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10 Days 692 : 10.07.2022

Chess games 6531
Chess tournaments 56

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Medellin COL, Aristizabal Cup 2022

Rank SNo.     Name                                 Rtg FED Type Pts BH.  SB   Vict 
   1    4 FM  Escobar Medina Andres F             2291 ANT       6  31  25,75  5   
   2    2 FM  Soto Miguel Angel                   2346 ANT U20   6  30½ 27,75  5   
   3    1 IM  Panesso Rivera Henry                2364 ANT       6  29½ 26,50  5   
   4    3 FM  Marin Sebastian                     2296 ANT      5½  32½ 25,25  4   
   5   10     Londono Neider Farid                2103 ANT U20  5½  30  21,00  5   
   6   13     Sanchez Arroyave Juan Pablo         2079 ANT U20  5½  29  21,25  5   
   7    6 FM  Soto Cristian Camilo                2194 ANT       5  34  22,00  4   
   8   12     Ospina Castro Santiago              2088 ANT U20   5  33  22,00  4   
   9   20     Toro Cadavid John Edison            1932 ANT       5  30  20,00  4   
       25     Loaiza Cuervo Santiago              1880 ANT U18   5  30  20,00  4   
  11    9     Cordoba Roa Angel Gabriel           2106 ANT U16   5  29  20,50  5   
  12    5 WIM Castrillon Gomez Melissa          F 2230 ANT       5  28  19,00  5   
  13   17     Zapata Montoya Andres Geronimo      1953 ANT       5  28  17,00  5   
  14    8 WIM Chirivi C Jenny Astrid            F 2146 ANT       5  27½ 19,25  2   
  15    7     Sierra Mejia Juan Pablo             2175 ANT       5  27½ 18,25  4   
  16   52     Paniagua Fabio De Jesus             1600 ANT S65   5  23½ 17,00  4   
  17   30     Giraldo Bohorquez Lucas             1807 ANT U20  4½  29  15,75  4   
  18   49     Giraldo Emanuel                     1650 ANT U16  4½  28½ 14,25  4   
  19   11 WFM Chirivi Angie Lizeth              F 2093 ANT      4½  27  16,25  4   
  20   22 WFM Munoz Monroy Cinthya Carolin      F 1925 ANT      4½  27  15,25  4   
  21   29     Ortiz Lopera Miguel Angel           1815 ANT U16  4½  25½ 13,00  4   
  22   33     Mesa Francisco Alonso Jr.           1787 ANT      4½  25  13,25  3   
  23   23     Martinez Mauricio                   1898 ANT S50  4½  25  12,75  3   
  24   15     Lopez Gonzalez Carlos Andres        2005 ANT U20  4½  23½ 16,00  3   
  25   16     Ramos Ariza Juan Manuel             1969 ANT       4  30½ 14,50  4   
  26   26     Echeverry Jose Miguel               1869 ANT       4  30  15,25  3   
  27   50     Molina Ballesteros Juan Sebastian   1647 ANT U16   4  28½ 14,25  2   
  28   35     Castaneda Juan Esteban              1782 ANT U20   4  28½ 13,00  4   
  29   41     Gomez Rondon Samuel                 1709 ANT U16   4  28  16,00  2   
  30   18 CM  Toro Castaneda Elizabeth          F 1943 ANT       4  27½ 15,00  3   
  31   32     Vallejo Diego                       1789 ANT       4  27½ 11,50  4   
  32   28 CM  Leon Acevedo Juan Alejandro         1848 ANT U16   4  27  13,75  3   
  33   21     Zabala Fidel                        1930 ANT S50   4  26½ 12,00  4   
  34   42     Gonzalez Zapata Julian David        1707 ANT       4  26  14,75  2   
  35   37     Montoya Echeverri Sebastian         1761 ANT U18   4  26  11,50  4   
  36   48     Duque Vasquez David                 1672 ANT U20   4  26  11,00  4   
  37   14     Zapata Cuartas Juan Carlos          2014 ANT       4  25½ 13,25  3   
  38   43     Gomez Nicolas De Jesus              1698 ANT       4  24  12,00  3   
  39   58     Lujan Gil Mateo                     1544 ANT U20   4  22½ 11,50  4   
  40   74     Betancur Alvarez Sara Maria       F 1202 ANT U16   4  21  10,50  3   
  41   60     Martinez Serna Juan Esteban         1492 ANT U16   4  21  7,50   4   
  42   38     Bermudez Edilson Enrique            1738 ANT      3½  27½ 11,00  3   
  43   77     Giraldo Marco                       1717 ANT      3½  26½ 11,50  3   
  44   19     Llano Buritica Eduardo              1936 ANT      3½  26½ 9,75   3   
  45   39     Gomez Hernan Alberto                1733 ANT S50  3½  25½ 10,00  3   
  46   24     Uribe Valencia Victor Alexis        1884 ANT      3½  25  11,25  3   
