For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 720 : 20.04.2023

Chess games 5396
Chess tournaments 60

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Jundiai BRA, Open Apr 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                               Rtg NRtg IRtg FED Type Pts Res.  SB   BH. BH. 
   1    1 NM  Rodrigues Leonardo De Miranda     2061 2151 2061 BRA      4½   0   15,00 17  10½ 
   2    2 NM  Pironti Francisco Ferrari         1944 2061 1944 BRA U16   4   0   11,00 14   8  
   3   21     Carneiro Ruan Souza               1800 1800    0 BRA       4   0   10,50 13  7½  
   4    4 NM  Van Riemsdijk Dirk D.             1819 1988 1819 BRA S50  3½   0   8,00  14  7½  
   5    7 NM  Mangini Bruno Fernandes           1733 1957 1733 BRA      3½   0   7,75  13½  8  
   6    5 NM  Sanchez Ivan Roberto              1744 1890 1744 BRA      3½   0   7,50  13  7½  
   7   12     Ricci Lucas Estremes              1511 1780 1511 BRA      3½   0   6,75  11   7  
   8   13     Machado Marcos Donizete           1488 1808 1488 BRA      3½   0   6,25  11½  6  
   9    3     Cardozo Matheus Santos CMN        1827 1970 1827 BRA       3   0   9,00  16  10½ 
  10    6 AIM Rodrigues Julliano De Araujo      1737 1873 1737 BRA       3   0   5,00  7½   5  
  11    9 NM  Muniz Henrique Rocha              1592 1844 1592 BRA U10  2½   0   6,75  15  9½  
  12   24     Ruvieri Daniel Minami             1800 1800    0 BRA U16  2½   0   5,75  13½ 8½  
  13   10     Casante Tatiana                 F 1542 1803 1542 BRA      2½   0   5,25  14   8  
  14   11     Usui Gabriella Yumi             F 1526 1810 1526 BRA U14  2½   0   5,00  14  9½  
  15   17     Povia Pedro Cezar Vezneyan        1205 1751 1205 BRA      2½   0   4,75  11½ 6½  
  16    8     Reis Arnaldo Ulisses              1731 1842 1731 BRA S50  2½   0   4,50  9½   6  
  17   20     Zamlutti Junior Rene              1166 1771 1166 BRA       2   0   5,25  13½  8  
  18   18     Pironti Vicente                   1174 1631 1174 BRA S50   2   0   4,50  15  10  
  19   16     Gongora Valmir                    1269 1715 1269 BRA S50   2   0   4,50  10½ 6½  
  20   14     Yokomizo Wilton                   1414 1709 1414 BRA       2   0   3,75  10½  7  
  21   19     Slater Graeme                     1172 1751 1172 BRA       2   0   3,50  11  6½  
  22   15     Oliveira Francisco Evandro S.     1396 1464 1396 BRA S50   2   0   3,50  10  5½  
  23   27     Furlanetto Augusto Cesar          1794 1794    0 BRA      1½   0   3,75  12  6½  
  24   22     Da Silva Denis Olmedo             1800 1800    0 BRA      1½   0   3,75  10   6  
  25   26     Souza Pedro Henrique Dos Santos   1800 1800    0 BRA U20  1½   0   3,25  13½ 8½  
  26   23     Leonardo da Silva Santos          1800 1800    0 BRA      1½   0   2,75  12  7½  
  27   25     Ruvieri Valter                    1800 1800    0 BRA S50   1   0   2,50  12   7 


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