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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 768 : 20.08.2024

Chess games 7530
Chess tournaments 64

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Kingston upon Thames ENG, 3rd Inv.

III Kingston Invitational @ Tiffin Boys School in Kingston upon Thames

Organizer(s) : Stephen Moss, 433110; FA Jake Hung, 426431
Tournament Director : Stephen Moss
Chief Arbiter : IA Lance Leslie-Smith, 14326906
Deputy Chief Arbiter : FA Jake Hung, 426431
Arbiter : Ed Mospan, 440272
Town : Tiffin Boys School, Queen Elizabeth Rd, Kingston upon Thames KT2 6RL
Rating-Ø : 2130
Date : 2024/08/12 To 2024/08/16

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                     Rtg FED Type  Gr  Pts Res. WIN  PS  BH:GP  SB   
   1    3 FM  Czopor Maciej           2364 POL  K   Gold 6½   0    5  34,5  50   34,5  
   2    1 IM  Larkin Vladyslav        2471 UKR U20  FUKR 6½   0    5   31  46,5  32,5  
   3    7 FM  Bezuidenhout Roland     2270 RSA  A   Gold 6½   0    5  30,5 44,5  32,5  
   4   15 CM  Badacsonyi Stanley      2179 ENG  A   Gold 6½   0    4  37,5  50    34   
   5    4 IM  Large Peter G           2336 ENG  A   Gold  6   0    5   24   37   24,25 
   6    2 IM  Murphy Conor E          2460 IRL  A    *    6   0    4   36  50,5  31,75 
   7   25     Liu Jack                2081 ENG  A   Gold  6   0    4  27,5  43   26,25 
   8   10 IM  Wall Gavin              2258 IRL  A   Gold 5½   0    4   30   45   24,75 
   9   12 FM  Venkataramanan T.S.     2225 IND S50  Gold 5½   0    3  27,5  43   24,5  
  10    9 CM  Hobson Kenneth          2266 ENG  A   Gold  5   0    4  28,5 43,5  22,75 
  11   33     Patel Zain              2035 ENG  A   Gold  5   0    4   24  43,5  22,5  
  12   29     Verma Shlok             2060 ENG  A   Gold  5   0    4   19   39   17,75 
  13    5 IM  Buckley Graeme N        2293 ENG  A   Gold  5   0    4   17  34,5   18   
  14    8 FM  Browning Alex           2267 GER  K   Gold  5   0    3   29  46,5  24,25 
  15   17 CM  Banerjee Supratit       2156 ENG  A   Gold  5   0    3   27  39,5  19,5  
  16   24     Hill Alistair           2089 ENG      Gold  5   0    3  22,5  42   21,5  
  17   44     Andal Edmond            1960 PHI  K   Gold  5   0    3   20   40   21,75 
  18   19 CM  Josse Mark              2141 ENG  A   Gold 4½   0    4   22  35,5   16   
  19   18 FM  Eames Robert S          2145 ENG  A   Gold 4½   0    3  28,5  47   22,75 
  20   20     Healey Michael W        2130 ENG  A   Gold 4½   0    3  27,5  42   17,75 
  21   22     Dignam Matthew P        2118 IRL  A   Gold 4½   0    3  25,5 44,5  19,75 
  22    6 FM  Lim Zhuo Ren            2278 MAS  P    *   4½   0    2   28  42,5  20,5  
  23   11     Gallagher Daniel Gh     2253 ENG  A   Gold 4½   0    2  20,5  37   16,75 
  24   13 CM  Villiers Thomas         2195 ENG  A   Gold  4   0    3   26  44,5  15,75 
  25   28 WCM Dicen Elis Denele     F 2060 ENG  A   Gold  4   0    3  23,5 43,5  19,5  
  26   41     Wilson Ewan             1983 ENG  A   Gold  4   0    3   19   40    16   
  27   36 ACM Zhao George             2014 ENG  A   Gold  4   0    3   17   32   11,5  
  28   26     Payne Matthew J         2080 ENG  A   Gold  4   0    3   15  40,5   14   
  29   27 CM  Gurner Jem              2070 JCI  A   Gold  4   0    2  23,5  42   17,5  
  30   30     Rushbrooke Remy         2056 ENG  K   Gold  4   0    2  21,5  43   18,75 
  31   16     Frostick Clive A        2161 ENG  A   Gold  4   0    2   20  38,5  16,25 
  32   40     Hasson Peter            1984 ENG  A   Gold  4   0    2  17,5  36    15   
  33   43     Taylor William J        1967 ENG  A   Gold  4   0    1  22,5 40,5  16,5  
  34   34     Walker Samuel A         2032 ENG  A   Gold  4   0    1  21,5 39,5   17   
  35   37     Fellowes Billy          2006 ENG  A   Gold 3½   0    3  17,5 39,5  12,75 
  36   23 CM  Willmoth Robert F       2098 ENG  A   Gold 3½   0    2   22   41   14,25 
  37   45     Young Daniel J          1926 ENG  A   Gold 3½   0    2   17   39   12,75 
  38   14 CM  Lalic Peter D           2181 ENG  A   Gold  3   0    2   17  35,5  10,5  
  39   32     Pal Rohan               2046 ENG  A   Gold  3   0    2   13   31    8,5  
  40   31     Clarke Connor           2048 ENG  A   Gold  3   0    2   12  37,5  9,25  
  41   39 AGM Skettos Nicolas         1985 CYP  A    *    3   0    0   13   35   11,75 
  42   42     Pirgon Joshua           1982 ENG  K   Bron 2½   0    1   10   33     7   
  43   21     Seymour Timothy P       2124 ENG  A   Gold  2   0    2   13   31     7   
  44   38     Haldane Robin W         2000 ENG S65  Gold 1½   0    1   12   24    6,5  
  45   35     Bharat Kumar Balahari   2031 ENG  A   Gold  1   0    0  5,5   28   2,75 


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