For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 736 : 01.10.2023

Chess games 5449
Chess tournaments 36

View all included tournaments

Manaus BRA, Expert Open 2023

Rank SNo.    Name                                 Rtg FED Club Type Pts Res. BH. BH. Vict BL 
   1    2 FM Andrey Marcelo De Souza Neves       2089 BRA AM   S50  4½   ½   14½ 16   4   2  
   2    1 CM Victor Gabriel Candido De Oliveira  2169 BRA AM        4½   ½   14  16½  4   3  
   3    5    Paulo Isaac Assis De Lima           1856 BRA            4   0   12½ 14   4   3  
   4    7 NM Suan Bruno Fernandes Lira           1755 BRA AM   U14  3½   1   13  15   3   3  
   5    3 NM Eduardo Barbosa Mesquita            2008 BRA AM   U18  3½   0   11  13   3   3  
   6    8    Flavio De Oliveira Portela          1453 BRA AM         3   0   14  16   3   3  
   7    6    Etemberg Monteiro De Souza          1794 BRA AM         3   0   13½ 16   3   2  
   8   12    Mauricio Antonio De Souza Samuel    1621 BRA AM   S65   3   0   13  13½  2   2  
   9   14    Williams Alves Teles                1801 BRA AM   U12   3   0   12  12½  2   3  
  10   20    Nayron Igor Tomaz Da Silva          1775 BRA AL         3   0   11  12½  2   2  
  11    4 NM Pedro Jorge De Moraes Pinto         1940 BRA AM   S50   3   0    9  10½  3   2  
  12   13    Jefferson Lopes                     1804 BRA AM   U16  2½   0   13  14   1   2  
  13   23    Aurimar De Azevedo Leal             1519 BRA AM        2½   0   10½ 12   1   2  
  14   22    Adrian Ulrich Almeida Pereira       1712 BRA AM   U16  2½   0   10  12   2   3  
  15   16    Allan Henrique Pereira Leal         1415 BRA AM   U18   2   0   12½ 14½  2   3  
  16   10    Luciana De Maria Rocha Da Silva     1396 BRA AM         2   0   11  11½  2   2  
  17   19    Raul Rabello Mesquita               1794 BRA AM   S50   2   0   10½ 11½  2   2  
  18   15    Alfran Gomes De Araujo Parente Neto 1800 BRA AM   U18   2   0   10  10½  1   2  
  19   24    Caua Adriel Reis Zacarias           1800 BRA            2   0   9½  10   2   2  
  20   18    Ana Eduarda De Aquino Veiga         1798 BRA AM         2   0    9  9½   2   2  
  21    9 NM Sergio Luiz Cardoso Farias          1424 BRA AM   S65  1½   0   11  11½  1   3  
  22   17    Helena Leao Kascher                 1800 BRA AM   U12  1½   0   10½ 11   1   2  
  23   11    Mendes Paulo Victor Penafort        1312 BRA           1½   0    8  8½   0   2  
  24   21    Cecilia Batista Da Penha            1759 BRA AM   U16   1   0    9  9½   0   2  
  25   25    Rhianna Pietra Aguiar Carvalho      1800 BRA AM   U12   1   0   8½  9½   0   2  


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