For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 766 : 01.08.2024

Chess games 12538
Chess tournaments 73

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Greifswald GER, Ryck Open 2024

Ryck-Open 2024

Organizer(s) : Schach Events Guido Springer
Tournament Director : Springer, Guido 4669177
Chief Arbiter : Springer, Guido 4669177
Town : Greifswald
Rating-Ø : 1691
Date : 2024/07/24 To 2024/07/28

Final ranking

Rank SNo. Name                      Rtg FED Type Pts ratP BH/C1 PS  
   1    8 Walz Fabian              1760 GER U20   6  2058  25   25½ 
   2    1 Onasch Gunnar            1959 GER S60   5  1878  24   18  
   3   10 Glatz Okke               1722 GER U20   5  1876  26   19½ 
   4    3 Krause Enrico            1850 GER U20  4½  1781  25   19½ 
   5   13 Eschrig Immanuel         1663 GER U16   4  1768  21   15  
   6   11 Klöpzig Mathis Lennart   1696 GER U20   4  1766  20½  15  
   7   16 Karberg Willi            1489 GER       4  1735  22½  13½ 
   8    6 Quiram Arne              1786 GER U20  3½  1723  27½  15½ 
   9    2 Wolter Günter            1870 GER S60  3½  1706  21   14  
  10   12 Willam Max Bastian       1673 GER U20  3½  1672  21½  13  
  11    7 Pitz Marko               1776 GER       3  1708  26½  16  
  12    9 Quiram Heiko             1748 GER       3  1642  22   12  
  13    4 Jepp Wolfgang            1809 GER S60   3  1638  20   13  
  14   14 Vakeel Eshwar            1618 GER U16   3  1600  19½  12½ 
  15   15 Hartung Kim              1598 GER U16   2  1488  21    9  
  16    5 Stegmann Jens            1809 GER S60  1½  1618  18½  7½  
  17   17 Helbig Frieda          F  920 GER U16  1½  1285  23   7½ 


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