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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 746 : 10.01.2024

Chess games 8643
Chess tournaments 62

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Las Vegas USA, 33rd North American Open

33rd North American Open Las Vegas USA Tue 26th Dec 2023 - Sat 30th Dec 2023
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Oparin, GrigoriyGM2667W37 (w)W33 (b)W11 (w)W2 (b)W8 (w)W9 (w)D3 (b)D5 (w)D7 (b)7.510300
2Balakrishnan, PraveenGM2505W43 (w)W35 (b)W27 (w)L1 (w)L30 (b)W53 (b)W25 (w)W22 (b)W5 (w)73333.33
3Jimenez, Fidel CorralesGM2527W39 (w)W71 (b)W17 (w)L24 (b)W25 (w)W30 (b)D1 (w)W10 (w)H---73333.33
4Chatterjee, KoustavGM2546D51 (w)W69 (b)W56 (w)L9 (b)W60 (w)D11 (b)W15 (w)W8 (b)W26 (w)73333.33
5Gazik, ViktorGM2567W55 (w)D56 (b)W15 (w)W7 (b)W24 (w)D23 (b)W12 (w)D1 (b)L2 (b)6.51033.33
6Zhou, JianchaoGM2562W66 (b)W93 (w)L24 (b)W85 (w)W28 (b)D8 (w)D16 (w)D13 (b)W29 (w)6.51033.33
7Rahul, Srivatshav PeddiGM2454D75 (b)W62 (w)W36 (b)L5 (w)D58 (b)W79 (w)W30 (w)W23 (b)D1 (w)6.51033.33
8Zierk, Steven CGM2475W49 (w)W59 (b)W53 (w)W10 (w)L1 (b)D6 (b)W24 (w)L4 (w)D16 (b)6180
9Bitoon, Richard BalansagGM2348W104 (w)W106 (b)D12 (b)W4 (w)W26 (w)L1 (b)D23 (w)L14 (b)W42 (w)61200
10Burke, John MichaelGM2584W80 (w)W25 (b)W13 (w)L8 (b)W52 (w)D24 (b)W14 (w)L3 (b)D18 (w)6180
11Macovei, AndreiIM2460W48 (b)W46 (w)L1 (b)W73 (w)D16 (b)D4 (w)L22 (b)W79 (w)W34 (b)6180
12Bellahcene, BilelGM2509W99 (w)W20 (b)D9 (w)D29 (b)W40 (w)W32 (b)L5 (b)D19 (w)D13 (w)6180
13Mulet, Jesus Fernandez De La VaraIM2455W47 (w)W57 (b)L10 (b)W20 (w)L23 (b)W73 (w)W34 (b)D6 (w)D12 (b)6180
14Andriasian, ZavenGM2581W65 (b)D34 (w)W41 (b)D28 (w)D31 (b)W85 (w)L10 (b)W9 (w)D19 (b)6180
15Furfine, JacobFM2308W119 (b)D23 (w)L5 (b)W120 (w)D38 (b)W51 (w)L4 (b)W32 (w)W44 (b)61200
16Nyzhnyk, IlliaGM2611D108 (b)W54 (w)D31 (b)W53 (b)D11 (w)D29 (w)D6 (b)W52 (w)D8 (w)6180
17Juksta, KarolisIM2416W109 (w)W100 (b)L3 (b)D35 (w)D55 (b)D36 (w)D20 (w)W70 (b)W40 (w)6180
18Escalante, BrianIM2500W103 (b)D36 (w)W79 (b)D23 (w)L32 (b)W58 (w)D27 (b)W31 (w)D10 (b)6180
19Boros, DenesGM2399D69 (w)D92 (b)W39 (w)D59 (b)W56 (w)D61 (b)W32 (w)D12 (b)D14 (w)61200
20Bharadwaj, DhanushFM2214W117 (b)L12 (w)W63 (b)L13 (b)W89 (w)D44 (w)D17 (b)W54 (w)W52 (b)61200
21Le, Quang LongIM2413L54 (b)W64 (w)D55 (b)W47 (w)D35 (b)D46 (w)W36 (b)D38 (w)W37 (b)6180
22Vibbert, SeanFM2323H---H---H---D69 (b)W92 (w)W72 (b)W11 (w)L2 (w)W38 (b)61200
23Antipov, MikhailGM2607W76 (w)D15 (b)W60 (w)D18 (b)W13 (w)D5 (w)D9 (b)L7 (w)D27 (b)5.5
24Liang, JasonIM2446W115 (w)W70 (b)W6 (w)W3 (w)L5 (b)D10 (w)L8 (b)D37 (b)D25 (w)5.5
25Hakobyan, Eduard2298W82 (b)L10 (w)W54 (b)W41 (w)L3 (b)W81 (w)L2 (b)W55 (w)D24 (b)5.5
26Mikaelyan, ArmanGM2519W123 (b)W30 (w)D85 (b)W58 (w)L9 (b)D34 (w)D31 (b)W28 (w)L4 (b)5.5
27Liu, Eric ChangFM2332W72 (b)W114 (w)L2 (b)L32 (w)W70 (w)W39 (b)D18 (w)D42 (b)D23 (w)5.5
28Mitkov, NikolaGM2379D92 (w)W90 (b)W97 (w)D14 (b)L6 (w)W35 (b)D42 (w)L26 (b)W59 (w)5.5
29Katz, Alexander RossIM2418W86 (b)W32 (w)H---D12 (w)H---D16 (b)H---W45 (w)L6 (b)5.5
30Xie, BryanFM2303W96 (w)L26 (b)W92 (w)W37 (b)W2 (w)L3 (w)L7 (b)D51 (b)D43 (w)5
31Wang, AnnieIM2356D83 (b)W45 (w)D16 (w)W57 (b)D14 (w)D42 (b)D26 (w)L18 (b)D41 (w)5
32Beukes, Dante MIM2174W113 (w)L29 (b)W106 (w)W27 (b)W18 (w)L12 (w)L19 (b)L15 (b)W77 (w)5
33Rautela, SakshamIM2320W94 (b)L1 (w)D47 (b)W45 (w)L61 (w)W76 (b)D43 (w)D41 (b)D51 (w)5
34ratte, Olivier ChikuIM2323W88 (w)D14 (b)D38 (w)D70 (b)W59 (w)D26 (b)L13 (w)W35 (b)L11 (w)5
35Lawson, EricIM2195W95 (b)L2 (w)W74 (b)D17 (b)D21 (w)L28 (w)W64 (b)L34 (w)W86 (b)5
36Paramzina, AnastasiaWGM2224W78 (w)D18 (b)L7 (w)D89 (b)W90 (w)D17 (b)L21 (w)D57 (b)W70 (w)5
37Andersen, Gunnar2157L1 (b)W72 (w)W114 (b)L30 (w)D54 (b)W97 (w)W58 (b)D24 (w)L21 (w)5
38Ghaemmaghami, EhsanGM2581H---W118 (w)D34 (b)D68 (b)D15 (w)D40 (b)W56 (w)D21 (b)L22 (w)5
39Latorre, Vincent2128L3 (b)W98 (w)L19 (b)W63 (w)W64 (b)L27 (w)L50 (b)W84 (w)X795
40Lin, AndyFM2294D120 (b)D63 (w)W83 (b)W49 (w)L12 (b)D38 (w)W46 (b)D44 (w)L17 (b)5
125 players


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