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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 757 : 01.05.2024

Chess games 6487
Chess tournaments 53

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Cuenca ECU, Crespi Mem 2024


Organizer(s) : TECNI CLUB
Tournament Director : Dr. Pablo Minda
Chief Arbiter : Menendez Garcia, Dynaryn 3614794
Deputy Chief Arbiter : Alvarado Alvarado, Eliu 3601587
Arbiter : Ladines Flores, Gabriela 3605728
Rating-Ø : 1625
Date : 2024/04/24 To 2024/04/28

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                                    Rtg FED Type Pts Res. ratP WIN BH/C1 BH  
   1    4 IM  Santos Flores Alberto                  2183 ECU      7½   0   2153  6   46   50  
   2   24     Caiza Perez Cristian                   1894 ECU       7   0   2132  6   45   49  
   3    3     Garzon Zapatanga Christopher Leonel    2193 ECU U16   7   0   2109  5   43½  47½ 
   4   29     Norona Obaco Wenceslao                 1828 ECU      6½   0   2160  4   45   49  
   5    7 FM  Munoz Sanchez Jhon                     2132 ECU      6½   0   2103  4   45   49  
   6   17     Badillo Ramos Steve                    1997 ECU U18  6½   0   2075  4   45½  49½ 
   7    8 CM  Aspiazu Sibri Marlon                   2092 ECU      6½   0   2072  4   47   50½ 
   8    6 FM  Esmeraldas Huachi Anderson             2148 ECU U20  6½   0   2017  6   45   49  
   9   11     Reinoso Daniel                         2055 ECU      6½   0   2016  6   45½  48  
  10    2 IM  Munoz Sanchez Miguel                   2202 ECU      6½   0   2011  6   45   48½ 
  11   20     Jaramillo Arce Braulio David           1959 ECU      6½   0   2002  6   42½  46½ 
  12   32     Ochoa Simisterra Abraham David         1786 ECU      6½   0   1994  5   45   48½ 
  13   16 IM  Pazos Gambarrotti Plinio               2005 ECU       6   0   2036  5   47   51½ 
  14   13     Saltos Velez Adrian                    2032 ECU       6   0   2035  4   46½  50½ 
  15    1 FM  Noboa Silva Kevin                      2305 ECU       6   0   2029  4   47½  51½ 
  16   44     Lopez Revelo Luis                      1681 ECU U20   6   0   2016  5   43   47  
  17   15     Wong Pages Juan                        2014 ECU U20   6   0   2001  4   45   48½ 
  18   26     Ruiz Zurita Cesar                      1886 ECU U18   6   0   1979  6   43   46½ 
  19   23     Chilan Villa Andres Jesus              1906 ECU U16   6   0   1933  6   46½  50½ 
  20    5     Carrasco Jacome Bryan                  2151 ECU       6   0   1928  5   40   44  
  21   25     Mancheno Barahona Matias Gabriel       1891 ECU U14   6   0   1918  5   41½  45½ 
  22    9 IM  Leon Calderon Jonathan                 2073 ECU       6   0   1868  4   42   45½ 
  23   27     Orozco Aguilera Pablo                  1873 ECU U18   6   0   1756  5   38   42  
  24   30 AFM Giler Moncayo Boris Antonio            1821 ECU U16  5½   0   1885  4   39½  43½ 
  25   28     Montano Velasco Matias Khaleb          1835 ECU U14  5½   0   1877  5   43   47  
  26   35     Vargas Sotelo Victor                   1761 ECU U18  5½   0   1853  5   43   47  
  27   31 AIM Garcia De La Rosa Daniel Vladimir      1789 ECU U14  5½   0   1840  5   42   46  
  28   50     Atiencia Penaloza Cristian Damia       1630 ECU U16  5½   0   1820  4   39½  41½ 
  29   48     Cevallos Mendoza Carlos Alejandro      1645 ECU U18  5½   0   1798  4   37   39½ 
  30   54     Abril Munoz Ernesto Javier             1583 ECU U16  5½   0   1790  5   40½  44  
  31   12 FM  Guerrero Fuentes Carlos                2044 ECU      5½   0   1787  5   40   44  
  32   10 CM  Mendoza Criollo Carlos David           2058 ECU      5½   0   1756  5   40   44  
  33   56     Bravo Cabrera Cesar Daniel             1567 ECU U14  5½   0   1751  5   39   42  
  34   18     Chang Suarez Andres                    1976 ECU      5½   0   1680  4   38½  42  
  35   43     Rubio Chanchay Ostin Jose              1700 ECU U16   5   0   1800  4   40   42  
