For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 759 : 20.05.2024

Chess games 4676
Chess tournaments 39

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Lugano-Paradiso SUI, Lake Open 2024

Paradiso I - 2024

Swiss Lake Open

Organizer(s) : Claudio Boschetti - Swiss CHess Tour
Tournament Director : IA Tiziana Balzarini (ITA) 2803637
Chief Arbiter : IA Tiziana Balzarini (ITA) 2803637
Arbiter : NA Claudio Boschetti (SUI)
Town : Sala Multiuso, Via delle Scuole 23, 6900 Lugano-Paradiso
Rating-Ø : 1716
Date : 2024/05/17 To 2024/05/19

Final ranking

Rank SNo.    Name                             Rtg FED Type    Gr    Pts BH  BH/C1 RtgØ 
   1    1 GM Stojanovic Mihajlo              2479 SRB               4½  17   15   2055 
   2    2 IM Grieve Harry                    2469 ENG        free   4½  16½  14   2101 
   3    6    Reinhardt Bernd                 2078 GER S60            4  16½  14½  1915 
   4    4 FM Medici Simone                   2186 SUI         x      4  16½  14   1945 
   5    7    Boschetti Claudio               2057 SUI S60     x      4  14½  13   1706 
   6   13    Baisynov Islambek               1884 KGZ                4  12   12   1749 
   7   22    Steiner Mario                   1771 SUI                4  11   9½   1546 
   8    3 IM Qendro Llambi                   2281 ALB S60           3½  16½  14½  1992 
   9    9    Falchi Claudio                  1936 ITA      no T2 ?? 3½  14½  12½  1785 
  10   31    Nygard-Forberg Kristian Elias   1687 NOR               3½  12   12   1848 
  11    8 FM Adzic Slobodan                  1999 SUI S60           3½  11½  9½   1677 
  12   10    Yang Sung-Jui                   1936 TPE                3  15   14   1811 
  13   20    Sychov Artem                    1785 UKR         .      3  15   13½  1756 
  14   12    Zecirovic Giacomo               1928 SUI                3  15   13   1621 
  15    5 IM Levacic Damir                   2100 MNC S60            3  14½  12½  1882 
  16   23    Bangerter Ena                 F 1764 SUI U16   no T1    3  14½  12½  1680 
  17   11    Thuner Stefan                   1932 SUI                3  13½  11½  1828 
  18   24    Tedone Francesco                1762 SUI       no T1    3  13½  11½  1579 
  19   21    Andreetta Cesare                1777 SUI                3  13   12   1752 
  20   19    Pinelli Gian                    1795 SUI U16            3  13   11½  1697 
  21   16    Gardi Giuseppe                  1845 ITA S60            3  13   11   1678 
  22   18    Navarini Vincent                1810 SUI U16            3  12½  10½  1631 
  23   42    Arka Ram Mahankali              1445 IND U16            3  11½  9½   1807 
  24   29    Zhang Onno                      1714 GER U16           2½  15   13   1916 
  25   17    Di Meo Quentin                  1822 SUI               2½  14   13   1830 
  26   34    Spinella Giandomenico           1607 SUI S60           2½  12   11   1470 
  27   14    Lundmark Giorgio                1875 ITA S60   no T1   2½  10½   9   1561 
  28   15    Camagna Alessandro              1865 ITA                2  14½  14   1676 
  29   28    Rabbiosi Carlo                  1718 ITA                2  13½  12½  1862 
  30   32    Trivic Zoran                    1681 SUI S60            2  13½  12   1606 
  31   27    Morotti Elisa                 F 1721 SUI       no T1    2  13   11   1541 
  32   43    Palazzi Gianmarco               1399 ITA                2  12½  11½  1755 
  33   45    De Lucia Christian              1324 SUI U16            2  12   11½  1756 
  34   37    Rasella Marco                   1558 ITA                2  12   11   1826 
  35   33    Camponovo Daniele               1649 SUI U16            2  12   10½  1459 
  36   36    Depner Michael                  1583 GER S60            2  11½  10   1398 
  37   30    Cattomio Roberto                1701 SUI S60     x      2  11   10   1698 
  38   35    Cusini Mattia                   1587 ITA      No T1 ?   2  11   10   1446 
  39   50    Kononiuk Yaroslav                  0 SUI U16            2  10½  10   1647 
  40   46    Taboriskiy Lev                  1291 SUI U16    noT1    2  10½  9½   1686 
  41   25    Papa Angelo                     1756 ITA S60            2  10½   9   1309 
  42   39    Camponovo Dario                 1477 SUI U16            2   9    8   1450 
  43   53    Sokol Dennis                       0 SUI U16   no FSS  1½  13½  12½  1763 
  44   47    Amstalden Julian                1251 SUI U16           1½  11½  9½   1717 
  45   51    Ortelli Valerio                    0 SUI S60           1½  10½  10   1671 
  46   48    Navarini Nicolas                1116 SUI U16           1½   9    8   1656 
  47   26    Sangiorgi Luca                  1754 SUI       si T1   1½   8    7   1215 
  48   49    Avyay Ram P                        0 IND U16            1  9½   9½   1604 
  49   44    Janutin Jael Jana             F 1351 SUI                1  8½   8½   1609 
  50   38    Pisciotta Lucas M.              1506 SUI                1  8½   8½   1504 
  51   40    Veroner David                   1476 ITA                ½  10½  8½   1297 
  52   41    Rodigari Gabriele               1458 ITA      No T1 ?   0  10½  9½   1486 
  53   52    Player Not Present                 0 SUI                0  10    9   1928 


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