  47   56     Ortiz Monsalve Sebastian            1563 ANT U14  3½  24  7,50   3   
  48   46     Sierra Lopez Raul                   1681 ANT      3½  23½ 10,25  3   
  49   53     Ramirez H Jhonatan                  1594 ANT      3½  23½ 9,00   3   
  50   68     Gallon Ramirez Tomas                1329 ANT U14  3½  22½ 8,75   3   
  51   73     Martinez Serna Miguel Angel         1244 ANT U12  3½  21  9,00   3   
  52   62     Suaza Builes Oscar A                1413 ANT S65  3½  20  8,75   2   
  53   51     Ramirez Oviedo Christian Camilo     1637 CUN U20   3  28½ 12,00  3   
  54   40     Lopez Juan Sebastian                1724 ANT U18   3  26½ 9,00   2   
  55   89     Moncada Jose Manuel                    0 ANT       3  24½ 8,50   2   
  56   57     Isaza Carlos Alfonso                1550 ANT       3  24½ 6,50   3   
  57   63     Bermudez Tomas Alejandro            1384 ANT U18   3  23½ 7,50   3   
  58   64     Larrea Munera Johan Darwin          1372 ANT U14   3  23  7,25   2   
  59   71     Echavarria Marilyn Daniela        F 1284 ANT U18   3  22½ 8,50   1   
  60   61     Sanchez Ospina William              1463 ANT S50   3  22  5,50   3   
  61   90     Pacheco Laura Michelle                 0 ANT U14   3  21½ 7,00   2   
  62   34     Ruiz Agudelo Jeronimo               1785 ANT U12   3  21  8,00   2   
  63   66     Montoya Mariangel                 F 1351 ANT U12   3  20½ 7,50   2   
  64   72     Diaz Gonzalez Ana Sofia           F 1247 ANT U12   3  19½ 6,00   3   
  65   69     Bohorquez Castaneda Matias          1327 ANT U16   3  19  7,25   2   
  66   70     Cardona Marisol                   F 1295 ANT U16   3  17½ 5,00   3   
  67   36     Care Garcia Jose Joaquin            1771 ANT      2½  25  7,00   2   
  68   67     Perez Tangarife Simon               1331 ANT U14  2½  25  6,75   2   
  69   92     Siabato Abril                          0 ANT U14  2½  22½ 6,25   1   
  70   55 WFM Zapata Olga Maria                 F 1564 ANT S65  2½  21  4,50   1   
  71   75     Cabrera Novoa Roxana              F 1142 ANT U16  2½  21  4,25   2   
  72   65     Narvaez Berrio Alexander            1352 ANT      2½  20  5,50   2   
  73   87     Hernandez Medina Juan Jose             0 ANT      2½  17½ 5,50   2   
  74   31     Perez Arroyave Damian               1804 ANT       2  24  4,50   2   
  75   47     Alvarado Torres Carlos Andres       1672 ANT       2  23½ 4,00   1   
  76   95     Velancia Restrepo Carlos Alberto       0 ANT       2  22½ 5,50   1   
  77   76     Alzate Henao Carolina             F 1042 ANT U14   2  21½ 3,50   2   
  78   44     Restrepo Hugo                       1683 ANT S50   2  21  3,00   2   
  79   54     Caro Estrada Esveny               F 1590 ANT U20   2  20  3,50   2   
  80   79     Restrepo Cifuentes Luciana        F 1525 ANT U14   2  19½ 2,50   2   
  81   94     Vasco Estrada Jennifer                 0 ANT       2  18½ 4,00   1   
  82   86     Garcia Guapacha Karen                  0 ANT U14   2  18  3,00   1   
  83   83     Colina Lugger Jesus                    0 ANT U12   2  16  3,50   1   
  84   85     Franco Guerrero Jaime                  0 ANT S65   2  16  2,00   1   
  85   27     Betancur Fredy                      1854 ANT      1½  24½ 4,25   1   
  86   91     Rueda Diaz Pablo                       0 ANT      1½  20  3,50   1   
  87   45     Morales Luis Eduardo                1682 ANT S65  1½  18  2,50   1   
  88   93     Suarez Cortes Juan Pablo               0 ANT       1  26  2,50   0   
  89   84     Fernandez Andres                       0 ANT U10   1  21  0,50   1   
  90   78     Vega Barrios Jorge                  1600 MAG       1  19  3,00   1   
  91   80     Arismendi Joel Antonio                 0 ANT       1  19  2,25   0   
  92   82     Bedoya Sanchez Kevin Andres            0 ANT       1  18½ 0,50   0   
  93   59     Garcia Ramirez Ramon                1535 ANT       0  25½ 0,00   0   
  94   88     Lancheros Morales Alfred               0 ANT       0  24½ 0,00   0   
  95   81     Balvin Giraldo Nicolas                 0 ANT U16   0  23  0,00   0 


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