  36   39 CM  Pianchiche Acero Miyamu Nillu          1719 ECU U16   5   0   1784  5   40½  43  
  37   38     Tapia Tarambias Milton David           1727 ECU       5   0   1783  5   41½  44½ 
  38   47     Jaramillo Carrillo Johan Alejand       1676 ECU U14   5   0   1764  4   38   41  
  39   52     Mariduena Villa Eduardo Josue          1602 ECU U14   5   0   1735  4   39   41  
  40   36 AIM Cajamarca Gordillo Sebastian Alejandro 1741 ECU U12   5   0   1716  4   40   43  
  41   57     Anton Calderon Carlos                  1532 ECU       5   0   1676  4   35½  39  
  42   68     Cabrera Guaman Alan Sebastian             0 ECU U16   5   0   1650  5   33½  35½ 
  43   55     Romero Acevedo Jozef Isaac             1575 ECU U12   5   0   1628  5   33½  36½ 
  44   37     Quinde Rizzo Hugo                      1729 ECU U20   5   0   1626  5   39½  43  
  45   21     Benitez Luzuriaga Williams Patri       1943 ECU       5   0   1507  5   31½  33½ 
  46   22     Guerrero Cajeca Matias Israel          1908 ECU U14  4½   0   1815  3   45½  48  
  47   14     Tenesaca Argudo Juan                   2017 ECU      4½   0   1791  3   44½  47½ 
  48   46 AFM Herrera Vargas Juan Carlos             1677 ECU      4½   0   1783  4   39   41½ 
  49   40     Galarza Chalco Sebastian Alexand       1719 ECU U20  4½   0   1726  4   40   44  
  50   49     Quinde Corte Christian Josue           1636 ECU U20  4½   0   1711  3   38   42  
  51   45     Paute Arizaga Angel Samuel             1678 ECU      4½   0   1707  4   41   44  
  52   34     Cargua Inca Mateo                      1767 ECU U16  4½   0   1697  4   43   45½ 
  53   97     Narvaez Arteaga Jhon                      0 ECU      4½   0   1697  4   41   45½ 
  54   74     Crespo Molina Jeick Josue                 0 ECU      4½   0   1672  2   37   40½ 
  55   42     Sanchez Anazco David Emanuel           1704 ECU      4½   0   1668  4   39   41½ 
  56   19     Morales Castillo Marco                 1974 ECU      4½   0   1645  3   38½  42½ 
  57   61     Giler Moncayo Isaac Guillermo          1504 ECU U14  4½   0   1616  4   34½  37  
  58   53     Novillo Rodriguez Isaac                1586 ECU U18  4½   0   1596  4   39   42  
  59   41     Velin Vizuma Juan Pablo                1705 ECU U20  4½   0   1526  4   35½  39  
  60  115     Tola Lazo David Sebastian                 0 ECU U18  4½   0   1525  4   33½  35½ 
  61   70     Cajas Toapanta Jahir Manuel               0 ECU U20  4½   0   1506  3   33½  36½ 
  62   64     Erazo Molina Pavel                     1453 ECU U14   4   0   1623  3   36½  39  
  63   63     Gualotuna Duran Dante Alfredo          1489 ECU       4   0   1616  4   35½  37½ 
  64   58     Aguirre Araujo Angel Alfonso           1530 ECU       4   0   1600  4   33½  35½ 
  65   62     Astaiza Noguera Alejandro Matius       1497 ECU U14   4   0   1570  4   34½  36½ 
  66   33     Velastegui Lara Joel                   1774 ECU       4   0   1527  3   39½  41½ 
  67   78     Duchi Abad Lennin Damian                  0 ECU U14   4   0   1513  4   35   37  
  68   99     Ortega Gonzaga Fausto Abrahan             0 ECU U14   4   0   1491  3   33   35½ 
  69  100     Pesantez Alvarez Luis Gabriel             0 ECU       4   0   1487  4   36   39  
  70   65     Lindao Goyes Victor Samuel             1416 ECU U12   4   0   1482  4   32½  34½ 
  71   60     Cozar Montenegro Josep                 1505 ECU U14   4   0   1451  3   32   34½ 
  72   87     Jara Garcia Marcos Fernando               0 ECU       4   0   1442  4   32½  35½ 
  73  111     Rodriguez Serrano Uriel                   0 ECU U16   4   0   1406  4   35   37½ 
  74   98     Narvaez Cardenas Jimmy Andres             0 ECU U18  3½   0   1631  3   36½  40  
  75   91     Lasso Leon Jeremy Nicolas                 0 ECU U14  3½   0   1493  3   35½  38  
  76   90     Juca Montalvan Oliver Vladimir            0 ECU      3½   0   1493  3   32   34½ 
  77   72     Campozano Reyes John Paul                 0 ECU U14  3½   0   1445  3   32½  35  
