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10 Days 728 : 10.07.2023

Chess games 10401
Chess tournaments 69

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Hebraica BRA, 31st Open

Rank SNo.     Name                                 Rtg FED Gr  Pts Res. BH. BH. Vict 
   1    6 NM  Da Silva Lucas Pereira Mendes       1921 BRA      6   0   20½ 23½  6   
   2    4 NM  Miquelin Nicolas Seoane             2103 BRA      5   0   21½ 24   5   
   3    5 NM  Rodrigues Leonardo De Miranda       2067 BRA      5   0   21  23   5   
   4    2 FM  Silva Kaua Marques                  2215 BRA 18   5   0   20½ 22½  5   
   5   10 NM  Ohara Matheus Kendi                 1790 BRA      5   0   20  23   5   
   6   13 NM  Lacerda Vinicius                    1776 BRA      5   0   15  17   5   
   7    7 NM  Cruz Natan Gomes                    1901 BRA     4½   0   19½ 21½  4   
   8   34     Munhoz Joao Pedro                   1545 BRA     4½   0   19  20   4   
   9    1     Marques Joao Paulo Cassemiro        2226 BRA     4½   0   18½ 20   4   
  10    8 NM  De Paula Luan Araujo                1863 BRA     4½   0   16½ 19   4   
  11   12     Dos Santos Fabricio Ferreira        1788 BRA     4½   0   16½ 19   3   
  12   41     Bonilla Viamonte Diego Armando      1494 VEN 18  4½   0   16½ 17½  4   
  13   49     Miranda Bianca                      1435 BRA 20   4   0   22  24½  3   
  14   58 ACM De Fassio Davi Dos Santos           1349 BRA 10   4   0   19½ 21½  3   
  15   16     Itagyba Renan Fortes                1732 BRA      4   0   18½ 21   4   
  16   19     Silvestre Gilmar Severino           1714 BRA      4   0   18½ 21   3   
  17   27 NM  De Paula Bruno Cesar Lima           1650 BRA      4   0   18  20   2   
  18   17 NM  Sangiovanni Marcello Gouveia        1730 BRA      4   0   17½ 20   4   
  19   15 NM  Mangini Bruno Fernandes             1734 BRA      4   0   17½ 20   3   
  20   48     Silva Henrique Brasil Barrientos    1448 BRA 14   4   0   16½ 18½  4   
  21   59     Marcal David Hakak                  1325 BRA 20   4   0   16½ 18   3   
  22   78     Santos Felipe Zeuli Biller dos      1800 BRA 12   4   0   15½ 17½  4   
  23   74     Nicacio Daniel Ramos                1800 BRA 16   4   0   14½ 16½  3   
  24   37     Barbosa Luan Valerio                1524 BRA      4   0   14½ 16   4   
  25   20 NM  Faris Rafael De Araujo              1714 BRA     3½   0   20  22½  3   
  26   11     Wunderlich Fabian                   1789 GER     3½   0   19  21½  3   
  27   30     Palatnic Armando                    1598 BRA VET 3½   0   19  21   2   
  28   24     De Resende Sidnei                   1681 BRA     3½   0   18  19½  3   
  29   28 NM  De Menezes Ricardo Fagner Dias      1649 BRA     3½   0   17  19   3   
  30   44     Fernandini Felipe Piacente          1477 BRA     3½   0   17  18½  3   
  31   25     Vieira Alexandre Letizio            1674 BRA VET 3½   0   16½ 18½  3   
       39     De Melo Andre Nascimento            1519 BRA 20  3½   0   16½ 18½  3   
  33   23     Matsura Eduardo                     1691 BRA VET 3½   0   16  17½  2   
  34   32     Americano Lucca Casarini            1573 BRA 18  3½   0   15½ 17   3   
  35   53     Ferreira Fernando Goncalves         1407 BRA     3½   0   15½ 16½  3   
  36   38     Bacha Helio Arthur                  1522 BRA VET 3½   0   15  17   2   
  37    3 FM  Marra Eduardo Da Costa              2205 BRA      3   0   21  24   3   
  38   36     Machado Marcos Donizete             1529 BRA      3   0   19½ 22   3   
  39   21     Moreira Paulo Vinicius Macedo       1705 BRA      3   0   19½ 21½  3   
  40   33     Usui Gabriella Yumi                 1554 BRA 14   3   0   19  21   2   
  41   76     Bianchi Eduardo Neto                1800 BRA      3   0   18  20   1   
  42   55     Davidovici Ariel Roizenblatt        1393 BRA 16   3   0   17½ 19½  2   
  43   64     Leal Guilherme Alves De Souza       1215 BRA 14   3   0   17  19   3   
  44   42     Vianna Tulio Lima                   1489 BRA      3   0   17  19   2   
  45   60     De Souza Ricardo Alves              1301 BRA      3   0   16½ 17½  2   
  46   45     Fernandes Beatriz                   1475 BRA 14   3   0   16  17½  2   
