For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 728 : 10.07.2023

Chess games 10401
Chess tournaments 69

View all included tournaments

Davos SUI, Open June 2023

Rank SNo.    Name                     Rtg FED Type  Gr  Pts BH. BH. RtgØ 
   1    5    Carre' Sylvain          2077 FRA           4½  16  14  1865 
   2    1 IM Langheinrich Ferenc     2379 GER            4  17½ 15  1998 
   3    4 IM Borsos Bogdan           2144 UKR            4  16  14  2011 
   4    8    Schellenberg Simon      2023 SUI U16        4  15½ 14  1974 
   5   11    Boschetti Claudio       2000 SUI S60        4  15½ 13½ 1965 
   6   10    Paleologu Vladimir      2002 SUI            4  14  12  1830 
   7   14    Zhuang Yongzhe          1899 SUI            4  13  12  1828 
   8    7    Karnaukh Anatolij       2042 UKR S60        3  16  14  1918 
   9    2    Mueller Magnus          2210 GER            3  16  13½ 1920 
  10    9    Ungureanu Sandu         2020 ROU            3  14½ 13  1748 
  11   19    Baisynov Islambek       1768 KGZ            3  14  13  1714 
  12    6 FM Adzic Slobodan          2054 SUI S60        3  14  12  1918 
  13   12    Hirt Markus             1990 SUI S60        3  13½ 12  1933 
  14   15    Berger Guillaume        1851 FRA            3  12½ 12  1616 
  15   22    Tinguely Frédéric       1726 SUI            3  12  10½ 1782 
  16   21    Sidler Raoul            1726 SUI            3  10½  9  1615 
  17   17    Zecirovic Giacomo       1809 SUI            3   9   9  1573 
  18    3    Eggeling Philipp        2165 GER           2½  14  12  1872 
  19   20    Cassens Heiko           1768 GER S60       2½  13½ 12  1804 
  20   16    Gevorgyan Grigor        1816 ARM           2½  12  11  1612 
  21   13    Mata Adilson            1937 POR      NOT1 2½  12  10½ 1573 
  22   25    Deelwater Michael       1659 SUI            2  14  13  1727 
  23   38    Sahraei Pedram             0 SUI            2  14  12  1852 
  24   24    Britschgi Carmen        1685 SUI            2  13½ 13  1702 
  25   18    Matei Robert            1808 SUI            2  13½ 12  1693 
  26   23    Kaczmarek Michal        1715 POL            2  13  12  1782 
  27   28    Morotti Elisa           1540 SUI            2  10½ 9½  1578 
  28   29    Fuechslin Tobias  Dr.   1534 SUI            2  10  10  1541 
  29   26    Lanois Hervé            1624 SUI            2  9½  9½  1605 
  30   30    Hies Norbert            1529 SUI            2  9½  9½  1545 
  31   27    Spalinger Pascal        1566 SUI           1½  12½ 11  1607 
  32   31    Sosa Nesper Marcos Ivan 1520 SUI           1½  10½ 9½  1593 
  33   36    Riser Christoph            0 SUI S60       1½   8  7½  1519 
  34   37    Sahraei Iven               0 SUI U16        1  10   9  1560 
  35   32    Milceva Tatiana         1334 ITA            1  9½   9  1488 
  36   34    Christoffel Lina           0 SUI U16        1   8   8  1399 
  37   33    Tuor Elena              1286 SUI S60        ½  9½  8½  1480 
  38   35    Pisciotta Lucas L.         0 SUI            0  10   9  1499 


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