For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 310 : 01.12.2011

Chess games 6060
Chess tournaments 53

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Martin SVK, Open 2011

Rank SNo.    Name                 IRtg FED Typ Pts BH.  BH.  Fide vict Rtg+/- 
   1    1 GM Kislinsky Alexey     2529 CZE     5½   33  29½   25   4        4 
   2    2 GM Sergeev Vladimir     2526 UKR     5½  32½   29   23   4        0 
   3    3 GM Andreev Eduard       2478 UKR     5½  31½   28  23½   4        0 
   4    4 IM Jurcik Marian        2466 SVK     5½   31   28   23   5        1 
   5    5 GM Manik Mikulas        2393 SVK      5   31   28   23   3        4 
   6    9    Repka Christopher    2129 SVK U15  5   27   26   21   5       10 
   7   24    Nemergut Patrik      1899 SVK      5   23   22   17   5       22 
   8    8    Svana Peter          2258 SVK     4½  33½   30   22   3       20 
   9    6 FM Druska Juraj         2323 SVK     4½   30   27  20½   4       -7 
  10   16    Puskar Jan           2015 SVK     4½   29  26½   18   4       18 
  11    7 FM Burdalev Kirill      2314 UKR     4½  28½   26  18½   4      -10 
  12   19    Ostrochovsky Anton   1959 SVK     4½  25½   24  18½   4       18 
  13   14    Sarmir Milos         2048 SVK      4  28½   26   18   3       12 
  14   10    Cech Dominik         2122 SVK      4  26½   25   18   3      -18 
  15   20    Nemergut Matej       1952 SVK      4   26   24   18   4        2 
  16   22    Milcova Zuzana     F 1940 SVK      4   26   23  17½   3        8 
  17   13    Danada Tomas         2062 SVK      4   25  22½  15½   3      -10 
  18   25    Galbavy Dusan        1888 SVK S60  4  24½   22   15   4        2 
  19   17    Galvanek Ladislav    2000 SVK      4   24   22  15½   2       -3 
  20   23    Baleja Marian        1934 SVK     3½   28  25½  14½   3       -8 
  21   26    Vandlik Jaroslav     1838 SVK S60 3½  27½   25   14   2       34 
  22   11    Liptak Dusan         2081 SVK     3½  24½   23   14   3      -15 
  23   15    Bakalar Jan          2020 SVK S60 3½   22  20½   13   3      -17 
  24   30    Vinarcik Milan       1754 SVK S60 3½  21½   20  11½   3       13 
  25   28    Volcko Richard       1785 SVK U15 3½  20½   18   11   3        3 
  26   12    Polak Vratko         2073 SVK     3½  19½   18   10   3      -24 
  27   21    Liska Vladimir       1944 SVK S60 3½  16½   15   11   3      -17 
  28   43    Belak Juraj             0 SVK      3  26½   24   16   3          
  29   18    Macek Kamil          1987 CZE      3   26  23½   16   3        6 
  30   27    Nedoba Milan         1787 SVK      3   25   23   12   3        9 
  31   44    Revay Peter             0 SVK      3   23   21   11   2          
  32   31    Simo Lubomir         1742 SVK      3  22½  21½   11   3      -24 
  33   33    Remen Igor           1698 SVK     2½  23½  21½   10   2       17 
  34   40    Simo Marian             0 SVK U15 2½  21½   20  10½   2          
  35   36    Kolibik Jan          1677 SVK     2½  21½  19½   10   1        5 
  36   38    Balint Vladimir      1592 SVK S60 2½   21   20   8    2        2 
  37   41    Mojs Richard            0 SVK U15 2½   21  19½   7    1          
  38   29    Zigo Milan           1783 SVK S60 2½   21   19   10   2      -16 
  39   35    Gazo Daniel          1677 SVK     2½   20  18½   5    2      -14 
  40   37    Kunzo Slavomir       1624 SVK      2  19½  18½   5    1      -15 
  41   39    Ferkova Dominika   F 1555 SVK U15  2   19  17½   6    1      -36 
  42   42    Krivkova Adriana   F    0 SVK U15  2  17½  16½   5    2          
  43   32    Volna Lukas          1714 SVK U15 1½   24  21½   8    1        8 
  44   34    Stefanides Karol     1697 SVK S60 1½  23½  21½   7    1       -4 
  45   45    Sedlacek Richard        0 SVK      1   23   21   7    0          


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