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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 715 : 01.03.2023

Chess games 4510
Chess tournaments 47

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Leiden NED, 82nd Noteboom Open

82nd Noteboom Open Leiden NED Fri 24th Feb 2023 - Sun 26th Feb 2023
Leading Final Round 6 Standings:
1Venkataraman, KGM251511111½5.525.5232699
2Schoppen, CasperGM2505½1111½52318.52534
3Jonkman, HarmenGM2326111101521.5162536
4Nutakki, PriyankaWGM2302110111521.5162445
5Velden, Bram van der221411½=1152116.752537
6Willemze, ThomasIM235911½=½14.52316.52402
7Ratsma, MidasFM220510½1114.518.511.52362
8Pijpers, ArthurIM244710½1114.518122332
9Pham, Khoi232611+01042413.52258
10Slagboom, Leandro22011101½½423.515.252431
11Lahaye, Rick242111½=1042213.252371
12Werf, Mark van derIM24311½101½42112.52366
13Ketel, Raoul vanFM22551½=10142112.252212
14Lombaers, PeterFM23511½½=½142012.752264
15Lopez, JaselFM243611==½½42012.52385
16Rootselaar, Rik van19711½½10142012.252350
17Roebers, ElineIM2357=1½110420122362
18Roorda, Thijs2144½10=11419.511.52317
19Thakoerdien, Jerrel2159101=½141911.252322
20Kanis, Sierk20811=0=11418.512.252421
21Stolwijk, Colin2252=111003.521.510.52266
22Otten, Martijn21801½01103.521112154
23Elgersma, Onno227901101½3.52010.252168
24Straver, Robert21351½10103.520102227
25Kumar, Prajit Sai2170101=013.5208.752199
26Honkoop, Gilian2120½1½01½3.519.59.252286
27Bekker, StefanFM2333½=110½3.518.5102261
28Zhu, Chenwu2039==0½113.5168.52198
29Kindt, Manfred19900½½=113.5157.52078
30Foreest, M. vanWIM22881½10½0321.592201
31Kuling, Lody222711½=0-32192271
32Tiggelman, ReneFM21581½½½0½319.58.52179
33Lubben, Arno van der1974011½0½31992106
34Sprangers, Remco217501101031972055
35Boer, Bas de2219110=½03196.752080
36Smeets, Kobe207501½1½03196.252165
37Veenendaal, Elmar van1982=01=10318.582198
38Groen, Jari1924½0101½318.582151
39Bruijne, Arian de191210½10½3186.752127
40Labruyere, Roger2095010110317.562085
79 players


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