  47   43     Wieselberg Ronaldo Jose Pineda      1480 BRA      3   0   16  16   3   
  48   31     Santos Marcos Correia               1588 BRA      3   0   15½ 17½  1   
  49   66     Bacha Adriano                       1210 BRA      3   0   14½ 15   3   
  50   63     Zamlutti Junior Rene                1233 BRA      3   0   13½ 14   2   
  51   61     Simao Davi Ribeiro                  1284 BRA 12   3   0   12½ 13½  3   
  52   40 NM  Bokhonok Tatiana Dos Santos Spineva 1505 BRA 14   3   0   12½ 13   3   
  53   52     Marmilli Matheus Bellentani         1420 BRA      3   0   12  13½  2   
  54   56     Rodrigues Gabriel Estevao           1380 BRA     2½   0   17½ 20   1   
  55   67     Kosminsky Max Berger                1204 BRA 14  2½   0   17  19   2   
  56   47     Tobal Vitor Jose Evangelista        1456 BRA 18  2½   0   16½ 18½  2   
  57   83     Assi Vinicius De Camargo Bou        1800 BRA 18  2½   0   16  18½  2   
  58   87     Safadi Mariana                      1701 BRA     2½   0   15  16½  1   
  59   54     Vanderlei Jose Cicero               1398 BRA     2½   0   15  15½  2   
  60   57     Da Silva Gabriel Gomes              1375 BRA     2½   0   14½ 15½  2   
  61   73     Santoro Camila Correa               1800 BRA     2½   0   14  16   2   
       81     Gildin Patrick                      1800 BRA 12  2½   0   14  16   2   
  63   50     Fantinati Nilton M. Nascimento      1433 BRA     2½   0   14  15½  2   
  64   89     Rodrigues Daniel Martins               0 BRA     2½   0   14  15½  1   
  65   93     Gonçalves Marcelo Versiani             0 BRA     2½   0   14  15   1   
  66   26     Bolsoni Danilo Segateli             1661 BRA     2½   0   13  14½  2   
  67   14 NM  Komatu Felipe Karczewski            1766 BRA 16   2   0   19  21½  1   
  68    9     Cardozo Matheus Santos              1822 BRA      2   0   18½ 21   2   
  69   35 NM  Muniz Henrique Rocha                1534 BRA 10   2   0   18½ 20½  2   
  70   22     Fernandes Thuane Teixeira           1694 BRA      2   0   16  19   1   
  71   18     De Assis Rubens Mesquita            1727 BRA      2   0   16  18   2   
       72     Torres Joao Pedro Silva             1803 BRA      2   0   16  18   2   
  73   62     Gongora Valmir                      1281 BRA VET  2   0   16  16   2   
  74   75     Fonseca Daniel Tiepo                1800 BRA      2   0   15  16   1   
  75   70     Sangiovanni Marcello Cordeiro       1066 BRA      2   0   14½ 14½  2   
  76   65     Michelsohn Rafael                   1214 BRA      2   0   14  16   2   
  77   51     Kuribara Victor Kenzo               1427 BRA 14   2   0   13  14   1   
  78   80     Martinez Narek Caycedo              1800 BRA 12   2   0   12½ 14½  0   
  79   82     Fontana Filho Richard Touceda       1800 BRA     1½   0   17½ 19   1   
  80   69     Leite Lucas Bueno De Oliveira       1123 BRA     1½   0   17  19   1   
  81   68     Antoniassi Vinicius Dias            1138 BRA 18  1½   0   16½ 19   1   
  82   79     Gobbi Juliana Kaori                 1800 BRA 10  1½   0   15  16½  1   
  83   46     Sulz Isaque Sathler                 1464 BRA     1½   0   14½ 16½  1   
  84   86     Reis Davi De Castro                 1745 BRA     1½   0   14  14½  1   
  85   91     Casoni Gabriel de Freitas              0 BRA     1½   0   14  14   1   
  86   77     Takahara Fabio                      1800 BRA 10  1½   0   12½ 12½  1   
  87   85     Branco Bortoletto Renato M P N      1760 BRA 08   1   0   16  16   1   
  88   71     Roncolatto Joao Pedro Brentani      1043 BRA      1   0   15½ 17½  0   
  89   94     Harati Walid Zayan                     0 BRA 20   1   0   14½ 16½  1   
  90   84     Rodrigues Teodoro                   1761 BRA 18   1   0   13  13   0   
  91   92     Ramos Guilherme Ferreira Martins       0 BRA 20   1   0   12½ 14   1   
  92   90     Vieira Felipe Wey                      0 BRA      0   0   11½ 12½  0   
  93   29     Borin Ivan                          1619 BRA      0   0   10½ 11½  0   
       88     Santos Camila Marinho Godoi         1598 BRA      0   0   10½ 11½  0 


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