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10 Days 749 : 10.02.2024

Chess games 3468
Chess tournaments 32

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Montevideo URU, Duchamp Mem 2024

VII Abierto de Montevideo


Organizer(s) : IA Sabrina de San Vicente
Tournament Director : IM Tomas Darcyl y Ricardo Costianovsky
Chief Arbiter : IA de San Vicente, Sabrina 3003973
Deputy Chief Arbiter : FA Campora, Edgardo 3003612
Arbiter : FA David, Dorian-Ciprian 1216341; FA Arias Gaviria, Mario Alexis 3800660; NA Aguilar, Carla 300668
Town : Salas Roja y Dorada Centro de Conferencias de la IMM, Montevideo
Rating-Ø : 1787
Date : 2024/02/01 To 2024/02/09

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                                Rtg FED Type Pts Res. BH. BH.  SB   ratP 
   1    1 GM  Meier Georg                        2616 URU      7½   ½   50½ 55  44,25 2570 
   2    3 GM  Tristan Leonardo                   2515 ARG      7½   ½   48  52½ 43,00 2497 
   3    4 GM  Salinas Herrera Pablo              2483 CHI       7   0   50½ 55½ 41,00 2440 
   4    6 GM  Garcia Palermo Carlos Horacio      2403 ITA S65   7   0   48  52  39,00 2360 
   5    5 IM  Acosta Pablo Ismael                2479 ARG       7   0   45½ 48½ 37,00 2312 
   6    2 GM  Krysa Leandro                      2541 ARG      6½   0   50  54½ 37,00 2390 
   7    8 GM  Hoffman Alejandro                  2361 URU S50  6½   0   49  53½ 36,25 2274 
   8    9 IM  Roselli Mailhe Bernardo            2359 URU S50  6½   0   47  51  34,75 2335 
   9   17 WGM Amura Claudia                    F 2196 ARG S50  6½   0   46½ 50½ 35,00 2167 
  10   11 WIM Agrest Inna                      F 2279 SWE      6½   0   46  50  34,00 2255 
  11   21 IM  Piasetski Leon                     2151 CAN S65  6½   0   45  47½ 32,25 2184 
  12   29 WIM Brizzi Milagros Tatiana          F 2092 ARG      6½   0   43  46  31,50 2133 
  13   10 FM  Schnaider Ilan                     2323 ARG U14   6   0   47½ 51½ 32,00 2229 
  14   22 FM  Andrews Todd                       2135 USA       6   0   47½ 51  32,00 2221 
  15   16 IM  Estrada Nieto Julian               2199 ESP S50   6   0   46½ 51  31,00 2120 
  16   25     Gonzalez Culi Diego                2099 CHI       6   0   44½ 47  28,25 2088 
  17   40     Araque Jairo                       1925 VEN       6   0   42½ 45  26,00 2047 
  18   44     De Lima Adriano Gaspar             1881 ARG U16   6   0   41½ 44½ 29,50 2073 
  19   15 FM  Mussanti Diego                     2204 ARG S50  5½   0   47  52  29,50 2175 
  20   23 CM  Munoz Perez Rolando                2123 CUB S50  5½   0   46½ 51  29,50 2064 
  21   78     Errazola Mauricio                  1702 URU U20  5½   0   43½ 47½ 26,25 2117 
  22   18 FM  Bauza Alejandro                    2180 URU S65  5½   0   41½ 45½ 25,50 1939 
  23   41     Lanzilotta Marcelo                 1920 URU S50  5½   0   41½ 45  24,75 1967 
  24   28     Sepliarsky Mario                   2093 ARG S65  5½   0   41½ 45  24,75 1915 
  25   43     Escofet Jaime                      1885 URU S65  5½   0   41  46½ 25,25 2078 
  26   26     Garcia Silveira Luis               2097 URU S50  5½   0   41  44½ 24,25 1937 
  27   42     Rodriguez Buela Martin             1898 URU U18  5½   0   40½ 44½ 23,75 1858 
  28   48     Kulik Nicolas                      1862 URU U18  5½   0   40  45½ 25,75 1989 
  29   27 FM  Curi Gabriel                       2093 URU S50  5½   0   39½ 45  24,00 2054 
  30   50     Moritz Diego Homrich               1833 BRA      5½   0   39  40  19,00 1856 
  31   12 FM  Carbone Diego                      2275 URU       5   0   48  53  27,00 2230 
  32   14 FM  Larrea Manuel                      2260 URU       5   0   43½ 48½ 26,00 2159 
  33   13 IM  Coppola Claudio                    2272 URU       5   0   43  48  23,50 2182 
  34   74     De Los Reyes Mauro                 1720 URU S50   5   0   42½ 45  21,00 2010 
  35   31 WFM Meza Anahi                       F 2040 ARG       5   0   42½ 45  20,50 1943 
  36   30     Sosa Macho Juan Manuel             2059 URU S50   5   0   41  44½ 20,50 1857 
  37   36     Ressia Lorenzo                     1959 URU U20   5   0   40½ 43½ 22,25 1810 
  38   63     Jasper Nicolas                     1774 ARG S50   5   0   40  44  22,50 1910 
