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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 728 : 10.07.2023

Chess games 10401
Chess tournaments 69

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Misiones ARG, Open July 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                               Rtg FED Type Pts Res. BH.  SB   BH. Vict 
   1    6     Vergara Emmanuel                  1762 ARG U50   5   0   22  19,75 25   4   
   2    8     Esterio Carlos                    1702 ARG U50   5   0   21  18,00 23   4   
   3   10     Yossen Angel Damian               1674 ARG U18   5   0   17  16,25 19½  4   
   4    2     Alvarez Jesus Esteban             1893 ARG U15  4½   0   20½ 16,25 22½  3   
   5    1     Cantero Carlos Ramon              1939 ARG U50  4½   0   19½ 14,00 21   4   
   6   11 WFM Perez Dalila                      1661 PAR U50  4½   0   19  14,25 21½  4   
   7   12     Coronel Santiago Nicolas          1646 ARG U50  4½   0   18  12,25 19½  4   
   8   24     Pueyo Y Pueyo Tomas               1426 ARG U15   4   0   20½ 14,00 23½  4   
   9    3     Zaldivar Patricio                 1874 ARG U50   4   0   19  12,50 21½  3   
  10   13     Prado Mateo Genaro                1610 ARG U18   4   0   18  11,00 19½  3   
  11    4     Oses Wilmer                       1867 VEN U50   4   0   17  13,25 20   3   
  12   18     Rozental Sasha Valentin           1480 ARG U18   4   0   17  9,75  18½  3   
  13   21     Cabrera Mario Alberto             1449 ARG U80   4   0   17  9,50  18   3   
  14    7     Salvador Daniel                   1745 ARG U50   4   0   14½ 9,75  16   3   
  15    9     Cirilli Luis Mariano              1687 ARG U50   4   0   13  9,00  14½  4   
  16   46     Marchak Miguel Fernando              0 ARG U18  3½   0   19½ 12,25 22   2   
  17   20     Bohachenko Yonathan Emanuel       1450 ARG U15  3½   0   18½ 10,75 20½  3   
  18   14     Ferendiuk Hugo                    1606 ARG U80  3½   0   18½ 9,75  20½  3   
  19   15     Martinez Cura Fabricio            1558 ARG U50  3½   0   17½ 8,75  18½  2   
  20   16     Ringeloth Walter                  1520 ARG U50  3½   0   16½ 8,25  18   3   
  21    5     Caceres Elton Carlos              1808 BRA U50  3½   0   12  7,25  13½  3   
  22   49     Reyes Maximiliano                    0 ARG U50   3   0   19  9,00  22   3   
  23   19     Rios Sawczuk Kevin                1457 ARG U18   3   0   18½ 6,50  20   3   
  24   35     Correa Julian Ignacio             1140 ARG U12   3   0   18½ 6,50  19½  3   
  25   30     Sartori Mauro Fabricio            1346 ARG U50   3   0   18  9,50  20½  3   
  26   27     Diaz Fabricio Benjamin            1400 ARG U18   3   0   16½ 8,00  18½  2   
  27   22     Medina Franco Alexis              1443 ARG U50   3   0   16½ 6,75  18   2   
  28   47     Ortega Aaron                         0 ARG U15   3   0   15  5,50  16   3   
  29   26     Ibanez Kevin                      1415 ARG U18   3   0   14½ 6,50  16   3   
  30   17 ACM Owczarczyn Cristian Lucas         1496 ARG U50   3   0   13½ 6,00  15   3   
  31   45     Lima Luis Ezequiel                   0 ARG U18   3   0   13  4,00  14   3   
  32   29     Silva Juan Carlos                 1378 ARG U50  2½   0   17½ 6,25  19½  2   
  33   25     Romero Valentin                   1425 ARG U50  2½   0   17  4,25  18   2   
  34   32     Rehe Octavio David                1249 ARG U50  2½   0   16  6,25  18   2   
  35   36     Rodriguez Elias                   1103 ARG U18  2½   0   15½ 6,50  17½  1   
  36   28     Borges Nogueira Adhemar Alfredo   1389 ARG U80  2½   0   14  4,00  15½  1   
  37   51     Stier Braian                         0 ARG U12  2½   0   13½ 4,75  14½  1   
  38   42     Balbuena Julieta                     0 ARG U12  2½   0   11  4,00  12½  2   
  39   31     Ferreyra Martin Jesus             1263 ARG U18   2   0   19  6,50  22   2   
  40   33     De Lima Mattos Barreyro Juan Ge   1245 ARG U15   2   0   18½ 5,00  20   2   
  41   38     Dutra Omar Horacio                1088 ARG U50   2   0   15  4,25  16½  1   
  42   39     Terra Pablo Marcelo               1082 ARG U50   2   0   14½ 4,00  16   2   
  43   23     Benitez Jorge Tomas               1442 ARG U50   2   0   13  4,75  15   0   
  44   52     Wereszczuk Francisco                 0 ARG U15   2   0   12½ 4,00  13½  1   
  45   44     Escapil Leon                         0 ARG U18   2   0   11½ 4,50  12½  1   
  46   48     Quevedo Chalita Gabriel Alejandro    0 ARG U12   2   0   11  2,75  12½  1   
  47   41     Detke Gustavo Ruben               1027 ARG U50  1½   0   17½ 3,75  19½  1   
  48   34     Insfran Lizandro Benjamin         1167 ARG U15  1½   0   17  5,00  18½  1   
  49   37     Arfaxad Asaias Asmadt             1092 ARG U15  1½   0   13½ 1,50  14½  1   
  50   43     Correa Jorgue Mauricio               0 ARG U50   1   0   15  2,50  17   1   
  51   40     Pedrozo Leandro Tahiem            1046 ARG U50   1   0   13½ 1,50  15   1   
  52   50     Sa Jeronimo Francisco                0 ARG U12   ½   0   13  1,50  14½  0 


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