For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 739 : 01.11.2023

Chess games 9482
Chess tournaments 66

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Guernsey ENG, 47th Open

Rank SNo.    Name                           Rtg FED Club          Type Pts. Fide BH. Vict 
   1    1 IM Grieve Harry                  2458 ENG                     6   25½  21   5   
   2    3 GM Arkell Keith C                2355 ENG               S50   6    25  21½  5   
   3    2 GM Gormally Daniel W             2443 ENG                     6   24½  22   5   
   4   13    Collier David O               1968 ENG               S65   4½   18  19   2   
   5    7    Dilleigh Stephen P            2031 ENG               S65   4½  14½  17   3   
   6   36    Hertog Alexander              1626 ENG               U16   4   19½  21   3   
   7    9 CM Thurlow Kevin J               2020 ENG               S65   4    19  20½  3   
   8   15    Browning Isaac                1962 SCO                     4    19  19½  3   
   9    8    Curtis John E                 2021 ENG               S50   4   17½  19½  1   
  10    4 FM Giulian Philip M              2081 SCO               S65   4    17  18½  2   
  11    5    Punnett Alan K                2071 ENG               S65   4   16½  18   2   
  12   28    Stockham Oliver               1806 ENG               U16   4    16  18   2   
  13   12 CM Rosen Daniel B                1981 ENG               S50   4    16  16   2   
  14   11    Kraft Karl-Heinz  Prof. Dr.   1993 GER               S65   4   14½  17   3   
  15   20    Campbell Ian                  1920 ENG               S65   3½   15  20   2   
  16   18 CM Rowe Peter                    1938 GCI               S65   3½   15  17   1   
  17   25    Giulian Rosemary A          F 1866 SCO               S50   3½  14½  18½  2   
  18   10 FM Hamperl Fred                  1998 GCI               S50   3½  14½  17½  1   
  19    6    Wager John D                  2047 ENG               S65   3½   14  16   2   
  20   14    Santos Joao Artur Almeida     1964 POR                     3½  13½  15   2   
  21   19    Strade Arita                F 1926 GCI                     3½   13  17   3   
  22   27    Gravett Alan D                1810 ENG               S65   3½  12½  18   2   
  23   29    Kennedy Craig                 1797 SCO               S50   3½   10  15   2   
  24   31    Morgan Jamie                  1774 GCI               S50   3   11½  16½  1   
  25   35    Cheng Louis                   1692 SCO               U10   3   11½  15½  1   
  26   32    Kirk Matthew                  1747 GCI                     3    8½  15   1   
  27   16    Levesque Guillaume            1952 FRA                     2½  14½  19   2   
  28   23    Goris Ton                     1881 NED               S65   2½  13½  19   1   
  29   24    Dijksterhuis Rolf             1872 NED               S50   2½  10½  17½  0   
  30   17    Heppell Ian N                 1944 ENG               S65   2½   7½  14   0   
  31   30    Ingham H William              1787 ENG               S65   2    11  17½  0   
  32   37    Van Ree Thailo                   0 NED De Rode Loper       2    9   16   1   
  33   22    De Kruif Kees                 1887 NED               S65   2    7   14   1   
  34   33    Downey Keith                  1742 WLS               S65   2    6½  13½  0   
  35   26 CM Forbes Garry                  1834 JCI                     1½   7½  15½  1   
  36   21    Hawkins James N H             1907 ENG               S65   1½   6½  14½  0   
  37   34    Murray J Stephen              1702 SCO               S65   1½   5½  15   0   


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