For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 371 : 10.08.2013

Chess games 7125
Chess tournaments 33

View all included tournaments

Middleton USA, 114th US Open

Rk             Name                            Ti       Rtg       Pts
1              Sadorra, Julio C                GM       2640      8.0
2              Friedel, Joshua E               GM       2595      8.0
3              Molner, Mackenzie S             IM       2558      8.0
4              Lenderman, Aleksandr            GM       2665      7.5
5              Corrales Jimenez, Fidel         GM       2653      7.5
6              Chirila, Ioan Cristian          GM       2600      7.5
7              Hungaski, Robert                GM       2541      7.5
8              Holt, Conrad                    GM       2627      7.0
9              Ivanov, Alexander               GM       2622      7.0
10             Ghaem Maghami, Ehsan            GM       2604      7.0
11             Fedorowicz, John P              GM       2491      7.0
12             Martin-Del-Campo, Roberto       GM       2486      7.0
13             Mulyar, Michael A               IM       2481      7.0
14             Rosen, Eric S-RE                FM       2409      7.0
15             Watson, John L                  IM       2358      7.0
16             Baginskaite, Camilla            WGM      2355      7.0
17             Schmakel, Sam A                          2346      7.0
18             Mo, Kevin                                2343      7.0
19             Aramil, William James                    2332      7.0
20             Li, Ruifeng                              2326      7.0
21             Haubrich, Scott A                        2044      7.0
22             Hoyos, Manuel Leon              GM       2668      6.5
23             Bryant, John Danie              FM       2527      6.5
24             Sarkar, Justin                  IM       2527      6.5
25             Burnett, Ronald Wayne           IM       2417      6.5
26             Haskel, Jeffrey                          2370      6.5
27             Chakraborty, Dipro                       2304      6.5
28             Feng, Roland                             2268      6.5
29             Iwu, Okechukwu Anele Nneji               2264      6.5
30             Checa, Nicolas De T                      2241      6.5
31             Rubsamen, Cornelius                      2239      6.5
32             Rosenthal, Nichola                       2200      6.5
33             Auger, Michael William                   2192      6.5
34             Yuvarajan, Prathiba             WIM      2181      6.5
35             Mattson, Dane M                          2169      6.5
36             Andrews, Uri                             2168      6.5
37             Cooklev, Steven                          2162      6.5
38             Rea, Andrew B                            2150      6.5
39             Tiglon, Bryce                            2142      6.5
40             Dejmek, Mark W                           2115      6.5
519 players


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