For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 479 : 10.08.2016

Chess games 12546
Chess tournaments 77

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Manauara BRA, Benchimol Mem 2016

Rank SNo.    Name                            Rtg FED Club age   Type    Gr  Pts Res. BH.  BH.  Vict 
   1    2 NM Souza Neves Andrey M.          2205 BRA       47    ABS     P  4½   0    21   22   4   
   2    1 FM Reis Renan Do Carmo            2237 BRA       29    ABS     D  4½   0   20½   24   4   
   3    5 CM Rocha Roberto Da Costa         1985 BRA       36    ABS     P  4½   0    18  19½   4   
   4    8 CM Gutierrez Enrique Alberto Soto 1873 BRA       54    ABS     P   4   0    20   22   4   
   5    6    Da Silva Mikhail Zoltan Iwano  1927 BRA AJAX  27    ABS     P   4   0   19½  21½   4   
   6   10    Pessoa Hudson Anselmo          1807 BRA CXM   45 CXM - ABS  I   4   0   18½   21   3   
   7    9    Farias Igor Borge Cardoso      1837 BRA       18    ABS     D   4   0    17  17½   4   
   8    3 CM De Oliveira Victor Gabriel C.  2093 BRA AJAX  20    ABS     P   4   0   16½  18½   4   
   9   14    Teixeira Alan Nascimento       1903 BRA       45    ABS     P  3½   0    15  16½   2   
  10   12    Leite Thales Ferreira          1725 BRA       16    ABS     D   3   0    18  19½   3   
  11   15    Arenillas Ramses               1865 BRA AJAX  26    ABS     P   3   0   17½  19½   2   
  12    4 CM Da Paz Leonardo Gadelha        2028 BRA       42    ABS     D   3   0   15½   17   3   
  13    7    Bezerra Fabiano De Oliveira    1885 BRA CXM   35 CXM - ABS  I   3   0    12  12½   3   
  14   19    Coelho Gabriel Neves              0 BRA       43    ABS     P  2½   2   15½  17½   1   
  15   21    Fernandes Delcy Silva Dias        0 BRA       52    ABS     P  2½   1   16½   18   1   
  16   11    Presa Luis Alberto Passos      1740 BRA CXM   59 CXM - ABS  I  2½   -1  11½   12   2   
  17   18    Bentes Neto Pedro              1764 BRA CXM   44 CXM - ABS I-T  2   0    17   19   2   
  18   17    Freire Da Silva Lucivaldo      1776 BRA       37    ABS     P   2   0   15½   16   2   
  19   16    Pereira Rogerio dos Santos     1793 BRA AJAX  14   SUB16    P   2   0    15  15½   1   
  20   13    Farias Sergio Luiz Cardoso     1568 BRA       67    ABS     D   1   0   15½   16   0   
  21   20    Ditchl Thiago Rodrigues           0 BRA AJAX  11   SUB14    D   1   0   13½   15   0 


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