For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 729 : 20.07.2023

Chess games 9400
Chess tournaments 62

View all included tournaments

Milpitas USA, Closed IM July 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                    Rtg FED Pts 
   1    2 IM  Garcia Jhoel           2364 PER  7  
   2    1 IM  Perez Gormaz Matias    2407 CHI 6½  
        5 FM  Fernandez Arturo       2324 MEX 6½  
   4    6 IM  Rodi Luis Ernesto      2295 URU 5½  
       13     Deng Henry             2212 USA 5½  
   6    3 FM  Sivakumar Shaaketh     2337 USA  5  
       10 WIM Rivera Ingris          2240 COL  5  
   8   11 IM  Zuluaga Mancilla Cesar 2225 COL 4½  
       12     Pinzon Jairo           2220 COL 4½  
  10    4     Jiang Lucas            2325 USA 3½  
        7 FM  Mei Austin             2274 USA 3½  
       17     Champsi Imran          1944 USA 3½  
  13    8 FM  Sanchez Aller Fernando 2274 ESP 2½  
       14 CM  Nathan Nitish          2179 USA 2½  
  15    9 FM  Maass Gustavo          2244 MEX  2  
       18     Sun Kevin              1759 USA  2  
  17   15     Arutla Aditya          2094 USA 1½  
  18   16     Qin Vincent            1949 USA  1 


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