For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 739 : 01.11.2023

Chess games 9482
Chess tournaments 66

View all included tournaments

Hoogeveen NED, Open 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                     Rtg FED Pts. RtgØ 
   1    2 GM  Lodici Lorenzo          2537 ITA  8   2356 
   2    3 IM  Zwirs Nico              2451 NED  7   2344 
   3   10 FM  Van Dael Siem           2321 NED  6½  2308 
   4    1 GM  Ernst Sipke             2551 NED  6   2318 
   5    5 IM  De Winter Arthur        2397 NED  6   2307 
   6    6 IM  Maatman Nick            2382 NED  6   2176 
   7   12 FM  Elgersma Onno           2266 NED  5½  2248 
   8    8 FM  Paltrinieri Nicholas    2344 ITA  5½  2231 
   9   11 FM  Slagboom Leandro        2305 NED  5½  2186 
  10   16 FM  Krishnan Ritvik         2176 IND  5   2426 
  11    7 FM  Schoorl Rob             2357 NED  5   2332 
  12   13 FM  Van Foreest Machteld  F 2266 NED  5   2313 
  13    9 FM  De Boer Eelke           2327 NED  5   2291 
  14   32 WGM Swati Ghate           F 1995 IND  4½  2287 
  15   19     Labruyere Roger         2148 NED  4½  2239 
  16   33     Kazarjan Gachatur       1970 NED  4½  2199 
  17    4 FM  Maris Ivo               2404 NED  4½  2188 
  18   27 WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty F 2034 IND  4½  2179 
  19   24     Arnold Rhys             2087 NED  4½  2178 
  20   14 FM  Van Kooten Luuk         2255 NED  4½  2155 
  21   23     Van Helvoort Rob        2105 NED  4½  2115 
  22   35 WFM Margadgua Erdenebayar F 1848 MGL  4   2199 
  23   20 FM  Kett Tim                2130 WLS  4   2156 
  24   30     Fehr Axel  Dr.          2011 GER  4   2131 
  25   15     Mueer Sebastian         2230 GER  4   2113 
  26   21     Boeren Jurriaan         2120 NED  4   2094 
  27   29     Van Rootselaar Rik      2015 NED  3½  2244 
  28   36     Zecha Oscar             1838 NED  3½  2124 
  29   28     Hoffman Ron             2032 NED  3½  2123 
  30   34     Nijdam Brian            1918 NED  3½  2117 
  31   25     Duchene Rene            2065 NED  3   2155 
  32   31     Boersma Jan             1997 NED  3   2122 
  33   26     Boer Alef               2058 NED  3   2111 
  34   18     Goudriaan Rafael        2153 NED  3   2092 
  35   22 FM  Vogel Jaap              2106 NED  3   2065 
  36   17     Mellema Andries         2160 NED  1½  2186


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