  78  113     Sanchez Fierro Julian                     0 ECU U14  3½   0   1418  3   35½  37  
  79   66     Arcos Rodriguez Abdon Nicolas             0 ECU U10  3½   0   1408  3   30½  32  
  80   95     Mejia Perez Juan Andres                   0 ECU U16  3½   0   1320  3   31   33  
  81   83     Hellemann Uzhca Demian Fernando           0 ECU      3½   0   1127  3   29   31½ 
  82  116     Toledo Samaniego Josue David              0 ECU U14   3   0   1504  3   36   38½ 
  83   67     Bernal Sigchi Sergio Joel                 0 ECU       3   0   1493  3   31   33  
  84  112     Romero Iniguez Jaime Esteban              0 ECU       3   0   1360  3   34   36½ 
  85  104     Pita Aguinda Luis Adrian                  0 ECU U10   3   0   1322  3   28   29½ 
  86  105     Quichimbo Tenesaca Alan Leonel            0 ECU       3   0   1321  3   28   30½ 
  87  106     Quito Leon Pablo Andres                   0 ECU U16   3   0   1306  3   27   28½ 
  88   69     Caibinagua Pena Matias Alejandro          0 ECU      2½   0   1349  2   34½  37  
  89  107     Ramirez Leon Cristopher Josue             0 ECU U12  2½   0   1315  2   30   32½ 
  90   93     Llangari Montenegro Dylan Ariel           0 ECU U12  2½   0   1245  2   30   32  
  91   92     Lindao Goyes Elias Emanuel                0 ECU U10  2½   0   1210  2   29   31  
  92   80     Galarza Inga Franco Xavier                0 ECU U16   2   0   1309  2   28½  30  
  93  109     Remache Alvarez Jeffrey Sebastia          0 ECU U12   2   0   1238  2   30   32  
  94   71     Campoverde Munoz Jorge Emanuel            0 ECU U14   2   0   1207  2   25   26  
  95   79     Freijoo Tarira Diego Nicolas              0 ECU       2   0   814   2   31½  34½ 
  96  114     Tenesaca Luna Joxey Mateo                 0 ECU       1   0   688   1   28   30  
  97  101     Pesantez Lazo Junior Andres               0 ECU U14   1   0   676   1   28½  30½ 
  98   76     Culcay Becerra Esteban Mateo              0 ECU       1   0   600   1   27½  29  
  99  110     Rodas Criollo Miguel Alejandro            0 ECU       1   0    0    1   32   34  
      118     Zhunio Marin Sthefano Sebastian           0 ECU U12   1   0    0    1   32   34  
 101   73     Cordero Chiriboga Juan Pablo              0 ECU       0   0   907   0   24½  25½ 
 102   51     Zambrano Medina Nathan Sebastian       1618 ECU U20   0   0    0    0   26   27  
       59     Machaalani Gilbert                     1509 ECU U16   0   0    0    0   26   27  
       75     Criollo Campoverde Isaac Gabriel          0 ECU U12   0   0    0    0   26   27  
       77     Diaz Alvarez Hernan Plaucio               0 ECU       0   0    0    0   26   27  
       81     Gavilanez Gutierrez Fabricio Andres       0 ECU       0   0    0    0   26   27  
       82     Guana Reino Octavio Sebastian             0 ECU U12   0   0    0    0   26   27  
       84     Hermida Tinoco Daniel Sebastian           0 ECU U12   0   0    0    0   26   27  
       85     Huaita Sanchez Cristian Javier            0 ECU       0   0    0    0   26   27  
       86     Iniguez Roman Mateo Sebastian             0 ECU       0   0    0    0   26   27  
       88     Jimbo Alvarado Ariel Alejandro            0 ECU       0   0    0    0   26   27  
       89     Jimenez Novillo Juan Martin               0 ECU       0   0    0    0   26   27  
       94     Lojano Tenemea Erick Andres               0 ECU       0   0    0    0   26   27  
       96     Montalvan Juca Oliver Vladimir            0 ECU U16   0   0    0    0   26   27  
      102     Pintado Pillco Chisthopher Ruben          0 ECU       0   0    0    0   26   27  
      103     Pintado Pillco Roger Ariel                0 ECU       0   0    0    0   26   27  
      108     Ramos Cuenca Angel Emiliano               0 ECU U12   0   0    0    0   26   27  
      117     Tutillo Maldonado Erick Joel              0 ECU U14   0   0    0    0   26   27 


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