For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 767 : 10.08.2024

Chess games 8302
Chess tournaments 54

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Davos SUI, Amateur Open 2024

Davos Sommer Festival 2024

- Amateur Open (max 2399 Elo)

Organizer(s) : Claudio Boschetti - Swiss CHess Tour
Tournament Director : IA Jean Dominique Coqueraut (ITA) 811343
Chief Arbiter : IA Jean Dominique Coqueraut (ITA) 811343
Deputy Chief Arbiter : NA Claudio Boschetti (SUI) 1300920
Town : Mountain Plaza Hotel****, Oberwiesstrasse 3, CH–7270 Davos
Rating-Ø : 1793
Date : 2024/08/02 To 2024/08/04

Final ranking

Rank SNo.    Name                     Rtg FED Type      Gr       Pts BH  BH/C1 RtgØ 
   1    2    Frostick Clive A        2161 ENG S60                4½  16   13½  1937 
   2   11    Senn Roland             1967 SUI          NO T1      4  15   13   1919 
   3    3 FM Gransky Michael         2130 ISR S60                 4  13½  11½  1894 
   4    4    Boschetti Claudio       2090 SUI S60                 4  13   11   1920 
   5   45    Gao Ruoya             F 1546 CHN U16                 4  11½  10½  1874 
   6   26    Hesse Raphael           1826 SUI                     4  11   10   1843 
   7   16    Delmonico Nils          1933 SUI                    3½  16½  14½  1898 
   8    1    Hofmann Martin          2188 GER                    3½  12½  11   1888 
   9    6    Gloor Claudio           2070 SUI                    3½  11½  10   1875 
  10    5    Carre' Sylvain          2071 FRA                     3  18½  15½  1971 
  11   17    Portmann Daniel         1926 SUI                     3  14½  12½  1834 
  12   14    Marty Fridolin          1941 SUI                     3  14½  12½  1749 
  13   10    Kulikov Mikhail L.      1969 CFR                     3  14   12½  1789 
  14   42    Thombre Vihaan          1592 GER U16                 3  14   12   1886 
  15   20    Steiner Mario           1893 SUI                     3  14   12   1760 
  16   22    Rossier Gilles          1881 SUI                     3  13½  13   1890 
  17   19    Arquint Andri           1913 SUI                     3  13½  12½  1883 
  18    8 FM Adzic Slobodan          2005 SUI S60                 3  13   12   1843 
  19   13    Matei Robert            1950 SUI                     3  13   11½  1732 
  20   28    Petitto Francesco       1795 GER                     3  12½  10½  1839 
  21   12    Hirzel Martin           1951 SUI                     3  12   10   1816 
  22   32    Marmy Milo              1746 SUI U16                 3  10    9   1724 
  23   23    Ferrari Nicola          1854 SUI          NO T1     2½  14   13   1747 
  24   24    Minerva Enzo            1849 ITA S60                2½  13   12   1739 
  25   21    Frostick Helen M      F 1888 ENG S60                2½  10    9   1674 
  26   38    Bhingare Joshua         1628 SUI U16                2½  8½    8   1555 
  27   31    Rudolph Alexander       1771 GER U16                 2  16   14   1965 
  28   18    Steinbach Peter         1922 GER                     2  15½  13½  1899 
  29   15    Schubert Martin         1939 GER                     2  15   13½  1894 
  30    9    Guba Viktor             1974 AUT U16                 2  14½  12½  1813 
  31   27    Lanois Hervé            1810 SUI                     2  13½  12½  1706 
  32   41    Gegner Matthias         1606 GER                     2  13½  12   1851 
  33   30    Doenitz Julian          1785 GER U16                 2  13   12   1716 
  34   29    Stepanians Markus       1791 SUI S60                 2  12½  11   1813 
  35   37    Semadeni Mario          1645 SUI                     2  11   10   1754 
  36   39    Burri Roland            1608 SUI S60                 2  10    9   1572 
  37   43    Gheorghiu Alexandru     1582 SUI U16                 2  8½   7½   1779 
  38   35    Sigg David              1675 SUI U16                 2   8    7   1590 
  39    7    Bender Dirk             2022 GER S60      NO T3     1½  14½  12   1830 
  40   25    Seglias Reto            1836 SUI                    1½  13   12   1614 
  41   36    Gheorghiu Gabriel-Ion   1648 ROU S60                1½  11½  11   1719 
  42   40    Marmy Loane             1607 SUI U16                1½  10   9½   1720 
  43   34    Spalinger Pascal        1719 SUI      no FSS- NO T1 1½  10    9   1580 
  44   49    Eykher Leo              1200 SUI U16                1½   9   8½   1570 
  45   44    Bhingare Rohit Satish   1558 SUI                     1  13½  11½  1761 
  46   33    Gheorghiu Harry         1731 ROU                     1  12½  11½  1657 
  47   47    Christoffel Lina      F 1324 SUI U16      NO T1      1  10    9   1694 
  48   50    Gao Zhuozhi                0 CHN U16                 1  10   8½   1733 
  49   46    Tuor Elena            F 1526 SUI S60                 1  9½   8½   1667 
  50   48    Jenny Karin           F 1208 SUI S60                 1  8½   8½   1553


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