For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 693 : 20.07.2022

Chess games 10163
Chess tournaments 90

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Edinburgh SCO, Scottish Ch 2022

Rank SNo.    Name                Rtg FED Type Gr Pts. ratP 
   1    5 FM Abdulla Murad      2287 SCO          6½  2361 
   2    3 FM Ruxton Keith       2316 SCO S50      6½  2317 
   3   11    Koehn Lennart      2098 SCO          5½  2315 
   4    4 FM Berry Neil         2288 SCO          5   2252 
   5    7 FM Burnett Andrew     2231 SCO S50      5   2220 
   6    2 IM Bryson Douglas M   2329 SCO S65      5   2198 
   7    1 IM Dunnington Angus J 2378 SCO S50      5   2191 
   8    9 IM Mckay Roderick M   2203 SCO S65      5   2180 
   9   13 IM Orr Mark J L       2080 IRL S65      5   2109 
  10    8 FM Morrison Graham    2223 SCO S50      4½  2215 
  11    6 IM Pritchett Craig W  2248 SCO S65      4½  2145 
  12   12    Maxwell Daniel     2091 SCO          4½  2144 
  13   16    Madhavan Sanjith   1728 SCO U16      3½  2035 
  14   14    Stevenson James    1984 SCO S50      3   1989 
  15   15    Mckay Jonathan     1897 SCO      A   3   1988 
  16   10    Farrell Neil       2165 SCO S50      ½   1205


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