  39   67     Algars Olle                        1747 SWE S65   5   0   40  42½ 19,75 1786 
  40   37     Manteiga Franco                    1957 URU U20   5   0   39  44  22,50 1927 
  41   35 CM  Pichuaga Juan Pablo                1973 URU S50   5   0   39  43  21,25 1905 
  42   49     Martello Benjamin                  1858 URU U18   5   0   38½ 42  20,25 1858 
  43   33     Saralegui Mario                    1994 URU S65   5   0   36½ 41½ 19,25 1952 
  44   58     Fernandez Rodriguez Antonio        1790 URU S50   5   0   35  37  17,00 1749 
  45   51     Barboza Mauro                      1831 URU S65   5   0   33  38  19,00 1749 
  46   89     Flores Pedreira Guillermo          1643 URU       5   0   31  36  16,00 1754 
  47   70     Volpe Agustin                      1729 URU      4½   0   43  47  23,00 1902 
  48   84     Ramirez Agustin                    1669 URU U18  4½   0   42  45½ 21,50 1892 
  49   47     Avedisian Alexander                1866 URU S50  4½   0   41  44  18,25 1886 
  50  128     Menezes Emanuel                       0 URU      4½   0   39½ 42½ 20,25 1838 
  51   65 WFM Quevedo Andreina                 F 1762 URU      4½   0   39  41½ 18,75 1857 
  52   73     Vassallo Mariano                   1726 URU U20  4½   0   38½ 41½ 16,25 1856 
  53   60     Diaz Rosas Alvaro                  1783 URU S65  4½   0   38  42½ 19,00 1725 
  54   59     Davila Texeira Mario               1786 URU S65  4½   0   37½ 41  16,50 1737 
  55   64     Amaral Francisco                   1768 URU      4½   0   37½ 40½ 17,75 1770 
  56   53     Masoller Martin                    1820 URU      4½   0   37  41½ 18,50 1878 
  57   34     Soto Nicolas                       1991 URU      4½   0   37  41½ 17,50 1756 
  58  105     Fabra Nahiara                    F 1554 URU U18  4½   0   37  39½ 18,75 1747 
  59   62     Zaruski Julio                      1781 URU S50  4½   0   37  39  15,25 1572 
  60   82     Solari Pablo                       1692 URU S50  4½   0   36½ 38  14,00 1687 
  61   66     Ramos Matias                       1754 URU      4½   0   35½ 38½ 17,00 1649 
  62   55     Steiner Matias                     1801 URU U20  4½   0   34½ 39  15,75 1872 
  63  109     Borgiani Francisco                 1524 URU      4½   0   34  37½ 17,25 1754 
  64   54     Barandiaran Gabriel                1814 URU S65  4½   0   32  35½ 16,50 1639 
  65  100     Pelaez Diego                       1582 URU S50  4½   0   31½ 36  13,75 1694 
  66   32 FM  Izquierdo Daniel                   2021 URU S50   4   0   38½ 42½ 17,00 1766 
  67   92     Morales Mazzone Leandro            1617 URU U18   4   0   36½ 39  14,50 1605 
  68   90     Berenstein Gustavo                 1624 ARG       4   0   36  39½ 15,25 1692 
  69   76     Miller Ariel                       1716 URU U18   4   0   34½ 38½ 12,50 1764 
  70   39     Izquierdo Sebastian                1948 URU       4   0   34  38  13,50 1744 
  71   71     Martinez Garay Carlos              1728 URU       4   0   34  37  13,00 1595 
  72   83     Vieira Alexandre Letizio           1685 BRA S65   4   0   34  36½ 13,50 1552 
  73  113     Diaz Delograsi Francisco           1502 URU U18   4   0   33½ 35½ 13,50 1541 
  74  102     Bashtavenko Aleksey                1560 USA       4   0   33½ 35½ 13,00 1614 
  75   45     Rodriguez Lazo Luis                1881 URU S50   4   0   33  37  13,75 1705 
  76   75     Topolansky Juan                    1718 URU       4   0   32  36  14,25 1564 
  77  131     Sei Fong Ken                          0 URU       4   0   31½ 34½ 14,50 1556 
  78   68     Damonte Fernando                   1745 URU       4   0   30  34  14,25 1533 
  79   19 FM  Muniz Rafael                       2169 URU      3½   0   38½ 42  16,00 2008 
  80   80     Martinez Tagliafico Sergio         1696 URU      3½   0   38½ 42  14,50 1782 
  81   24 CM  Carvalho Guillermo                 2106 URU S50  3½   0   36½ 40  14,00 1997 
  82  122     Piriz Facundo                      1331 URU U18  3½   0   36  40  14,75 1720 
  83   98     Vassallo Julio                     1591 URU S50  3½   0   36  39½ 14,75 1650 
  84   94     Varela Mateo                       1614 URU U18  3½   0   35½ 39  13,25 1750 
  85   86     Osinaga Eduardo                    1657 URU S65  3½   0   35½ 38½ 11,75 1567 
