Jeet Jain                        2085 IND       7  70½ 74½ 43,25 
  28   25 GM  Sriram Jha                       2253 IND       7  69  74  41,00 
  29   29 IM  Saravana Krishnan P.             2210 IND       7  68  72½ 40,00 
  30   18 IM  Dhulipalla Bala Chandra Prasad   2336 IND       7  67½ 71½ 42,00 
  31   42 AGM Sa Kannan                        2040 IND       7  67  71½ 38,00 
  32   62     Daksh Goyal                      1795 IND U14   7  67  70  40,50 
  33   51 FM  Samant Aditya S                  1916 IND U16   7  65  69  39,50 
  34   79     Joy Pankaj Shah                  1595 IND U20   7  64  68  41,50 
  35   35 IM  Soumya Swaminathan             F 2115 IND       7  62½ 67  39,50 
  36   32 FM  Wagh Suyog                       2181 IND       7  62½ 66½ 38,00 
  37   65 WFM Chandratreya Prachiti          F 1737 IND U18   7  62½ 66½ 37,50 
  38   50 FM  Ayush Sharma                     1947 IND U18   7  62½ 65½ 36,50 
  39   44 IM  Neelash Saha                     2032 IND U20   7  61  65  35,50 
  40  100     Nigash G                         1312 IND U16   7  60½ 64  36,50 
  41   54     Aarav Dengla                     1891 IND U14   7  57½ 61½ 35,00 
  42   20 IM  Shyaamnikhil P                   2329 IND      6½  72½ 77½ 42,25 
  43    7 GM  Laxman R.R.                      2476 IND      6½  69½ 74½ 42,50 
  44   28 FM  Dixit Nikhil                     2223 IND      6½  66½ 71  37,75 
  45   14 IM  Das Arghyadip                    2382 IND      6½  64½ 69  38,25 
  46   41     Ojas Kulkarni                    2070 IND      6½  64½ 69  37,25 
  47   53     Gandhi Anish                     1892 IND      6½  64  68  34,50 
  48   30 FM  Shailesh Dravid                  2205 IND      6½  63½ 68½ 37,75 
  49   69     Shaik Sumer Arsh                 1712 IND U14  6½  63½ 68  37,25 
  50   37     Sahil Tickoo                     2099 IND      6½  62½ 67½ 37,25 
  51   67     Gokhale Rishabh Chandrashekhar   1722 IND U18  6½  62½ 66  34,25 
  52   38 FM  Gajwa Ankit                      2098 IND      6½  62  67  38,00 
  53   96     Kshatriya Nitin Vekhande         1352 IND U14  6½  61½ 65½ 34,75 
  54   97     Dakshraj Shadanan Bole           1351 IND U16  6½  61½ 65½ 34,50 
  55   22 IM  Gusain Himal                     2294 IND      6½  56½ 61  32,50 
  56   31 IM  Raahul V S                       2185 IND U20   6  70  74½ 36,50 
  57   47 IM  Saksham Rautela                  1990 IND U18   6  68½ 73  33,50 
  58   27 IM  Sangma Rahul                     2230 IND       6  68  72  33,25 
  59   63     Gawai Siddhant                   1771 IND U16   6  65  66½ 30,00 
  60   92     Vishal Sharma                    1416 IND U16   6  64½ 69½ 33,00 
  61   82 AIM Bhavik Ahuja                     1549 IND U16   6  64  67  33,00 
  62   68     Madkar Atharva                   1716 IND       6  62½ 66  30,00 
  63   58     Sharma Vivek                     1827 IND U20   6  62½ 65½ 28,50 
  64   77 CM  Borgaonkar Akshay                1624 IND U14   6  61½ 65½ 31,00 
  65   61     Pimpalkhare Vedant               1805 IND       6  61½ 64½ 31,00 
  66   76     Md Bashiq Imrose                 1653 IND U16   6  61  62½ 29,00 
  67   90     Gyaneshwar B                     1423 IND U20   6  59  62½ 27,50 
  68   84 AIM Nagarkatte Vedant                1485 IND U18   6  57½ 61  29,00 
  69   56     Yogesh Swami                     1875 IND       6  57½ 61  28,00 
  70   36 FM  Goswami Vedant                   2107 IND       6  57  61½ 29,50 
  71   73 FM  Jain Kashish Manoj               1681 IND U18   6  57  59  28,00 
  72   83     Vedant Nitin Vekhande            1505 IND U14   6  56  59½ 29,25 
  73   70     Manish Sharma                    1710 IND       6  55½ 59  27,50 
  74  105     Raja Bose                        1269 IND       6  55  58  25,00 
  75  160     Nirvan Bhamidi                      0 IND U14   6  54½ 58  29,50 
  76  112     Bopardikar Veer                  1227 IND U14   6  54  56½ 24,50 
  77  109     Rohith N                         1237 IND U18   6  53½ 57½ 29,50 
