For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 729 : 20.07.2023

Chess games 9400
Chess tournaments 62

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Flims SUI, Open July 2023

Rank SNo.    Name                     Rtg FED Type  Gr   Pts BH. BH. RtgØ 
   1    3    Rappazzo Johannes       2060 SUI U16        4½  12½ 11½ 1888 
   2    2 IM Borsos Bogdan           2121 UKR            3½  15  13  1962 
   3    1    Ziegler Philipp         2171 GER             3  16  13½ 1963 
   4    6    Zhang Brian             1966 CAN U16  no T1  3  13½ 11½ 2017 
   5    4    Deuber Roman            2051 SUI             3  12½ 11½ 1837 
   6    8    Bestehorn Markus Daniel 1616 SUI            2½  14½ 12½ 1785 
   7    5    Boschetti Claudio       2003 SUI S60    x   2½  12½ 12  1729 
   8   11    Ziegler Jamie Elias     1360 SGP U16        2½  9½   9  1595 
   9    9    Steiner Mario           1560 SUI             2  11½ 11  1687 
  10    7    Zhang Michelle          1772 CAN U16  no T1  2  11½ 10½ 1618 
  11   10    Hies Norbert            1529 SUI             1  13  12½ 1650 
  12   12    Ziegler Isaac           1006 SGP U16         1   9   8  1490 


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