  86  116     Comas Martin                       1468 LCA S65  3½   0   34½ 37½ 14,25 1652 
  87   96     Cano Carlos                        1611 URU S50  3½   0   34½ 37½ 12,75 1652 
  88  108     Reolon Victor                      1527 URU S65  3½   0   34  36½ 11,75 1488 
  89   52     Morales Neyra Flora              F 1829 CUB S50  3½   0   33  35½ 10,75 1600 
  90  111     Tonelli Julian                     1506 URU U20  3½   0   32½ 36  13,50 1709 
  91   61     Espel Luis                         1783 URU S50  3½   0   32  34½ 11,25 1562 
  92   77     Gorin Fernando                     1704 URU S50  3½   0   31½ 35  10,75 1574 
  93  117     Traverso Luis                      1439 URU      3½   0   31½ 33  9,75  1523 
  94   88     Osores Roberto                     1644 URU S65  3½   0   31  34½ 12,25 1590 
  95  106     Nunez Hiber                        1540 URU S65  3½   0   31  33½ 11,75 1487 
  96  127     Barbeito Joaquin                      0 URU      3½   0   28  31½ 9,75  1581 
  97   38     Durante Aurelio                    1956 URU S50   3   0   36  39  12,00 1716 
  98  101     Monferrato Rocco                   1580 URU U20   3   0   35  38  12,50 1763 
  99   93     Fein Jorge                         1615 URU S50   3   0   35  38  8,00  1578 
 100   95     Lanzilotta Filippo                 1612 URU U16   3   0   35  37½ 8,75  1636 
 101   20 FM  Milat Marcel                       2165 CAN S50   3   0   33  36  13,50 2167 
 102  114     Bon Charles                        1499 URU       3   0   32  35  10,75 1675 
 103   79     Perez Selios Luis                  1698 URU S50   3   0   29½ 32½ 6,50  1535 
 104  124     Gonzalez Bodega Juliana          F 1267 URU U18   3   0   28½ 31  9,50  1473 
 105   69 WCM Silva Rosas Natalia              F 1729 URU       3   0   28  31  10,25 1691 
 106  115     Belsito Ivan                       1471 URU U18   3   0   28  29½ 7,00  1475 
 107  112     Agrasot Antonio                    1503 URU S65   3   0   27  30  7,00  1306 
 108  123     Scarani Manuel                     1281 URU       3   0   26  27  6,25  1375 
 109   56     Moccero Eduardo                    1797 URU S65   3   0   25½ 28½ 9,50  1599 
 110  125     Llanes Nicolas                     1228 URU U20   3   0   25½ 28½ 6,50  1482 
 111   72     Chamlian Aram                      1727 URU      2½   0   34½ 37  10,25 1648 
 112  129     Mila Rafael                           0 URU      2½   0   32½ 35½ 9,25  1475 
 113  104     Nakle Gonzalo                      1557 URU      2½   0   30½ 33  9,50  1575 
 114   57     Pena Canapa Alfredo                1795 URU      2½   0   30  32½ 9,25  1841 
 115   85     Rodriguez Martinez Jose Fernando   1668 URU S65  2½   0   30  32½ 7,75  1604 
 116   91     Gonzalez Valenzuela Federico       1624 URU      2½   0   29  31½ 7,00  1584 
 117  120 AFM Lopez Bryan                        1354 URU U18  2½   0   29  30  6,50  1435 
 118  103     Osores Sergio                      1558 URU S65  2½   0   28  30½ 6,75  1305 
 119   97     De Cuadro Dionisio                 1603 URU S50  2½   0   28  29  4,00  1310 
 120  119     Olveira Juan                       1385 URU      2½   0   27  29½ 6,25  1395 
 121   46     Soto Joaquin                       1872 URU      2½   0   26½ 29  8,50  1404 
 122  107     Morena Ignacio                     1537 URU      2½   0   26½ 27½ 5,00  1312 
 123  121     Mott Juan                          1334 URU S50  1½   0   27½ 30  4,00  1309 
 124   87     Rey Fernando                       1646 URU S50  1½   0   20  21½ 3,25  1584 
 125   81     Barreto Carlos                     1693 URU      1½   0   16  17½ 5,25   0   
 126  118     Tramutolo Gustavo                  1434 URU S65   1   0   28½ 30½ 2,00  1113 
 127  110 AIM Anza Vicenzo                       1514 URU       1   0   24  25  3,00  1436 
 128   99     De La Torre Andres                 1582 URU S50   1   0   11½ 12½ 2,75   0   
 129    7 FM  Vazquez Facundo                    2374 URU U20   1   0   9½  10½ 2,50   0   
 130  126 AFM Rosas Matias                          0 URU       0   0   18  18  0,00  791  
 131  130     Morales Gustavo                       0 URU S50   0   0   10  10  0,00  762 


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