  78   91     Shimpi Rushikesh                 1422 IND       6  53  57  25,50 
  79  135     Adithya Sakthimani                  0 IND U18   6  53  56  25,50 
  80   39 IM  Deshmukh Anup                    2087 IND S50  5½  69½ 73½ 31,75 
  81  122     Chitre Arush                     1132 IND U12  5½  61  65½ 29,00 
  82   81     Krishnan Ritvik                  1565 IND U16  5½  60½ 62½ 25,25 
  83   98     Agarwal Mukund H                 1349 IND U14  5½  60  64  28,25 
  84   78     Patil Harshal                    1612 IND      5½  59  63  27,25 
  85   72     Shah Vishwa                    F 1688 IND      5½  58  60½ 24,75 
  86   48 WIM Parnali S Dharia               F 1962 IND      5½  56  60  26,25 
  87   80     Kartik Kumar Singh               1581 IND U16  5½  54½ 56½ 22,25 
  88   64 WFM Toshali V                      F 1754 IND      5½  54  56½ 21,75 
  89  101     Wairagade Khush                  1311 IND U20  5½  52  54½ 21,50 
  90  171     Shriram Kailas Mhasane              0 IND       5  64½ 69½ 28,00 
  91   57 CM  Ebenezer Joseph                  1861 IND S50   5  61½ 65½ 25,50 
  92   55     Nagare Akhilesh                  1876 IND       5  60  63½ 24,00 
  93   60     Karthik K                        1822 IND       5  59½ 63½ 24,00 
  94  133 AFM Dahale Rajas                        0 IND U12   5  57½ 61½ 23,00 
  95   49     Stanley Samson P.                1951 IND       5  57½ 61  23,25 
  96  103     Harshvardhan Swami               1272 IND U14   5  56½ 60½ 20,00 
  97   71     Rajith V.                        1708 IND S50   5  56  58½ 21,50 
  98   74     Ishant Kumar                     1674 IND U16   5  55½ 60  24,75 
  99   75     Sanjiv Kumar                     1673 IND S50   5  55  59  23,00 
 100  126     Jathar Rishabh                   1090 IND U16   5  55  57  20,50 
 101  108     Ranka Srushti                  F 1237 IND U18   5  54½ 58  20,50 
 102  130     Sharma Mohit                     1033 IND U14   5  54  57  21,50 
 103  116     Sriram Sundar V                  1158 IND U14   5  54  56  19,00 
 104  107     Bahalkar Aarya                   1237 IND U16   5  53  56  21,00 
 105   99     Raja Sree Virinchi Vadali        1331 IND U18   5  53  56  19,50 
 106   89     Bakshi Mandar                    1427 IND       5  52½ 56½ 22,00 
 107   95     Mehendale Sanket                 1353 IND       5  52½ 56  20,50 
 108  113     Gopalakrishnan G                 1208 IND U14   5  52½ 55½ 20,50 
 109  125     Chaudhary Bhavik                 1094 IND U16   5  52  54½ 20,50 
 110  117     Amulya Guruprasad              F 1154 IND U14   5  52  53½ 18,00 
 111  154     Ishaan Vinay Bele                   0 IND       5  51  53  18,50 
 112  102     Jathar Soham                     1285 IND U12   5  50½ 53½ 19,00 
 113   59     Gajendra Singh                   1826 IND S50   5  49  53  22,00 
 114  176     Vivek Virendra Ahire                0 IND       5  48½ 51½ 19,50 
 115  153     Ishaan Subodh Patil                 0 IND U12   5  46½ 49½ 19,00 
 116  158     Madhav Purohit                      0 IND       5  44  47½ 19,50 
 117   86     Anshul Nanwani                   1473 IND U16   5  44  46½ 18,00 
 118  167     Salvi Saurabh                       0 IND U20   5  41  42½ 14,00 
 119  123 AIM Kanwar Raj Singh Sodhi           1116 IND U18  4½  56  59½ 21,00 
 120  124     Padmawar Amey                    1112 IND U14  4½  53  55½ 18,75 
 121   87 AIM Sheikh Jahan                     1467 IND      4½  52½ 56  19,25 
 122   93     Mishra Rahul                     1413 IND      4½  52  53½ 15,00 
 123  121     Maahir Aggarwal                F 1139 IND U14  4½  50½ 53½ 17,75 
 124   94     Atharva Aloni                    1371 IND U18  4½  50½ 53  17,25 
 125  120     Bodke Atharva                    1144 IND U16  4½  50  53½ 18,25 
 126  119     Jain Hitansh                     1150 IND U12  4½  45½ 47  12,25 
 127  173     Swayam Pramod Ubale                 0 IND      4½  44½ 47½ 16,25 
