For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 731 : 10.08.2023

Chess games 9777
Chess tournaments 71

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Klaipeda LTU, 20th Sea Open

Rank SNo.     Name                      Rtg FED Club     Type Pts APts BH. BH. BH. BH. 
   1    2     Pidluznij Gleb           2233 LTU Klaipėda U18   5   5   19½ 16½ 13  22  
   2    1 FM  Levitskiy Andrey         2295 UKR Klaipėda      4½  4,6  21  17½ 13½ 24  
   3    4 WFM Sibajeva Marija        F 2034 LTU Klaipėda      4½  4,4  19  16½ 13½ 20½ 
   4    3     Armonaitis Silvestras    2084 LTU Klaipėda       4   4   21  17½ 14  24  
   5    6     Pocius Vaclovas          1624 LTU Klaipėda       4   4   16  13½ 11  17½ 
   6    8     Spevak Dovydas           1546 LTU Gargždai U18  3½  3,6  16½ 15  12½ 17½ 
   7    5     Zirnovas Martynas        1712 LTU Klaipėda      3½  3,4  17½ 15  12  19½ 
   8   12     Barsciauskas Gintautas   1371 LTU Kintai   S60  3½  3,4  13½ 12  9½  14½ 
   9    7     Michailov Andrej         1588 LTU Vilnius        3   3   20  17  13½ 22  
  10   10     Januseviciute Donata   F 1426 LTU Klaipėda S60   3   3   14½ 12½ 10  16  
  11   11     Pakalniskis Romas        1412 LTU Klaipėda       3   3   13½ 12  10  15  
  12    9     Pidluznij Matvej         1481 LTU Klaipėda U18  2½  2,6  16½ 14½ 12  17½ 
  13   14     Ziura Arvydas            1250 LTU Gargždai U18  2½  2,6  15  13½ 11½ 16½ 
  14   15     Antuzis Danielius        1201 LTU Gargždai U18  2½  2,6  13  11½  9  14½ 
  15   16     Gedvilas Darius          1186 LTU Klaipėda      2½  2,4  17½ 14½ 11  20  
  16   13     Apsega Vincentas         1344 LTU Vilnius  U18  2½  2,4  15  13  11  16½ 
  17   18     Cepauskas Vejas             0 LTU Gargždai U18   2   2   14½ 12½ 10  16  
  18   17     Matulaitis Povilas       1100 LTU Kaunas   U18   2   2   13  11½  9  14  
  19   19     Rukas Danielius             0 LTU Vilnius  U18   1   1   13½ 11½ 9½  15½


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