 128    1 GM  Karthikeyan Murali               2579 IND       4  64  68½ 25,00 
 129  111     Kulkarni Siya Jayant           F 1231 IND U16   4  58  61½ 16,50 
 130  115     Aadish Shah                      1174 IND U12   4  57½ 62  20,50 
 131  134     Aakash Mundel                       0 IND       4  53  57  18,50 
 132  127     Vishal Govind Kale               1072 IND       4  52  55  15,50 
 133  110     Aditya Jain                      1231 IND U18   4  51  54  16,50 
 134  106     Sanjay Ramkrishna Deo            1253 IND S50   4  51  52½ 14,00 
 135  136     Aditya Sandeep Wagh                 0 IND U16   4  50½ 53½ 17,00 
 136  142     Arnav Avinash Pawar                 0 IND       4  49½ 52½ 15,00 
 137  132 ACM Shirin Bhattacharyya           F 1024 IND U14   4  49½ 51½ 15,50 
 138  104     Giridharan M                     1271 IND S50   4  49  52  14,50 
 139  139     Amey Yatin Muke                     0 IND       4  48  49½ 10,50 
 140  148     Bhise Akanksha                 F    0 IND U16   4  46½ 49  15,00 
 141  141     Anuj Anant Joshi                    0 IND U12   4  46½ 49  13,50 
 142  128     Rathi Vrinda                   F 1068 IND U16   4  45  46½ 10,00 
 143  145     Ashish Naryan Ahire                 0 IND       4  43  45½ 12,50 
 144   85     Maske Sushant Ashroba            1483 IND       4  39  41  11,00 
 145  172     Shubham                             0 IND       4  37  38½ 10,00 
 146  144     Aryaman Manish Kumar Chopade        0 IND      3½  50½ 52½ 12,75 
 147  155     Jayvardhan Kaigaonkar               0 IND      3½  49  51½ 12,75 
 148  140     Amitoj Singh Sabharwal              0 IND      3½  48½ 50½ 11,75 
 149  143     Arnav Suhas Bidwai                  0 IND      3½  46½ 48½ 11,00 
 150  165     Rishi Rajendra Mishra               0 IND      3½  44½ 47½ 12,25 
 151  156     Jivhesh Manish Shekatkar            0 IND      3½  41½ 44½ 11,25 
 152  137     Afsha Parveen                  F    0 IND      3½  39½ 41  8,25  
 153  146     Bhargav Sunil Laad                  0 IND       3  45  46½ 7,50  
 154  150     Gamini Sourya Jaya Chandra          0 IND       3  42  44  7,00  
 155  170     Shivank Pathak                      0 IND       3  41½ 43½ 8,00  
 156  149     Dhere Mahesh                        0 IND       3  40½ 42  6,00  
 157  152     Haridas Shubham                     0 IND       3  39  41  6,50  
 158  138     Amandeep                            0 IND       3  38½ 40½ 6,00  
 159  174     Tatavarthy S N V Satya Vennela F    0 IND       3  38½ 40  7,50  
 160  131     Bhise Adinath                    1032 IND U16  2½  52  55½ 9,75  
 161  159     Mukesh Kumar                        0 IND      2½  37½ 39½ 6,00  
 162  169     Sanjay Kumar                        0 IND      2½  34  35½ 4,25  
 163  175     Vageesh Swaminathan                 0 IND U12   2  46  49  8,00  
 164  161     Pawan Kumar                         0 IND       2  37  38½ 3,50  
 165  164     Ravi Dutt                           0 IND       2  35  36  2,50  
 166  151     Hardeep Kumar                       0 IND       2  34½ 35½ 3,00  
 167  168     Sandeep Malik                       0 IND       2  30½ 32  3,50  
 168  177     Yash Vijay Pariyani                 0 IND       1  45½ 47½ 5,00  
 169   45     Tata Keerthi Rana                2029 IND       0  37½ 38½ 0,00  
      114 AIM Porwal Dhruv                     1191 IND U16   0  37½ 38½ 0,00  
      118     Kulkarni Pawan                   1154 IND       0  37½ 38½ 0,00  
      129     Rathi Ram                        1055 IND U14   0  37½ 38½ 0,00  
      147     Bharti                         F    0 IND       0  37½ 38½ 0,00  
      157     Lokesh GS                           0 IND       0  37½ 38½ 0,00  
      162     Preeti                         F    0 IND       0  37½ 38½ 0,00  
      163     Pushap Lata                    F    0 IND       0  37½ 38½ 0,00  
      166     Sachin Kumar Meena                  0 IND       0  37½ 38½ 0,00  


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